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Item Open Access Calculus : brief summary and exercises. Part 1(Almaty, Suleyman demirel university - 2005, 2005) Nartova D.S.Abstract. The "Calculus: Theory and Practice" course is a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental branch of mathematics known as calculus. This abstract provides an overview of the course's key components, which include both theoretical concepts and practical exercises. The course begins by presenting the core principles of calculus, starting with the concept of limits, derivatives, and integrals. Students will delve into the mathematical foundations that underpin this discipline, understanding how calculus provides the tools to analyze and describe the behavior of functions, curves, and change itself. In the practical aspect of the course, students will engage in a wide range of exercises and problems that require them to apply calculus techniques to real-world scenarios. These exercises will cover differentiation, integration, optimization, and related rates, among other topics. Through these exercises, students will develop critical problem-solving skills and gain the ability to model and solve complex, dynamic situations.Item Open Access MULTI-FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMABLE LED CUBE (WITH ARDUINO)(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Bayekeyeva A.In 2011, in his message to the nation, the head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev, said that it is necessary to introduce new technologies in the educational process and to give a more time-consuming for the furtherdevelopment of the latest technologies in Kazakhstan. So,Arduino is one of them If I’m not mistaken, Arduino microcontroller is used in KZ, only the second year. Arduinoan electronic designer, with an open architecture for easy prototyping devices and programs for them. It is designed for professionals, inventors, hobbyists, and for anyone who wants to create an electronic device.Item Open Access Online Ordering Taxi on Android(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Makhymgaliyeva G.Nowadays people are very busy, stressful and always in an extremely active life. Sometimes they need relax, just sit and think about how life is wonderful. Also they need some service from another people, and to get agreement with someone when you are very tired is so difficult. This kind of problem makes you annoying. So I present decision of this issue by using mobile application Get a Taxi. This application locates the passenger's position automatically or can be set to pick-up from the user's favorite locations, e.g. work, home etc. The application then finds and orders the nearest available taxi and informs the user of the driver's name and ratings, and how much will cost distance.Item Open Access ҚАЗАҚСТАНДА МҰНАЙ ХИМИЯ КЛАСТЕРІН ДАМЫТУ(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Нұржанов Н.С.Зерттеудің мақсаты: Қазақстан Республикасындағы перспективалық инновациялық бағыттардың бірі -мұнай-химия секторындағы кластерлік жүйенің дамуының басымдылық (приоритетті) бағыттарын әзірлеу және оның тиімділігін анықтау. Атырау облысында мұнай-химия кластерін құрудың өзекті мәселелерін шешу жолдарын қарастыру.Атырау облысындағы мұнай-химия кластерінің бизнес-үлгісін ұсыну.Item Open Access Mobile Alarm System(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Jachiyeva K.This paper is about the LCD Alarm Toy Car. The idea of the project came from necessities of daily life activities, which surely starts with awakening. According to statistics, only 40% of all world population is considered as “larks”, who feel gentle awakening. Other 60% of humankind has stressful mornings every day. The main function of the LCD Alarm Toy Car is to rouse the user actively. As the car starts to run away, after applying signal from Alarm, till user turns it off, it might guarantee immediate awakening. To turn off the alarm user must get up, catch the car and push the OFF button. The platform which is used for programming such device is ARDUINO.Item Open Access Smart home assistant based on Arduino platform(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Kanatbekkyzy A.This research paper describes the overall architecture of small robot called “Smart Home Assistant”. Imagine a situation when you leave home and there is nobody at home or just your kids’ stay at home all alone. In this kind of situations, this robot serves as an assistant for you. Because, it will protect your home from suspicious smells, like gas and fire smells; room temperature changes by informing the owner of this apartment via SMS.Item Open Access Moodle E-learning Environment as an Effective Tool in Education(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Muhsin Ş.A learning management system (LMS) is a software application for the administration, preparing educational material, tracking, reporting and delivery of education courses or training programs. LMS software that enables the management of learning activities.Providing learning materials,sharing and discussion of the learning material, manage course catalogs, getting assignments, taking examination, providing feedback on assignments and exams that, editing these education materials, keep records of students, teachers and system, receiving reports. There are around 50 LMS in use today. Moodle is open source LMS systems also the most advanced and reliable. Therefore Moodle must be used in the education of Kazakhstan. The current usage is not enough. Use of it should be increased.Item Open Access “Pernetakta” system for fast learning to typing(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Massalimova G.Computer today is very important for everyone. But this is not just a matter for different games or the like is a means for fulfillment of various goals. Computer today helps to do what used to do a few people and a lot of time.Speed the task of the computer may depend not only on the obvious factors: the performance of the processor, or, roughly speaking, human ingenuity. Sometimes the best deterrent is purely mechanical work, exactly typing on keyboard.Item Open Access SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Жакупова А.