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Item Open Access 1929-1940 ЖЫЛДАРДАҒЫ ЛАТЫН ГРАФИКАЛЫ ҚАЗАҚ ЖАЗУЫНЫҢ ТАРИХИ ТАҒЫЛЫМЫ(СДУ хабаршысы - 2018, 2018) Күдеринова Қ.Б.; Абдиева М.Аңдатпа: Бұл мақалада 1929-1940 жылдардағы латын графикалы қазақ жазуының тарихи тағылымы сөз болады. Зерттеу нәтижесі латын графикасымен басылған қазақ кітаптары туралы еңбектердің жоқ екендігін көрсетеді. 1929-1940 жылдары латын графикасымен Қазақстанда жарық көрген кітаптардың тізбесі жасалынып, кестемен көрсетілген. Кітаптардың авторлары, редакторлары, қай қалаларда басылғандығы да көрсетілген. Мақалада латын графикасындағы қазақ әліпбиімен 1929 жылдан емес, 1928 жылдан бастап шыға бастағаны айтылады. 1928 жылы 5000 тиражбен жарық көрген Байділдаұлы Ә. «Жаңа әліппе туралы» еңбегі талданады. Кітаптағы орфографиялық және пунктуациялық ерекшеліктер айтылады. Мәселен, «бас әріпке байланысты қиындықтар», «/в/-ның үлкен әріп нұсқасы», «қысаң езуліктердің емлесі», «и, у дыбыстарының жазылуы», «кейбір дауыссыз дыбыстардың жазылуы», «сөздерді бірге, бөлек жазудағы өзгерістер»,«кейбір тыныс белгілердің қолданылуы» секілді ерекшеліктер талданады.Item Open Access 3D MODELING OF THE OFFSHORE WIND TURBINES INTEGRATED STRUCTURE FOR KAZAKHSTAN REGION(SDU University, 2017) Amirgaliyev Y. ; Khassanov D. ; Meraliyev M.Abstract. In this scientific paper we examine meteorological characteristics of the field “Kashagan” located in the north Caspian Sea, the types of offshore oil and gas constructers, offshore wind turbine structure integrated for the middle depths of the Caspian shelf, and the load acting on them during operation on a shelf. Dimensional solid 3D model and 3D animation presentation of offshore wind turbine is built in the program Autodesk Maya 2012. Created the design scheme of supporting jacket for offshore wind turbine. Jacket designed for the field in the middle depths of the Caspian Sea. Carried out joint account of supporting columns and turbine structure on the static load—own weight of construction and the wind turbine weight of the structure, and the wind load by finite-elements. Also the calculations studied the stress-strain state of the structure. The finite element method are mastered and calculated by using a software package Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014. The calculation results can be used in the design of offshore wind turbine structures for oil and gas platforms. Also, the thesis presents the basic calculation of the estimated cost of construction and installation works supporting truss design and offshore wind turbine, its payback period. Sections health and the environment are considered potential risks to personnel and possible threats to the environment, and provide measures for their prevention and reduction.Item Open Access 3D ПРИНТЕРГЕ АРНАЛҒАН ПЛАСТИКТІ ӨҢДЕЙТІН МАШИНАНЫ ҚҰРУ(Suleyman Demirel University, 2016) Инкаров Б.Ә.; Алиманова М.О.Әртүрлі салаларда, әсіресе мектептерда және жоғары оқұ орындардың зертханаларында 3D принтермен жұмыс істеу үшін арнайы пластик сатып алу қажет. 3D принтерінен шыққан бұйымдар жасалу бойынша пайдаланылғаннан кейін жарамсыздыққа келеді. Оларды қайта өңдеу мумкіндігі жоқтығынан казіргі заманда экономиялық дағдарыс себебінен сатып алатын мүмкіндігі төмендейді. Осы мәселені толық шешу мақсатымен 3D принтерге арналған пластикті өңдейтін машина құрастырылды. ABS пластикті жасау үшін шредер үгіткішін пайдалану, үгітілген пластикті белгілі бір бұрғыға салып, оның жан-жағынан арнайы қыздырғыштар болады. Қыздырғыштар пластикалық заттарды жоғарғы температурада ерітіп оны сопло арқылы шығарады. Жобаның макеті 3D принтерде, Arduino-да жасалынған.Item Open Access A PROFESSION RECOMMENDER SYSTEM BASED ON DEEP LEARNING AND MACHINE LEARNING APPROACHES(СДУ хабаршысы - 2023, 2023) Iskalinov F.Abstract. The issue of uncertain career path choice among modern schoolchildren has become increasingly prominent, resulting in a substantial decrease in the number of university students. This uncertainty has become a major concern as students and their parents are often unfamiliar with the wide range of available professions, particularly those that have emerged in the last decade. A modern solution is proposed in the form of a web application that uses Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and NLP to recommend suitable specialties based on the competencies required for the profession. The system will analyze and extract implicit features through a supervised classification approach, providing a comprehensive solution for profession search in the Kazakhstan market.Item Open Access ADAPTATION OF GAMING PROCESS TO