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Item Open Access APPLICATION OF NEW METHODS OF TEACHING BIOLOGY WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF STEM(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) V. Rastorguyeva; A. Shametov; A. Kozhamzhar; D. KanatovaAbstract This study examined the current advancement in implementing methods of teaching biology within STEM at the schools of Kazakhstan. Data were collected from 33 teachers and 218 middle-school students representing various educational institutions such as State Lyceums, General Education Schools, and NIS/BIL/RPHMS via questionnaire. Results showed that the number of teachers applying STEM techniques has significantly increased, whereas many students are still not entirely familiar with the practice. One significant issue that both teachers and students have noted is the lack of high-tech equipment available at most schools. Therefore, the second part of the research investigated the possibility of introducing STEM experiments using only readily accessible materials. Ten students from the State Lyceum observed and participated in four STEMrelated biological experiments, and their feedback was further recorded. Despite the apparent enhancement of the students' engagement in the studying process and positive reviews regarding STEM experiments, a lack of specialized hardware has remained a significant drawback. Additional consequences and limitations are discussed.Item Open Access DRAMATIZATION" IS ONE OF THE WAYS TO INCREASE SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ FLUENCY(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) A. B. SadykovaAbstract The purpose of this study is to analyze how the dramatization method might help students improve their fluency. A group of secondary school students has been chosen to conduct the study in order to attain this goal. The group was evaluated to determine their fluency level before beginning the investigation. The research group then followed a learner-centered lesson plan that included a dramatization method. The research group was evaluated again at the end of the experiment to determine their fluency progress. The outcomes of the data analysis show that the fluency investigation has been improved. Despite the short research period, the respondents had better results.Item Open Access EFFECT OF PROCTORING SYSTEM DURING ONLINE EDUCATION(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) A. Baimukhanov; G. Netaliyeva; A. Ramatulla; D.Yermukhanov; N. ShynarbekAbstract The unexpected emergence of Covid-19, as well as the accelerated transition of all students to online education, caused significant disruption for both students and faculty. Overinflated grades as a result of academic dishonesty are one of these issues. Instructors were recommended to use a proctoring system in order to reduce the number of cases of improper behavior. The goal of this study is to compare the results obtained by 4 consecutive tests that were conducted on an online platform, where the first 2 were conducted without a proctoring system, and the next 2 with a proctoring system. The results of 352 students showed that the usage of the proctoring system has led to lower test scores, longer test completion times, and greater test score variances on exams.Item Open Access EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SELF-REGULATED STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT TO IMPROVE WRITING AN OPINION ESSAY IN ENGLISH(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) G.Zh. BegalyAbstract Foreign language students have challenges during the writing tasks like planning and organizing, expressing their ideas, making spelling mistakes, and lacking Vocabulary and knowledge about writing and the structure of an essay. The study explores the effectiveness of teaching a self-regulated strategy development approach to improve writing an opinion essay for seventh-graders. During the survey, questionnaires, pre-essay, and post-essay were conducted with twenty participants. Our analysis demonstrated improvements in writing skills through teaching students POW and TREE strategies during stages of SRSD. The students can express their minds clearly, learn to use linking words in an essay, decrease spelling mistakes, and improve Vocabulary. Writing opinion essays became more accessible and exciting for students. We conclude that the SRSD approach can help achieve high-quality writing tasks according to the students' level.Item Open Access EFL TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS AND CHALLENGES OF USING MOBILE LANGUAGE LEARNING APPLICATIONS(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) T. Z. TemirbekAbstract This paper explores English language teachers’ perceptions of mobile applications and challenges in using them. The study uses data from 10 English languages teachers working in secondary schools and universities in Kazakhstan. Thematic analysis is employed. The findings suggest that teachers value availability and student engagement offered by mobile apps. The challenges of using mobile apps tend to be beyond teachers’ control and include internet issues or lack of equipment. Policy implications for teacher training and professional development are discussed.Item Open Access FINDINGS IN ADAPTATION OF FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT TO ONLINE EDUCATION IN EFL CLASSES: SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ EXPERIENCE(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) G. Mussina; Kh. DelovarovaAbstract Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, all modalities of learning assessment had been strongly dependent on students' physical presence – either for administration or for observing the learners' daily progress. Current school closures necessitate development of alternative approaches to delivering the critical feedback function of learning assessment. While all types