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Item XX ҒАСЫР ҚАЗАҚ БАЛАЛАР ӘДЕБИЕТІНДЕГІ ЖАСӨСПІРІМДЕР БЕЙНЕСІ(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Жұмақаева Б; Давталиева Аружан ТанербергенқызыАңдатпа Мақалада ХХ ғасырдағы қазақ балалар әдебиетінің шығармаларындағы жасөспірімдер образының қалыптасу, даму және өзгеру ерекшеліктері анықталады. Тарихи, әлеуметтік, психологиялық факторлардың ықпалынан жасөспірімдер бейнесінің автор шығармаларында қалай көрініс тапқандығы сараланады. Аталған кезеңнің айшықты туындыларына тоқталып, кейбір образдарға талдау жасалынады. ХХ ғасыр тұсында қазақ әдебиеті жанрлық прогресстерімен ерекшеленеді. Жаңа ғасырдың басталуымен балалар әдебиеті жаңа серпін алып, проза, поэзия, драматургия жанрларында қарыштап дами бастады. ХХ ғасыр қазақ әдебиетінде балалар мен жасөспірімдер образын өз шығармасына арқау ету арқылы, автордың тарихи-әлеуметтік проблемаларды оқырманына жанама жеткізуі де осы заман әдебиетінің ерекшелігіне айналды. Жазушыларымыз бен ақындарымыз жасаған жасөспірімдер образдарының ықпалы, жас ұрпаққа тәрбиелік күші бүгінгі күнге дейін өзектілігін жоймай келеді.Item UPDATING THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES OF A TEACHER IN REFRESHER COURSES(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Taikumanova M.A; Uteubayeva E.AAbstract The relevance of the study is determined by the acute lack of additional training for teachers, which has found its niche in the educational process in Kazakhstan and in the world as a whole. The large-scale rapid transition of educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a distance-learning format in connection with the epidemic threat due to the spread of COVID-19 revealed an urgent need for teachers to acquire and develop professional skills related to the organization and conduct of online training. At the beginning of the research, in order to determine the types of teacher's activities, it was necessary to identify and systematize the range of tasks in the framework of their professional activities. In this regard, we made a diagnosis of the professional difficulties and needs of teachers who completed professional development courses during 2020. The main task of diagnostics based on a questionnaire was to identify the dynamics of changes in educational needs and the choice of preferred forms of professional development. The reliability of the obtained results was ensured by a holistic systematic approach to solving the tasks and problems, the methodological validity of scientific statements, an analysis of domestic and foreign experience and practice of additional education, interpretation of the results based on the selected methods and personal participation in the creation and management of the center of additional education. Thus, the development of the legal framework, the need of teachers and administrative personnel of educational institutions for a free choice of forms of professional development guaranteed by laws create stable prerequisites for the wider involvement of legal entities of various forms of ownership in the process of providing electronic educational services. Therefore, from our point of view, the perception of lifelong learning in the form of refresher courses, as an impulse to improve the teacher and the pedagogical model as a whole is of particular importance.Item КОММУНИКАТИВНЫЕ ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ, ПРЕДОСТАВЛЯЕМЫЕ КАТЕГОРИЯМИ МОДАЛЬНЫХ ГЛАГОЛОВ И НАКЛОНЕНИЙ(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Танина Дамира ОрлановнаАннотация В современном мире возможность влиять на собеседника является важным аспектом для достижения коммуникативной цели, поэтому в данной статье рассматривается один из наиболее спорных вопросов в филологии - понятие модальности и средства выражения модальности. Модальность, которая является лингвистической универсалией, позволяет говорящему не только выразить свое отношение к высказыванию и включить в него необходимое значение, но и придать ему убедительный характер. Так например, умелое использование модальных глаголов в институциональном англоязычном общении помогло не только оказать необходимое эмоциональное воздействие на собеседника, но и изменить его посткоммуникативное поведение. А именно, грамотное внедрение модального глагола mustв сочетании с местоимением we (тактика «Свой круг») в выступления Д. Трампа способствовало его победе на президентских выборах в борьбе с Клинтон: «To make life safe for all of our citizens, we must also address the growing threats from outside the country. ...Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger».[ И.С. Лебедева, И.Д. Романова (2018)] Актуальность статьи заключается в том, что в неймодальные глаголы и наклоненияпредставленыкак инструменты коммуникативно-когнитивного уровня современного дискурса.Item ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНАЯ КОМПЕТЕНЦИЯ КАК ЗНАЧИМОЕ КАЧЕСТВО УЧИТЕЛЯ ИНОСТРАННОГО ЯЗЫКА(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Канбакова М , Утеубаева Э.