IMPROVE HAND REHABILITATION(Suleyman Demirel University, 2016) Alimanova M.O.; Kozhamzharova D.Kh.; Zholdygarayev A.O.; Meraliyev M.M.Hands, as the most dexterous part of our body, are of vital importance to our everyday life. However, since hands are extensively used in nearly all tasks, they are exposed in more dangerous environment than any other parts. Overwork, injury and geratic complications, such as stroke can all cause hand function, totally or partially, which directly diminish the q uality of life. Unpleasant effects caused by trauma and overwork to hands results with immediate hand rehabilitation. Trainings for patients’ rehabilitations are normally goes in rehabilitation center in hospitals, with getting some physiotherapy for han ds, making some exercises and etc. However all this may bore patients and not to motivate to sooner recovery. The Leap Motion controller is a small device that senses consumer gestures and is aimed to enlarge a user’s interactive experience with their computer. Using infrared sensors, it is able to collect data about the position and motions of a user’s hands. This allows to use leap motion in different purposes like development of children’s intellect, having fun with playing virtual reality games and etc. One more example for effective usage of such device is in the purpose of medicine.Item Open Access AN EVALUATION OF UNSUPERVISED OUTLIER DETECTION METHODS FOR UNIVARIATE TIME SERIES DATA IN FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS(СДУ хабаршысы - 2023, 2023) Amankossova A.; Turan C.Abstract. An essential problem in finance application areas is identifying abnormal subsequences in time series data. Despite the wide range of outlier detection algorithms, no substantial research has been conducted to thoroughly investigate and assess the various methodologies, particularly in the financial industry. This study focuses on comparing and contrasting the outcomes of various unsupervised algorithms. The findings reveal that the Local Outlier Factor technique outperforms the other methods in terms of precision, recall, and Fl-score. The research provides valuable insights for financial institutions and businesses looking to improve their identification of abnormalities systems and highlights the importance of choosing the appropriate unsupervised outlier detection method for financial transaction data. The outcomes of this study can be used to inform future research and development in the area of financial unusual case detection.Item Open Access ANALYSIS OF PROGRAMMING EDUCATION AT THE PRIMARY EDUCATION LEVEL(СДУ хабаршысы - 2023, 2023) Saimassay G. ; Zhaparov M. ; Mukhiyayeva A. ; Zhalgassova Zh.Abstract. Programming education has traditionally been provided at the undergraduate level worldwide. However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend in developed countries to introduce programming education at earlier ages with the aim of promoting software literacy, improving programming skills, and making programming education accessible to a wider audience. While some countries are updating their informatics lessons to include programming, others are incorporating programming lessons into their primary education curriculum for the first time. The level at which programming training is offered also differs between countries. The objective of this research is to explore how countries have integrated programming education into their curricula and to identify the differences between countries in terms of programming education. The study aims to answer the question of how programming education is provided at the primary education level both domestically and abroad. The research has found that programming education is increasingly recognized as important and many countries are now allowing programming lessons in their education curriculum, with some countries even introducing programming education in kindergarten. However, there are variations in the programming languages used and the skills taught to students across different countries.Item Open Access ANALYSIS OF QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY AND TECHNOLOGIES IN INDUSTRIES(СДУ хабаршысы - 2020, 2020) Habiburahman Sh.; Baimuratov O. ; Abdinurova N.Abstract. In today’s connected world it’s crucial to make sure telecommunication is not a risk. Eavesdroppers will always find a way to attack and harm big companies systems or governmental databases. It’s very important to find the best possible way to keep our services safe. Quantum cryptography is one the best way since it’s based on rules of quantum physics. In this paper we are going to analyse