Proceedings of 2020 International Young Scholars Workshop
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Item VAR Analysis of the Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Kazakhstan(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Saydaliev H.; Kalikhan A.; Rakisheva A.Abstract. This article helps to evaluate the work of the main channels of the monetary policy transfer mechanism, namely, the work of the interest rate channel, exchange rate, and lending channel in the Republic of Kazakhstan, by the help of vector regression model (VAR). It was revealed that the main transmission channel in the study period from 2005 to 2019 in Kazakhstan was the exchange rate channel. The other two remaining channels of the monetary policy transmission mechanism (the bank lending channel and the interest rate channel) were of secondary importanceItem Cardinality of survival set for the chaotic Tent map with holes(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Aitu N.; Bayadilova G.Abstract. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the dynamics of one dimensionaldiscrete dynamical systems: Tent map family T_3, Doubling map E_2 and shift map σ are investigated. Let I-intervals(Holes) lie in the interval [0,1) and let E_2 be a Doubling map. The survivor set Ω(I) :={x∈[0,1) : E_nx /∈ I, n≥0}. Depending on location and size of the intervals we will characterize the survivor set Ω(I) infinite or finite. Also we will show conjugacy of some maps that used in this paper. By using conjugacy of functions we will show that the Survivor set is infinite or finite in another composition of maps. The Cantor sets Λ that occur as non-survivor sets for c >2 from Tent map family T_c.[1]Item Effects of formulating math problems on primary students` performance(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Abdilazim A.; Auyesbay B.Abstract. In maths classrooms at every level in all countries of the world, students can be observed solving problems. The quality and genuineness of these maths problems has been the theme of many arguments and debates in recent years.In this article we are going to show and compare the performance of primary school students using our experiment. We collected 20 second-grade students and conducted a lesson with traditional way of teaching. At next lesson we had took an examination to check if our students have comprehended the material and got the results. The next lesson they were given tasks to pose problems related to the same topic we had learned last time and took another exam with the same level of difficulty and a slight change of numbers and got the results as well. The change and progress of students impressed us.Item Prediction of Thinking-Feeling personalities of movie characters(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Atanbekov A.; Shirzad H.Abstract. This paper is going to explore the difference between the vocabularies used by Thinking and Feeling personalities. To find out this we used the Machine Learning algorithm Naïve Bayes which showed the best accuracy in comparison with others. The concept was motivated by essays of scholars when they submitted the first time at university and to get the full psychological portrait of the student only by given text. To train the model we used a labeled dataset that was collected through a forum with real persons. This dataset contains the type of the person and their posts in social media. To test the model using another dataset which contains information about movie characters and their speech used in the movie. Psycho-type was described by Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI) which is one of the most popular typologies. To achieve better accuracy of prediction we trained the model separately for Thinking and Feeling predictors. Overall, we achieved better accuracy than previous studies and showed the difference between the vocabularies used by Thinkers and Feelers.Item Impact of terrible pandemic COVID-19 on Kazakhstani education and it’s outcome(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Bektursynova A.; Sarsengaliyeva B.Abstract. The general situation with coronavirus in the world and in Kazakhstan and its effects on our lives, especially on education. The article discusses the shortcomings of the COVID-19 epidemic in the education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors assess the impact of the pandemic and its impact on teaching and teaching and try to hold a discussion and take a critical look at the Kazakh and global context. Important aspects such as teachers, lessons, parents, assessment, influenced by COVID-19, give us clear information about how life goes on in a difficult phase of life and what advantages can be achieved and derived from it. Every aspect affected responded differently, some performed excellently, and some had unlikely results. In addition, how and what has changed the global pandemic in the Kazakh education system. Changes can be both positive and negative. How has education changed and which instruments have teachers used so far?Item The effect of active learning method on students’ attitude towards mathematics(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Kazmagambet B.; Ibraimova Zh.; Kaimak S.Abstract. The world is changing so fast, and therefore education needs to adapt to the challenges of times. In order to update the content of school education in the Republic of Kazakhstan modern trends are going to be used. These trends contain pedagogical methods that can be used to preserve and even increase internal motivation, as active learning. Active learning method is an treatment where students participate or interact with the learning process, as opposed to passively taking in the information. The goal of this study is to identify the impact of active learning method on 10th grade