А.Аннотация Сегодня понятие «компетенция» является чрезвычайно важным и актуальным в условиях современного высшего образования. Огромное количество научных исследований студентов-бакалавров и магистрантов посвящено изучению данного понятия, и не только из нашей страны, но и стран дальнего и ближнего зарубежья. За последние несколько лет накоплен большой пласт научных работ по выявлению понимания этого понятия у студентов бакалавриата и магистратуры, основ развития компетенции у будущих педагогов. Основываясь на данных этих отчетов, мы пришли к выводу, что студенты довольно смутно и неточно понимают сущность понятий «компетенция» и «профессиональная компетенция», а также их значимости для дальнейшей педагогической деятельности. Потому необходима дальнейшая работа, в целях просвещения и обучения студентов. В данной статье характеризуются основы профессиональной компетенции педагога иностранного языка, а также даются обоснования в пользу важности данного понятия в педагогической деятельности. Проведен анализ научных работ зарубежных и отечественных исследователей в рамках темы. Цель данной статьи – проанализировать и раскрыть теоретические основы профессиональной компетенции с точки зрения ее значимости для будущего педагога иностранного языка.Item THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF A CONCEPT OF SPACE GEOMETRY OF STUDENTS IN 5-6 GRADES WHILE STUDYING THE PRINCIPLES OF GEOMETRY(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Alibekova Dinara; Sydykhov BakhytAbstract The high school math program points out the importance of developing students spatiauniqueness of the reflection of the laws of reality by mathematics, the peculiarities of the application of mathematics to the study of the real world, the importance of the formation of skills and abilities necessary in life and in the workplace. The article describes the methods for the formation and development of concept of Space geometry of students of grades 5-6 while studying the principles of geometry, based on a system of expediently selected exercises. There are eight basic techniques that can help to understand and to construct the main formation of Space Geometry and the methods for its implementation in the study of mathematics of students of 5-6 grades. Also there are given special tasks which can be used while studying the bases of space geometry at 5-6 grades.Item PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS’ ATTITUDE TOWARD TEACHING MATHEMATICS WITH TECHNOLOGY(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Ualisheva TotyAbstract The 21st century is impossible to imagine without technology. Everyone knows that online learning is not surprising in the current pandemic. However, is the use of these technologies always convenient for the teacher and how effectively can teachers use the technology in their lessons? The article discusses the approach of secondary school teachers to the learning process using digital technologies. The main forms of teaching mathematics using digital technologies are also presented. In particular, I will consider the problems faced by teachers and the benefits of digital learning. In this article, we used a survey tool, during which we see that many secondary school teachers in Kazakhstan have a positive attitude to digital education and that since the beginning of the pandemic period, teachers have developed professionally in the process of using technology. Analyzing the responses to the survey, it was shown that teachers are highly qualified in the use of technology and actively use technology in their lessons.Item ҚАЗАҚ ТІЛІН БАСҚА ПӘНДЕРМЕН КІРІКТІРЕ ОҚЫТУДА АКСЕОЛОГЕМАЛАРДЫҢ ҚОЛДАНЫЛУЫНЫҢ ТИІМДІ ЖАҚТАРЫ(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Қалқамжай Ж.Т.Аңдатпа Мақалада қазақ тілін басқа пәндермен кіріктіре оқытуда аксеологемалардың қолданылуының тиімді жақтары қарастырылды. Қазақ тіліндегі аксеологемалардың ұлттың өзіндік ерекшелігі, ұлттық мәдениеттің өзгешелігі, ұлттық тілдің байлығы, ұлттық нақыш, ұлттық салт-дәстүрлердің ерекшеліктері функционалды-семантикалық тұрғыдан жіктеліп, айқындалды. Аксеологемаларды білудің мынандай артықшылықтары бар: біріншіден, санадағы әлем бейнесін тереңірек тануға мүмкіндік береді; екіншіден, тілдің ұлттық ерекшеліктерін айқын тануға жол ашады; үшіншіден, тілдік ерекшеліктерді семиотика деңгейінде терең тануға мүмкіндік береді. Бұл ерекшеліктер қазақ тіліндегі фразеологизмдердің, мақал-мәтелдердің және сөздердің семантикасында анық байқалады. Тілдегі осындай тіл бірліктерінің бойындағы ерекшеліктерді жақсы тану білімді игерудің деңгейін жоғарылатады, халықтың танымын, мәдениетін білуге жол ашады. Осы білімдерді әр салаға қарай икемдеу арқылы қазақ тілін басқа пәндермен интеграциялай оқыта аламыз. Мақалада қарастырылатын мәселе – қазақ тілін оқыту әдістемесінің өзекті мәселелерінің бірі. Қазір қазақ тілін басқа пәндермен кіріктіре оқыту, талдау мен терең зерттеу маңызды болып отыр. Осы мәселелерді ескере отырып, біз қазақ тілін