the best solutions, protocols and different aspects of encryption. Real life implementations by different IT companies and investors will also be included in this paper. Weakness and pros always exist in every system and it’s impossible to indicate the system we are proposing is not breakable but it’s going to be the best possible solution for now. Why? It’s going to be discussed in later sections.Item Open Access ANALYSIS OF THE KAZAKH CYBER TOURNAMENTS PLATFORM “PINGER.KZ”(СДУ хабаршысы - 2023, 2023) Alimanova M.; Karazhar B. ; Alseitova A. ; Orynbekova K.Abstract. Worldwide experts presume further growth of videogames field and suggest solutions according to the actual statistics. Despite the remarkable successes of the e-athletes from Kazakhstan in a worldwide arena, there is a lack of statistical data on the local cybersport. Therefore, the research was conducted to provide prospective researchers in fields like gamification, eSport and media with actual data. The given scientific paper uses the data collected and analysed from the largest cyber tournament platform in Kazakhstan “Pinger.kz”. The analysed information is about tournaments that took place since the website launched in 2019 to 2021. The libraries of Python for data analysis as BeautifulSoup, requests, matplotlib and Apache tools were used. The aim of the work is to collect and make data analysis for future research. The paper identifies the most popular games among kazakh players in order to use this data in the research on gamification. Parsed data results show the development of the local cybersport and confirm worldwide trends.Item Open Access ANALYZE AND DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM WITH MULTIPLE BIOMETRIC IDENTIFICATION(СДУ хабаршысы - 2020, 2020) Baimuratov O. ; Dadakhanov Sh.Abstract. Cause of a rapid increase in technological development, increasing identity theft, consumer fraud, the threat to personal data is also increasing every day. Methods developed earlier to ensure personal the information from the thefts was not effective and safe. Biometrics were introduced when it was needed technology for more efficient security of personal information. Old-fashioned traditional approaches like Personal identification number (PIN), passwords, keys, login ID can be forgotten, stolen or lost. In biometric authentication system, user may not remember any passwords or carry any keys. As people they recognize each other by the physical appearance and behavioral characteristics that biometric systems use physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, voice recognition, in order to distinguish between the actual user and scammer. In order to increase safety in 2005, biometric identification methods were developed government and business sectors, but today it has reached almost all private sectors as Banking, Finance, home security and protection, healthcare, business security and security etc. Since biometric samples and templates of a biometric system having one biometric character to detect and the user can be replaced and duplicated, the new idea of merging multiple biometric identification technologies has so-called multimodal biometric recognition systems have been introduced that use two or more biometric data characteristics of the individual that can be identified as a real user or not.Item Open Access ANDROID SECURITY ISSUES(СДУ хабаршысы - 2018, 2018) Amirgaliev Y. ; Sayazhan B. ; Bakbergen Y.Abstract. The smart phones usage has been increased rapidly over the last decade. Android provides third-party applications with an extensive API that uses the permission-based model, which allows Android applications to access user information, system information, device information and external resources of Smartphone. The developer needs to declare the permissions in Android Manifest file for the Android application. Then the user needs to accept that permission for successful installation of an Android application. These permissions are declarations. After installation, if the user allows the permission, the app can access resources and information anytime. Android OS is susceptible to various security attacks due to its weakness in security. In this paper, a number of vulnerabilities are explored in Android permission level and provide an approach for better security in Android Platform. An Attack Scenario is developed successfully for permission-based attacks in the android platform and provides the countermeasures for it.Item Open Access APPLICATION OF VISIBLE LIGHT COMMUNICATION (VLC) IN VARIOUS AREAS: SURVEY(СДУ хабаршысы - 2021, 2021) Mamatnabivev Zh. ; Galiyev