of assessment of student learning are important, the need for formative assessment right now is particularly critical because learning needs to take place outside of the physical classroom, and teachers and parents-turned-teachers need to understand whether students are absorbing the content that is delivered to them in formats that differ from business-as-usual.Item Open Access MANAGING STUDENT ENGAGEMENT IN THE ELT CLASSROOMS(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) T. Belgibay; Kh. DelovarovaAbstract This research work focuses on new methods and approaches for involving ELT students in the learning process using new technologies. The Google Classroom platform, as well as the use of interactive whiteboards, have earned their honourable attention and have firmly entered into modern ways of training teachers, significantly helping to progress performance and contribute to greater motivation of students. This was also established during a survey in which 15 secondary school teachers from Almaty took part, where it was revealed that teachers find the use of these technologies convenient and productive.Item Open Access METHODS OF MEASURING MATHEMATICAL CREATIVITY(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) P. Khurshida; G. Zhuman; G. Madenova; A. Orynbassar; A. GalymzhanAbstract. One of the fundamental purposes of educational systems should be to teach creative people, and every math lesson should emphasize creativity in mathematics. As a result, it's critical to understand both the qualities of math creativity and the basic factors that determine a person's intellect. The goal of this study is to illustrate many ways for measuring creativity in children that have been offered by famous scholars, as well as to determine whether there is a link between math creativity, math ability and general giftedness. Many academics believe that everyone is creative, but that their levels of creativity are unequal. As a result, scholars have previously examined the concept of creativity levels. There were explained several methods to evaluate creativity in order to make it readily to find out the levels of students' creativity, where the authors are well-known researchers from all over the world. Some of the methods mentioned have been utilized in other research on creativity.Item Open Access OUT-OF-SCHOOL ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN KAZAKHSTANI HIGH SCHOOLS(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) A. TlepbergenovaAbstract The aim of this article is to describe the influence of out-of-school English language learning on academic achievement in Kazakhstani high schools. English language acquisition plays a pivotal role in Kazakhstan, as English is not only an international communication language, but also the foreign language for obligatory study in state schools and higher education. Approximately 130 representatives of various ethnic groups populate Kazakhstan, thus it is considered as the multi religious and multiethnic state. Currently, the society development is altering Kazakhstan from bilingual to multilingual , integrating Kazakh, Russian and English languages into the educational system embedding policy of multilingualism at state schools all over the country. However, second language learners tend to demonstrate poor performance and low average points in foreign language examinations. Factors affecting low performance in school and entrance exams, the trend among students preferring private and extracurricular foreign language teaching for various educational purposes will be considered in this paper. Study is going to dissect the relationship between extracurricular foreign language learning and poor performance at state schools. Flaws in the educational system and methods of teaching in public schools and the benefits and positive impact of private education will be discussed in a future paper. This article is the systematic review of the scientific literature related to poor performance in EFL at schools and influence of out-of-school learning to academic performance of high school students.Item Open Access STUDENTS’ CHALLENGES IN ACADEMIC WRITING: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) T. AyazbayAbstract The aim of the article is to identify international tertiary students’ challenges in academic writing. The article suggests a systematic review of the scientific literature related to higher education students’ challenges in academic writing. Possible reasons for that might be the mismatch between required English language proficiency upon graduation and application to the higher education; L1 interference and incompetent linguistic ability. This article serves as background for further empirical study. Additionally, the paper provides suggestions and recommendations to overcome mentioned difficulties in academic writing. The results are useful for tertiary instructors who teach English writing related courses.Item Open Access TEACHING STUDENTS TO SOLVE PROBLEMS THEORY OF PROBABILITY AND MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) Zh. Nurgaliyeva; A. DauletkulovaAbstract Nowadays, probabilistic-statistical methods are now used in a wide range of disciplines, including physics, chemistry, pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, archeology, and geology, as well as probability theory in medicine and biology, military science and cosmonautics, linguistics, psychology, and teaching theory. Citizens have to overcome their deterministic thinking and recognize the existence of fundamental randomness in nature in order to perform effectively in society. Simultaneously, individuals should learn tactics and methods of reasoning that will assist in making appropriate judgments in everyday and professional circumstances involving risk. The importance of probability literacy has been acknowledged by educators in many nations by including teaching probability and mathematical statistics at various