басқа пәндермен кіріктіре оқытуда аксеологемаларды бірінші кезектегі мәселелердің бірі деп есептей аламыз.Item СҰРАҒАН РАХМЕТҰЛЫ ШЫҒАРМАЛАРЫНЫҢ ТАНЫМДЫҚ ҚЫРЛАРЫ(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Базархан КенжегүлАңдатпа Қазақ әдебиетінің тереңге тамыр жайған тарихының бір бөлігі шетелдегі қазақ әдебиетінің еншісінде екендігі бүгінге дейін біраз ғылыми жұмыстарға тақырып, нысан болып келді. Мұндай тақырыптар көбінесе шетелдегі қазақ әдебиетінің жалпылама жайкүйі, зерттелуі төңірегінде болды. Мәселен, Моңғолияның Бай-Өлке қаласындағы қазақ әдебиеті жөнінде зерттеулер жүргізіліп, кейбір ақындардың шығармаларына тоқталғанымен, қазіргі таңдағы жекеленген қазақ қаламгерлерінің шығармаларына тілдіктанымдық, көркемдік ерекшеліктеріне интерпретациялық тұрғыдан нақты қалам тартыла берген жоқ. Осындай көрнекті ақындардың бірі – Сұраған Рахметұлы. Сұраған Рахметұлы Моңғолиядағы қазақ әдебиетінің көшбасында тұрған тілі орамды ақындардың бірі. Мақалада Сұраған Рахметұлы поэзиясының тілдік қолданысы, көркемдік мазмұны туралы сөз болады. Ақын өлеңдерінен мысалдар келтіре отырып, ішкі мазмұнына үңілу, тілдік талдау жұмыстары жүргізілген. Сұраған ақынның шығармаларына интерпретациялық талдау жасалына отырып, ондағы ақынның өлеңді жеткізудегі шеберлігі, тілдіккөркемдік ерекшеліктеріне кеңінен тоқталынған.Item PROPOSED MODEL TO CONDUCT AN EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM BASED ON SMART EDUCATION SYSTEM(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) T. Islam; O. Sharif; R.K. Das; M. RahmanAbstract The article explores the effective classroom system based on artificial intelligence, facial recognition, and other smart systems with proper security. The current smart learning environment is very familiar and appreciable all over the world. It has been a great challenge to implement with high accuracy over the years. Ensuring quality education is a must needed for the 21’st century. This study discusses the potential impact of a smart education system and describes the effective and innovative way of learning. The study considered the smart attendance-taking system using facial recognition with a modern approach such as measuring body temperature so that students can participate in the hassle-free & highly secured attendance system and also measuring body temperature for avoiding coronavirus. The study also considers the smart attendance tracking system using messenger BOT where the student can track their attendance percentage anywhere any time. This idea aims to construct a smart learning environment where all the necessary information of a student according to their education will be present which can monitor student and teacher simultaneously. Finally, Questioning Question Teaching Method have considered in this proposed idea where student and teacher will interact with each other both in a virtual and physical classroom. The proposed system should bring innovation to smart education. By integrating these features in the “Proposed Model to Conduct an Effective classroom based on Smart Education System”, students and teachers will be benefited more than before and this study may contribute to improving the quality of education.Item DIVERGENT TASKS AS A TOOL FOR PROMOTING MATHEMATICAL CREATIVE THINKING(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) K.N. KurmanovaAbstract. Cultivating mathematical creativity is essential in mathematics education. One of the techniques for developing mathematical creative thinking is the implementation of divergent tasks. Through studying the contemporary literature this paper looks at various approaches to the definition of the concept of a divergent thinking and divergent problems. This article considers the possibilities of development of creative thinking of students on mathematics lessons through the use of the divergent tasks. Properties and the main types of divergent mathematical problems are distinguished. In addition several examples of divergent problems of different types are presented.Item THE CONCEPT OF ANALYZING THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE SYSTEM AND MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR ENSURING INTEGRATED SECURITY(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) N. Abdinurova; Y. Mukhamedkali; O. BaimuratovAbstract. Since the development of the Internet, humanity has stopped using real information data that is transmitted in a classical way, that is, printed or written on paper, which has increased the number of users, which, consequently, has increased the amount of data transmitted between users. Because of this, the number of both intentional and unintentional cyber-attacks has increased dramatically. With the development of technologies, people's privacy and confidentiality are increasingly vulnerable because of these cyber attacks. The article talks about the overall level of security and tries to define the general formula for organizations with Wi-Fi routers and network printers. The security level