M.Abstract. Optical wireless communication allows communication of ultraviolet, infrared, or visible light to carry a signal. Visible light communication (VLC) is a member of optical wireless communication that operates in visible band from 390 nm to 750 nm range. VLC uses light emitting diodes (LED) that is pulsed at very high speed. VLC is known as next potential communication tool that has made tremendous improvement in wireless communication technologies. Possible applications areas of VLC are underwater communication, Li-Fi, vehicle to vehicle communication, in-house applications, etc. use features of VLC that allows to make an attractive area of research. In this work, due to features that VLC offers, possible application areas are presented and discussed.Item Open Access Applying machine learning models for predicting forest fires in Australia and the influence of weather on the spread of fires based on satellite and weather forecast data(2020 International Young Scholars Workshop, 2020) Meraliyev B.; Kongratbayev K.Abstract What shall we expect from the year 2020? The coronavirus pandemic is not the worst thing that humanity can face in the near future. According to the observations of the scientists, in March, 2020, the planet temperature warmed up to the record-high level. Also, the temperature of the world’s oceans exceeded its average temperatures by 80%, and prognosis of the meteorological observations is not good. The warming seas had already led to catastrophic disaster. The average temperature increase can also lead to hurricanes, drought, invasion of locusts and, the worst, to forest fires. Natural disasters lead to loss of life, destruction of properties and infrastructure, loss of animal natural habitats, displacement of humans. And the results of these all lead to humanitarian catastrophes, including social and economic. The situations related to the nature are always very serious, as the whole world is involved. This is like butterfly effect, i.e., the natural disaster in Australia affect the economic and ecologic situation in USA and England. Taking the Australia, they faced problem that cannot be avoided. Nevertheless, the world can be prepared and prevent from the huge disasters. The forecasting of forest fires can really be helpful, as well as the inquiry of the weather impact on fires. The current paper is focused on the study of fire forecasting and weather influence on fire. The relevance of the study is important, as the global warming and human caused fires are increasing and there is a trend that Australia’s fires became more dangerous and longer lasting. The artificial intelligence, particularly machine learning algorithms, can help to make appropriate calculations and predictions to safe the ecosystem and human lives. According to the preliminary research results we acquire; in-depth multidimensional analysis confirms almost 100 percent dependence of bushfires on the weather conditions. Using the machine learning algorithms, it would be possible to predict the time and positioning of inflammation source.Item Open Access ARTIFICIAL AI IN TEST AUTOMATION: SOFTWARE TESTING OPPORTUNITIES WITH OPENAI TECHNOLOGY - CHATGPT(СДУ хабаршысы - 2023, 2023) Talasbek A.Abstract. One of the most important and significant stages of the software development life cycle is software testing. Automated testing reduces testing costs and increases productivity, resulting in a high-quality and stable end product. To ensure that software is bug-free and delivers the desired user experience, test automation is critical. As technology advances, test automation becomes more complex. However, advanced Al technologies will soon become commonplace thanks to powerful tools like ChatGPT that, among countless other things, can chat with you and teach you how to read and write code like a human. In this article, we will try to consider the possibilities of automation with chatgpt. Starting with writing test plans, and test scripts by using Python and Selenium WebDriver. How ChatGPT can improve our tasks and make them more feasible. By leveraging the capabilities of ChatGPT, software testing engineers can enhance their skills, improve testing capabilities, and achieve better quality and accuracy of test results. The opportunities presented by ChatGPT can lead to improved efficiency, productivity, and overall performance in the field of software testing engineering.Item Open Access ARTIFICIALLY INTELLIGENT CHATBOTS FOR HIGER EDUCATION: A REVIEW OF EMPIRICAL LITERATURE(СДУ хабаршысы - 2021, 2021) Momonov G. ; Mirtskhulava L.Abstract. This paper reviews empirical literature