students’ attitude towards mathematics of the students the second semester of the school year 2019-2020. More specifically, it attempted to determine and compare the attitude toward mathematics of students’ exposure to active learning and traditional teaching strategy. The Likert scale used to evaluate the attitude of students toward mathematics. Mean, Cronbach value, T-test were the statistical tools used in anatomizing and interpreting the research data. The discovering showed that the students in the active learning group had auspicious attitude than students in the conventional teaching group. According to the findings after research, we saw the direct relation between attitude and active learning. It is concluded that the students’ attitude toward mathematics was better by using active learning strategy. It is recommended that mathematics teacher should use active learning strategy in order to improve the attitude toward mathematics of the students.Item К вопросу обучения бакалавров предпринимательству(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Мехмет ТашАннотация .В статье рассматривается актуальность вопросов обучения бакалавров предпринимательской деятельности. Показана актуальность этого знания в условиях Казахстана. При рассмотрении данного вопроса автор опирается на основные государственные программы и документы, определяющие стратегию развития страны, в образовательной сфере в том числе. Отмечается, что проблемы обучения бакалавров педагогической направленности предпринимательству недостаточно исследованы. Между тем, по мнению автора, в настоящее время вопросы рыночного подхода к образованию как никогда актуальны.В статье рассматриваются региональные рынки образовательных услуг, обобщается опыт исследователей о предпринимательстве в области образования. Автор также акцентирует внимание на важности предпринимательских компетенций учителя, при этом замечает, что рассматриваемая проблема требует дальнейшего изучения.Item Does discussion have effect on students’ responses?(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Kaymak S.Abstract. Peer instruction teaching method has become an efficient learning strategy at all education grades. Peer teaching method developed by Eric Mazur can be defined as a technique in which participants actively participate in the education process by discussing in a peer group and helping each other in the group during the lesson. The aim of the present research was to investigate the effect of discussion in peer instruction techniques during the lecture. The application was carried out five weeks with 30 students in the first-course education mathematics students in an introduction to mathematical analysis lesson at Suleyman Demirel University in Kazakhstan. Concept test questions were asked to students during the lecture. We analyzed the answers of 32 multiple-choice conceptual different questions. We measured the data by using a ttest (p=.000). The results showed the discussion has a significant influence on the change of students’ responses from inaccurate to accurate answers as previous studies.Item Impact of use of technology in mathematics lessons on student achievement and attitudes(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Sabyr Zh.Abstract. These days, it is accepted that when innovation is utilized suitably in study hall guidance, it has a positive effect on understudy accomplishment or achievement. In addition, utilizing innovation in training or showing assists instructors with giving quick input to understudies and inspires dynamic understudy learning, joint effort, and participation. It additionally assists educators with giving individualized learning openings and adaptability for their understudies. About portion of the understudies were undecided in their perspective towards use of development, around 33% of the assemble delighted in using informative advancement in exercise; yet reasonable over a fourth of the understudies imparted negative perspectives towards using enlightening advancement. As far as tendency, about portion of the understudies supported the use of informative advancement in exercise, in a manner of speaking 16.5% of them didn't support the use of development, and reasonable more than 33% of them were uncertain. My study exploring student success with the use of educational technology was conducted using mathematics as the subject, and it could be repeated with other school subjects. The findings in this study can shed light on the use of educational technology for teaching mathematics in similar education systems around the globe, in order to encourage education administrators to implement use of educational technology in mathematics lessons.Item New methods of teaching law problems & perspectives(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Niteesh K.U.Abtract. There has been shift from, only ‘Class Room Learning’ to the ‘Clinical Method of Learning’ and it will be the major revolutionizing work in the history of Law Teaching. The researcher will discuss in detail the learning by doing method which can be used for teaching law students and also evaluating them. The present ‘Learning by doing Model" can also be used to evaluate various projects of students. Apart from that the researcher will present quite a few models to integrate the different subjects with clinical approach of teaching law and make recommendations as to how this can be mentored and evaluated. The researcher has discussed in detail the model adopted in Galgotias University and its pros and cons and how this model has helped the students in better learning.Item Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Intellectual Property Rights(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Niteesh K.U.; Mahak R.Abstract. Artificial Intelligence which seemed to be a distant dream at some