of each component is determined through penetration testing using open-source ethical hacking tools. Define math formula need to take into consideration several factors such as vulnerability, usage frequency, etc. This paper shows some ways to penetrate the organization's network and some recommendations are also given to improve the security of the local infrastructure of organizations.Item EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SELF-REGULATED STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT TO IMPROVE WRITING AN OPINION ESSAY IN ENGLISH(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) G.Zh. BegalyAbstract Foreign language students have challenges during the writing tasks like planning and organizing, expressing their ideas, making spelling mistakes, and lacking Vocabulary and knowledge about writing and the structure of an essay. The study explores the effectiveness of teaching a self-regulated strategy development approach to improve writing an opinion essay for seventh-graders. During the survey, questionnaires, pre-essay, and post-essay were conducted with twenty participants. Our analysis demonstrated improvements in writing skills through teaching students POW and TREE strategies during stages of SRSD. The students can express their minds clearly, learn to use linking words in an essay, decrease spelling mistakes, and improve Vocabulary. Writing opinion essays became more accessible and exciting for students. We conclude that the SRSD approach can help achieve high-quality writing tasks according to the students' level.Item METHODS OF MEASURING MATHEMATICAL CREATIVITY(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) P. Khurshida; G. Zhuman; G. Madenova; A. Orynbassar; A. GalymzhanAbstract. One of the fundamental purposes of educational systems should be to teach creative people, and every math lesson should emphasize creativity in mathematics. As a result, it's critical to understand both the qualities of math creativity and the basic factors that determine a person's intellect. The goal of this study is to illustrate many ways for measuring creativity in children that have been offered by famous scholars, as well as to determine whether there is a link between math creativity, math ability and general giftedness. Many academics believe that everyone is creative, but that their levels of creativity are unequal. As a result, scholars have previously examined the concept of creativity levels. There were explained several methods to evaluate creativity in order to make it readily to find out the levels of students' creativity, where the authors are well-known researchers from all over the world. Some of the methods mentioned have been utilized in other research on creativity.Item STUDENTS’ CHALLENGES IN ACADEMIC WRITING: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) T. AyazbayAbstract The aim of the article is to identify international tertiary students’ challenges in academic writing. The article suggests a systematic review of the scientific literature related to higher education students’ challenges in academic writing. Possible reasons for that might be the mismatch between required English language proficiency upon graduation and application to the higher education; L1 interference and incompetent linguistic ability. This article serves as background for further empirical study. Additionally, the paper provides suggestions and recommendations to overcome mentioned difficulties in academic writing. The results are useful for tertiary instructors who teach English writing related courses.Item MANAGING STUDENT ENGAGEMENT IN THE ELT CLASSROOMS(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) T. Belgibay; Kh. DelovarovaAbstract This research work focuses on new methods and approaches for involving ELT students in the learning process using new technologies. The Google Classroom platform, as well as the use of interactive whiteboards, have earned their honourable attention and have firmly entered into modern ways of training teachers, significantly helping to progress performance and contribute to greater motivation of students. This was also established during a survey in which 15 secondary school teachers from Almaty took part, where it was revealed that teachers find the use of these technologies convenient and productive.Item EFL TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS AND CHALLENGES OF USING MOBILE LANGUAGE LEARNING APPLICATIONS(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) T. Z. TemirbekAbstract This paper explores English language teachers’ perceptions of mobile applications and challenges in using them. The study uses data from 10 English languages teachers working in secondary schools and universities in Kazakhstan. Thematic analysis is employed. The findings suggest that teachers value availability and student engagement offered by mobile apps. The challenges of using mobile apps tend to be beyond teachers’ control and include internet issues or lack of