on artificially intelligent chatbots for higher education published in 2000-2021 in peerreviewed journals. The review shows that chatbots are mainly used for teaching assistance and for non-academic support purposes. The published studies unanimously report positive effects of chatbots on the outcomes of interest. The review suggests that chatbots have a considerable potential to be used more widely in higher education. Further, the research on chatbots in higher education is ripe for more research.Item Open Access ARTIFICIALLY INTELLIGENT CONVERSATIONAL CHATBOTS: MAIN TYPES, PROGRAMMING ISSUES, AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Momonov G.Abstract In recent years, artificially intelligent (AI) conversational chatbots have become widely used and proved to be a practical and effective support tool in many areas. Advances in machine learning and neural networks have made such proliferation of AI chatbots possible, yet there are still many programming issues and challenges in developing chatbots for various specific domains of human activity. This paper reviews types of artificially intelligent conversational chatbots and programming issues associated with each type. The following main types of chatbots are discussed: 1) script-based chatbots, 2) database-based chatbots, and 3) natural language processing-based chatbots. Key programming challenges in creating chatbots and existing solutions are reviewed.Item Open Access AUTOMATED SUPPORT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF THE UNIVERSITY(СДУ хабаршысы - 2018, 2018) Kuanyshbek D.Abstract. Expert systems (ES) arose as a significant practical result in the application and development of methods of artificial intelligence (AI) - a set of scientific disciplines that study methods for solving intellectual (creative) problems using computers.During the last few years so many of these tools have become available that the choice of an appropriate tool has become an issue on its own. The field of AI has more than forty-year history of development. From the very beginning, it examined a number of very complex problems, which, among others, are still the subject of research: automatic proofs of theorems, machine translation (automatic translation from one natural language to another), image recognition and scene analysis, action planning robots, algorithms and strategy games.Item Open Access AUTOMATIC ERROR CORRECTION: EVALUATING PERFORMANCE OF SPELL CHECKER TOOLS(СДУ хабаршысы - 2021, 2021) Tolegenova A.Abstract. Spell checking is the task of detecting and correcting spelling errors in text and is one of the most sought-after processes in NLP. There are many open-source toolkits for checking and correcting errors in the text. To test how effective these tools are, in this article I have presented an evaluation of three types of tools as NeuSpell, SymSpell and Hunspell. SymSpell showed a high speed of 2480, this is an indicator of how fast it works than others. And NeuSpell achieved the lowest error rate of 0.80%. The results show the disadvantages and advantages of all algorithms, and that there is still room for improvement.Item Open Access BUDGET PLANNING USING BUSINESS PROCESS MODELING TECHNIQUES(СДУ хабаршысы - 2021, 2021) Nabigazinova E. ; Shalkharbay-uly A.Abstract. This paper’s purpose is to define analysis and Business Process Modeling techniques which are the main components of Business Process Design, like reengineering, software development, manage quality and continuous improvement of processes. The article presents the process of analysis and methods of planning a business process using business process modeling notation (BPMN) diagrams, the C # programming language, writing concepts and terms of reference for creating a process in an electronic document management workflow especially on the Budget planning process in SDU.Item Open Access BUILDING KAZAKH LANGUAGE OPEN SOURCE CORPORA USING WIKIPEDIA RESOURCES(СДУ хабаршысы - 2018, 2018) Chapaev D. ; Turapbekov B.Abstract. The lack of free public accessible Kazakh language corpus is one of the difficulties that Kazakh linguistics researchers face. Corpuses are used as a data source in statistical linguistics for the detection of unigrams, bigrams and n-grams. These data help analyze the structure of the language and find the most used words, etc. The aim of this paper is a step towards supporting Kazakh linguistics with the open source corpus built on Wikipedia dumps and one of its applications a Kazakh spell checker. Now, corpus contains over 21 million words. It is also open source and waiting for any contributors and suggestions.