levels of education. The main purpose of this research is to build theoretical foundations for teaching probability and statistics in secondary school that are appropriate for their broad educational value, and to discover how to apply them in middle school mathematics classes.Item Open Access THE CONCEPT OF ANALYZING THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE SYSTEM AND MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR ENSURING INTEGRATED SECURITY(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) N. Abdinurova; Y. Mukhamedkali; O. BaimuratovAbstract. Since the development of the Internet, humanity has stopped using real information data that is transmitted in a classical way, that is, printed or written on paper, which has increased the number of users, which, consequently, has increased the amount of data transmitted between users. Because of this, the number of both intentional and unintentional cyber-attacks has increased dramatically. With the development of technologies, people's privacy and confidentiality are increasingly vulnerable because of these cyber attacks. The article talks about the overall level of security and tries to define the general formula for organizations with Wi-Fi routers and network printers. The security level of each component is determined through penetration testing using open-source ethical hacking tools. Define math formula need to take into consideration several factors such as vulnerability, usage frequency, etc. This paper shows some ways to penetrate the organization's network and some recommendations are also given to improve the security of the local infrastructure of organizations.Item Open Access THE IMPACT OF THE USE OF INTERNET MEMES IN THE PROCESS OF TEACHING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DISCIPLINES ON STUDENTS OF HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) B. Meraliyev; E. NabigazinovaAbstract This work is about exploring the possibility of using internet memes (funny illustrations) in such an important aspect as learning process in higher educational institutions. At the present time, when nonstop content consumption has become commonplace, modern people have begun to better perceive new information and knowledge through social media networks including humor, interesting comparisons and coincidences with real daily life. It is necessary to take into account associative thinking, which comes to the fore in the study of new disciplines. The authors consider the prospects of using memes in the process of obtaining new knowledge and consolidating the material covered. Also, all the advantages and disadvantages of such a modern and non-standard approach are studied based on the data obtained in the survey of students. The materials of this work are the survey, analysis and experience of the teachers of the Suleyman Demirel University (Kazakhstan) with a specialization in ”Data Analytics”.Item Open Access USAGE OF READING STRATEGIES BY KAZAKHSTANI EFL STUDENTS(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) M. Sanatkyzy; A. K. KitibayevaAbstract Reading comprehension is considered as the basis of learning in various educational programs for the development of writing, vocabulary, and grammar. Therefore, foreign language instructors should teach pupils strategies for improving their reading skills. This article gives a general overview of how learners regulate learning strategies. It explores the use of reading strategies, elucidates strategies for high-frequency use as well as low-frequency use, and discusses their implications for classroom teaching. The data were collected using a questionnaire that included 40 Likert questions on a five-point scale, and participants were asked to circle on a scale from "Never" (1) to "Always" (5), depending on their position. The results show that students' average strategy usage is in the medium range, indicating that they are not regular strategy users. The study's findings suggest that instructors and curriculum developers should pay more attention to strategies for reading instruction. The results of the study might be helpful for informing the language teachers about the merits of strategy-based instruction and how helpful it can be in instructing language skills particularly reading skill.Item Open Access ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ СТРАТЕГИИ ЧТЕНИЯ КАЗАХСТАНСКИМИ УЧЕНИКАМИ, ИЗУЧАЮЩИМИ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК КАК ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК(2022 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2022) Д. АзаматоваАннотация Понимание прочитанного рассматривается как основа обучения в различных учебных программах для развития словарного запаса, письма, грамматики, общих языковых курсов. Поэтому преподаватели иностранных языков должны обучать студентов стратегиям, которые они могут использовать для улучшения своих навыков. В этой статье дается общий обзор того, как учащиеся регулируют стратегии обучения. В нем исследуется использование стратегий чтения, разъясняются стратегии как высокочастотного, так и низкочастотного использования, а также обсуждаются их последствия для преподавания в классе. Данные были собраны с помощью вопросника, который включал 40 вопросов Лайкерта по пятибалльной шкале, и участников попросили обвести по шкале от "Никогда" (1) до "Всегда" (5), в зависимости от их положения. Результаты показывают, что среднее использование стратегии студентами находится в среднем диапазоне, что указывает на то, что они не являются постоянными пользователями стратегии. Вывод исследования заключается в том, что стратегии обучения чтению должны уделять больше внимания учителям и разработчикам учебных программ. Результаты исследования могут быть полезны для информирования учителей иностранных языков о преимуществах обучения, основанного на стратегии, и о том, насколько это может быть полезно для обучения языковым навыкам, особенно навыкам чтения.