equipment. Policy implications for teacher training and professional development are discussed.Item THE IMPACT OF THE USE OF INTERNET MEMES IN THE PROCESS OF TEACHING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DISCIPLINES ON STUDENTS OF HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) B. Meraliyev; E. NabigazinovaAbstract This work is about exploring the possibility of using internet memes (funny illustrations) in such an important aspect as learning process in higher educational institutions. At the present time, when nonstop content consumption has become commonplace, modern people have begun to better perceive new information and knowledge through social media networks including humor, interesting comparisons and coincidences with real daily life. It is necessary to take into account associative thinking, which comes to the fore in the study of new disciplines. The authors consider the prospects of using memes in the process of obtaining new knowledge and consolidating the material covered. Also, all the advantages and disadvantages of such a modern and non-standard approach are studied based on the data obtained in the survey of students. The materials of this work are the survey, analysis and experience of the teachers of the Suleyman Demirel University (Kazakhstan) with a specialization in ”Data Analytics”.Item FINDINGS IN ADAPTATION OF FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT TO ONLINE EDUCATION IN EFL CLASSES: SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ EXPERIENCE(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) G. Mussina; Kh. DelovarovaAbstract Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, all modalities of learning assessment had been strongly dependent on students' physical presence – either for administration or for observing the learners' daily progress. Current school closures necessitate development of alternative approaches to delivering the critical feedback function of learning assessment. While all types of assessment of student learning are important, the need for formative assessment right now is particularly critical because learning needs to take place outside of the physical classroom, and teachers and parents-turned-teachers need to understand whether students are absorbing the content that is delivered to them in formats that differ from business-as-usual.Item OUT-OF-SCHOOL ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN KAZAKHSTANI HIGH SCHOOLS(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) A. TlepbergenovaAbstract The aim of this article is to describe the influence of out-of-school English language learning on academic achievement in Kazakhstani high schools. English language acquisition plays a pivotal role in Kazakhstan, as English is not only an international communication language, but also the foreign language for obligatory study in state schools and higher education. Approximately 130 representatives of various ethnic groups populate Kazakhstan, thus it is considered as the multi religious and multiethnic state. Currently, the society development is altering Kazakhstan from bilingual to multilingual , integrating Kazakh, Russian and English languages into the educational system embedding policy of multilingualism at state schools all over the country. However, second language learners tend to demonstrate poor performance and low average points in foreign language examinations. Factors affecting low performance in school and entrance exams, the trend among students preferring private and extracurricular foreign language teaching for various educational purposes will be considered in this paper. Study is going to dissect the relationship between extracurricular foreign language learning and poor performance at state schools. Flaws in the educational system and methods of teaching in public schools and the benefits and positive impact of private education will be discussed in a future paper. This article is the systematic review of the scientific literature related to poor performance in EFL at schools and influence of out-of-school learning to academic performance of high school students.Item DRAMATIZATION" IS ONE OF THE WAYS TO INCREASE SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ FLUENCY(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) A. B. SadykovaAbstract The purpose of this study is to analyze how the dramatization method might help students improve their fluency. A group of secondary school students has been chosen to conduct the study in order to attain this goal. The group was evaluated to determine their fluency level before beginning the investigation. The research group then followed a learner-centered lesson plan that included a dramatization method. The research group was evaluated again at the end of the experiment to determine their fluency progress. The outcomes of the data analysis show that the fluency investigation has been improved. Despite the short research period, the respondents had better results.