point has now come out of the science fiction movies to our reality and has gathered momentum over past few years and has led to many developments in almost all the sectors. No sector will remain untouched by artificial intelligence and Intellectual Property Rights too will not be an exception to the same. The impact of Artificial Intelligence in the field of Intellectual Property Rights will be two ways, on one hand Artificial Intelligence will prove to be an asset in the areas of patent and patent search tools, accurate and timely research, providing a mechanism to sort out inventions and ideas and provide with a mechanism to the innovator on the patents already existing similar to his idea and many other things but on the other hand the Artificial Intelligence might also prove to be a threat to innovation and creativity which is the heart and soul of Intellectual Property Rights. The research paper will discuss in detail about the impact of Artificial Intelligence on Intellectual Property Rights, the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence on creativity and innovation1 in IPR and will also deal with the future scope of Artificial Intelligence in Intellectual Property Rights.Item Applying machine learning models for predicting forest fires in Australia and the influence of weather on the spread of fires based on satellite and weather forecast data(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Meraliyev B.; Kongratbayev K.Abstract What shall we expect from the year 2020? The coronavirus pandemic is not the worst thing that humanity can face in the near future. According to the observations of the scientists, in March, 2020, the planet temperature warmed up to the record-high level. Also, the temperature of the world’s oceans exceeded its average temperatures by 80%, and prognosis of the meteorological observations is not good. The warming seas had already led to catastrophic disaster. The average temperature increase can also lead to hurricanes, drought, invasion of locusts and, the worst, to forest fires. Natural disasters lead to loss of life, destruction of properties and infrastructure, loss of animal natural habitats, displacement of humans. And the results of these all lead to humanitarian catastrophes, including social and economic. The situations related to the nature are always very serious, as the whole world is involved. This is like butterfly effect, i.e., the natural disaster in Australia affect the economic and ecologic situation in USA and England. Taking the Australia, they faced problem that cannot be avoided. Nevertheless, the world can be prepared and prevent from the huge disasters. The forecasting of forest fires can really be helpful, as well as the inquiry of the weather impact on fires. The current paper is focused on the study of fire forecasting and weather influence on fire. The relevance of the study is important, as the global warming and human caused fires are increasing and there is a trend that Australia’s fires became more dangerous and longer lasting. The artificial intelligence, particularly machine learning algorithms, can help to make appropriate calculations and predictions to safe the ecosystem and human lives. According to the preliminary research results we acquire; in-depth multidimensional analysis confirms almost 100 percent dependence of bushfires on the weather conditions. Using the machine learning algorithms, it would be possible to predict the time and positioning of inflammation source.Item Мектеп оқушыларының сыни тұрғыдан ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Зайтжанова А.С.Аңдатпа. Сыни тұрғыдан ойлау - бұл ХХІ ғасырдағы шығармашылық ойлау (креативті ойлау), қарым-қатынас және топта жұмыс жасау дағдылары сияқты өте маңызды дағды. Бұл дағдылар ХХІ ғасырдағы өмір мен қоршаған ортадағы анағұрлым күрделі жағдайларға дайын оқушылардың ажырамас бөлігі болып табылады. Сыни тұрғыдан ойлау - бұл математикадан есеп шығара алатын оқушыларды және шынымен түсініп есеп шығара алатын оқушылардан ажыратуға болатын негізгі фактор деуге болады. Осы мақалада оқушылардың жалпы оқу және оның ішінде математиканы оқу барысында оларда сыни көзқарастың төмен болу себептері нақтыланған. Математикада сыни ойлау дағдыларын дамытуға күш салу бүкіл әлемде математикалық білім берудің оқу бағдарламасының негізгі күн тәртібіне айналды. Оқушылардың жалпы оқуға және оның ішінде математика оқу барысында оларда сыни көзқарас қалыптастыру үшін қандай әдістер қолдану керектігіне мысалдар келтірілген. Себебі көптеген зерттеушілер сыни ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту математикалық көрсеткіштерді жақсарта алатындығын дәлелдеген. Сыни тұрғыдан ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту оқу бағдарламаларында қолданысы оқушылардың математика пәнінен үлгерімін жақсартуына үлкен үлесін қосады.Item Public transport payment systems: market survey(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Zhubatkhan A.; Mussina A.; Aubakirov S.Abstract. In our research work, we study transport card security issues. One of the questions of our study is its relevance in the world and particular in Kazakhstan. Therefore, in this work, we conducted research on the market of transport cards in the world and Kazakhstan. As part of the study, we searched for answers to the following questions: what technologies are used to accept payment by transport cards, in which countries the electronic ticketing system has been introduced, in which cities of Kazakhstan have electronic ticketing systems been implemented, what technologies are used in Kazakhstan. As a result, we showed that the popularity of using NFC payment in the world and in Kazakhstan is growing. We also analyzed the existing electronic ticketing systems in Kazakhstan, made a comparative analysis and got a comparative table.Item Development