Т.; Толегенова М.Н.Первые компьютеры стоили огромных денег и их вычислительные мощности сдавались заказчикам. С другой стороны, такую аренду нельзя считать разновидностью SaaS, поскольку заказчики получали доступ к компьютерам напрямую, а не с помощью глобальных сетей связи. Поскольку модель SaaS ориентирована на предоставление услуг с помощью Интернета, её развитие непосредственно связано с развитием глобальной сети. Первые компании, предлагавшие программное обеспечение как услугу, появились в западных странах в 1997—1999 годах, а акроним SaaS вошел в широкое употребление в 2001 году.Item Open Access NoSQL: назад в будущее(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Shaimardanova M.; Bimagambetova R.Сегодня актуальны эффективные технологии создания cпециализированных решений с гарантированным временем реакции при обработке больших массивов данных, однако потенциал таких давно существующих подходов, как Cache, реализован еще не полностью. Проекты класса XPT(extreme transaction processing, высоконагруженные приложения) предъ-являют новые требования к СУБД — сегодня необходимы технологии, обеспечивающие низкую стоимость масштабирования и обработки больших объемов данных. К таким технологиям относят СУБД класса NoSQL, обещающие разработчикам высокую скорость внесения изменений в прило-жения, низкие затраты на масштабирование, инструменты обработки и хранения больших объе-мов данных, а также высокую скорость выполнения на относительно недорогом оборудовании.Item Open Access Алгебраические и теоретико-модельные свойства частично упорядоченных структур(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Вербовский В.В., Туленбаев К.М.Объектом исследования являются частично упорядоченные структуры, модульные подмножества и функции в этих структурах, теория моделей первого порядка, алгебры. Цель работы - изучение вариантов о-минимальности для частично упорядоченных алгебраических структур, в том числе решеточно и булево упорядоченных структур. Методами исследований являются: методы классической математической логики; комбинаторные методы; методы теории моделей; методы алгебры. В процессе работы исследовались теоретико-модельные и алгебраические свойства частично упорядоченных структур, ALIA-алгебры. Все полученные результаты являются новыми, носят фундоментальный, теоретический характер и заключается в следующем: 1. Доказана локальная монотонность и непрерывность одноместных определимых функций, определимых частично упорядоченных группах. 2. Доказана коммутативность ро-максимально частично упорядоченных групп. 3. Предложено новое понятие выпухлого множества для частичных порядков. 4. Найдена формула полилинейной части для ALIA-алгебр.Item Open Access Mobile Attendance Checker(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Abdussaitova N.During the education in universities many are faced with the problem of traffic and its control. Moreover checking attendance at lectures with lots of students during the lecture is difficult. This mobile application allows you to check the attendance of any class, meeting (if necessary), lectures, or even in the workplace, and will help to collect more accurate information than the normal inspection visits, as this application takes a picture of each student.Item Open Access Taxi monitoring system(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Yermanova M.As technology grows, life is being better. The services are being automatized. It also concerns our transport situation of big cities. There are a lot of traffic jams – also a lot of programs to solve such problems.Item Open Access COMPARISONS BETWEEN RUBY AND PYTHON(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Seysenbay A.Nowadays web development programming is very popular. Using object-oriented programming (OOP) languages in it made it fun to design overall architectures, functionalities and ease of usability. As the scripting languages did not lose their popularity in this process, on their own field they also were making progress for making web development interesting for a programmer. Also scripting languages’ popularity is stable because of their compatibility and ease of use with the other languages. Considering these in this paper the comparison of basic items is made, that exist in Ruby and Python. Python itself was already popular, but coming of Ruby into the world of developers made them to begin many discussions. This work will give you basic view to make yourself a conclusion which one to choose and here it’s assumed that you already know one of the OOP languages or at least have some basic understanding of it.Item Open Access PHYSICS WITH ROBOTICS(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Кенжекей Ж.К.Why physics with robotics? Two reasons - inherent to robotics is measurement and actuation. In other words, in order for a robot to interact with the world, it has to investigate and do something with that investigation. It has to apply what it has "learned". Therefore, we can say that inherent to robotics is investigation and application. The same is true for physics education. In classroom, I encourage my students to investigate and apply what they have learned to something in the real world. Robotics gives us these two aspects of physics education in one very well connected package. Throughout this work, I will try to explain about opportunities to use robotics in classroom for investigation and applied physics projects. These are not, however, the only reasons we use robotics in our classrooms. Robotics is engaging, promotes creative problem solving, encourages students to represent their ideas in the real world with a precision system, provides excellent feedback and finally, robotics can be easily connected to knowing and learning a great