of metacognitive skill in teaching mathematics(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Yernazar A.Abstract. The study of metacognitive processes in the context of training and education is currently undoubtedly a priority in metacognitive psychology as a whole. The importance of this group of studies is due in many respects to the large representation of the class of processes in question in educational activities. At the same time, work in this area is not limited to a sample of primary school children, as this has been a significant amount of time. In recent years, the inclusion of the category of metacognition in education affects the educational activities of senior students, graduate students, and generally people involved in continuing education. The study described in this article aims at investigating the relation between the development of metacognition skills and success in learning algebraic identity formulas among middle school students. It uses a quantitative approach. Participants are about 50 students of 7th grade from Oral Bilim Innovation Liceum in Kazakhstan and are divided into two groups, namely experimental and control group. The data is collected by taking a pre-test and post-test from both classes. The diagnostic test is constructed by the researcher and confirmed by university professors. During the research students in the experimental group are familiarized with the concept of metacognition and its strategies such as thinking aloud, self-questioning, reflection and active learning strategies by applying them to solve problems with identity formulas. Finally, the data will be analyzed with ttest and much deeper conclusion will be drawn about the development of metacognitive strategies among students in teaching mathematics.Item Organization of extracurricular work in mathematics(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Yessirkeppova A.; Yessenbolkyzy A.Abstract.The article explains the technology for organizing extracurricular activities with students in mathematics and the methodology for their implementation, the general characteristics and benefits of different types of extracurricular activities in developing skills in students.Item Punishment for Crimes: An instrument of Social Change(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Kaushal S.Abstract. This paper explores the multifaceted role of punishment in effecting social change, emphasizing its dual function of deterrence and rehabilitation. It examines the evolving perceptions of punishment within contemporary society, reflecting shifting moral paradigms and societal norms. Ultimately, understanding punishment as a catalyst for societal transformation underscores its significance in fostering a just and orderly social fabric.Item Factors affecting the college speciality selection of Kazakhstani students(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Assanbayeva G.Abstract. In this talk we discuss factors that influence and impact Kazakhstani students when it comes to decide major selection.To analyse and study factors,we surveyed 314 students over 16 universities of Kazakhstan (including private, semi-government and government universities). In the previous joint work with (Assanbayeva & Kadyrov, 2020) factor analysis resulted 9 scales,namely,teacher impact,occupation salary impact,external impact,personal interest impact,personal skills impact,national test impact,university cost impact,parents impact,state grant impact.The main aim of the present work is to investigate main factors that influenced the Kazakhstani students most.The next goal is to find any differences in terms of gender when it comes to major selection factors.As most participants were among Suleyman Demirel University,we also wanted to see if there any differences between factors that influence Suleyman Demirel University students major selection to students of other local universities. The statistical data analysis show that students found themselves to be the most influential by 6 factors out of 9 ,namely,influence of state grant, influence of university cost, occupation salary impact, national test impact, influence of personal interest and influence of personal skills.Findings also suggested that, there is no difference between these 6 factors depending on gender.Also,no differences were found among university and factors.Item Прогнозирование уровня информационной безопасности в предприятии(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Хашимова Д.Аннотация. В данной работе оценен потенциал машинного обучения для обнаружения вторжений на уровне приложений, с использованием параметров DDoS-атаки, Атаки межсайтового скриптинга (XSS) и SQL-инъекций. Результат, отражающий этот вопрос, будет представлен в виде набора классификаторов, способных идентифицировать вредоносные полезные данные, и какие функции дадут хорошие показатели результата для принятия решения, является ли ввод вредоносным или безвредным.Item THE EFFECT OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING ON STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN MATHEMATICS(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Nurbavliyev O.; Kaymak S.; Аlmas А.; Mbala O.A.Abstract. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of project-based learning (PBL) on second-course education mathematics students’ achievement. The study was carried out 5 weeks with 37 students in a principle of geometry course at Suleyman Demirel University in Kazakhstan. The final results were obtained to measure students’ academic achievement as pretest and post-test were obtained. Data were analyzed using a t-test. The results of the achievement test indicated PBL has a significant positive effect on students’ achievement in the principle of geometry course.
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