diversity of physics concepts and skills. Why LEGO® MINDSTORMS® based robotics? Combined, teachers around the world have more than 15 years of experience with this system. I have used the MINDSTORMS system the most. I have found it to be an affordable, durable, and flexible solution for our project needs. The core of my ideas will work with most any sensor/motor based robotics system. Whether it is LEGO based or not, robotics is a great hook in a classroom environment, engaging reluctant and enthusiastic learners. Teachers will see that these systems provide students with exceptional feedback, helping them to develop their ideas and successfully tinker with physical phenomena as they endeavor to take on various science and engineering challenges. Furthermore, teachers will see that after class has ended, they still have students in the room. Students do not want to leave. They are having a great time challenging themselves and they are often so proud of what they have made that they bring friends later in the day to see their creations.Item Open Access REAL TIME TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROL USING IMAGE PROCESSING(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Zhanibekov D.As the problem of urban traffic congestion spreads, there is a pressing need for the introduction of advanced technology and equipment to improve the state-of-the-art of traffic control. Traffic problems nowadays are increasing because of the growing number of vehicles and the limited resources provided by current infrastructures. The simplest way for controlling a traffic light uses timer for each phase. Another way is to use electronic sensors in order to detect vehicles, and produce signal that cycles. We propose a system for controlling the traffic light by image processing. The system will detect vehicles through images instead of using electronic sensors embedded in the pavement. A camera will be installed alongside the traffic light. It will capture image sequences. The image sequence will then be analyzed using digital image processing for vehicle detection, and according to traffic conditions on the road traffic light can be controlled..Item Open Access TEXT BASED DOCUMENT SIMILARITY MEASURE(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Shnibekov Zh.Do you have a shortage of data? Not very likely. A consequence of the pervasive use of computers is that most data originate in digital form. If we trade a stock or write a book or buy a product online, these events evolve electronically. Since so many paper transactions are now in paperless digital form, lots of “big” data are available for further analysis. The concept of data mining, finding valuable patterns in data, is an obvious response to the collection and storage of large volumes of data. Data mining is no longer an emerging technology awaiting further development. Although its application is far from universal, the techniques of data mining are highly developed and for some forms of analysis are entering a mature phase. We would like to say “Give us data and we will findthepatterns.”Unfortunately, data-mining methods expect a highly structured format for data, necessitating extensive data preparation. Either we have to transform the original data, or the data are supplied in a highly structured format.Data-mining methods learn from samples of past experience. If we speak to specialists in predictive data mining, their data will be in numerical form. These people are the “numbers guys.” The “text miners” do not expect an orderly series of numbers. They are happy to look at collections of documents, where the contents are readable and their meaning is obvious. This is our first distinction between data and text mining: numbers versus text. That doesn’t mean that these are two distinct concepts. Both are based on samples of past examples. The composition of the examples is very different, yet many of the learning methods are similar. That’s because the text will be processed and transformed into a numerical representation.Item Open Access О РЕЗУЛЬТАТАХ ЧИСЛЕННОГО МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЯ ЭЛЕКТРОМАГНИТНЫХ ПОЛЕЙ В ЗАДАЧАХ ИМПУЛЬСНОЙ ЭЛЕКТРОРАЗВЕДКИ(СДУ хабаршысы - 2016, 2013) Амиргалиев Е.Н.; Оспанова Т.Т.В работе предложен численный метод решения трехмерной задачи импульсной электроразведки на основе построения локально-одномерной схемы. В результате численного моделирования построен график площадного распространения магнитного напряжения.Item Open Access CCNA assessment test for Android(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Umargaliyev A.Application for mobile with android platform. Android was publicly announced on November 5, 2007, followed by the SDK release on November 12th, 2007. A few days later, HelloAndroid.com comes out with an Application Database, which could be considered the first Android catalog. Around the same time, a couple other guys and I form SlideME, starting work on an application manager and portal for Android. We decide to enter the ADC I with our solution.Item Open Access СВОБОДНЫЕ ERP-СИСТЕМЫ(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Жунусов А.Термин «свободное программное обеспечение» (СПО) означает программное обеспечение, распространяемое на условиях специальной свободной лицензии, дающей неограниченное право пользователю на его запуск, изучение, распространение и изменение. Сегодня в IT-индустрии наблюдается устойчивая тенденция к популяризации и увеличению объемов использования свободного программного обеспечения. С каждым годом растет количество программ, относящихся к данной категории, повышаются их качество и функциональность.Практически у любого традиционного программного обеспечения имеется свободный аналог. Не стал исключением и сектор ERP-систем. Свободные корпоративные информационные системы (КИС), предназначенные для автоматизации всей деятельности предприятия, могут в скором времени составить серьезную конкуренцию лидерам этой отрасли информационных технологий.