Proceeding of 2021 International Young Scholars' Conference
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Item Open Access A REVIEW OF APPLYING REAL LIFE PROBLEMS IN TEACHING MATHEMATICS(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Patullayeva Kh.; Nuri B.This article affords an overview of current research on realistic mathematics education, examines the parameters of word problems that correctly reflect real life. This study aimed to analyze the use of the context of real life in the teaching of mathematics in school. This article also discusses the theoretical basis of the intervention. It proposes theoretical reasons for choosing the theory of realistic mathematics education (RME) for use with students with low academic performance.Item Open Access AN ANALYSIS OF PIAAC SURVEY ON KAZAKHSTAN - GENDER, LEADERSHIP, EDUCATION AND SKILLS(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Yelibay M.; Halasz G.Abstract This paper aims to analyse factors predicting who will occupy leadership positions in Kazakhstan, by exploring variables such as gender, skills, level of education, and family background. The skills that are referred to in this study are competencies assessed in the PIAAC survey of Kazakhstan from 2017. The author will estimate a model whether holding leadership occupations depend on gender, family background and skills, such as numeracy, literacy and the use of ICT at workplaces. In summary, a research perspective that focuses on skills in terms of what people do in work contexts can expand conclusions drawn about leadership. Research results indicate that strategic thinking which result in literacy, numeracy and ICT skills are important for leadership. The study supports existing Western research on gender, leadership, education and skills with an analysis of big data. This empirical research adds findings to the existing data from the Central Asian context, particularly to the sector of gender studies, leadership and education.Item Open Access ANALYSIS OF KAZAKHSTAN SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY SYSTEM CATALOGING WITH MARC21(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Abubakirova A.Abstract This work’s aim is to analyze comparisons of international formats for Kazakhstan Scientific Library System by giving the opportunity to get records from WorldCat. For detailed parts we disclose the importance of the difference of cataloging by hand and automatically. Our task is to show the algorithm of how to get the records and optimize librarians work with using the C# and python languages. In the creation of the system by LCC cataloging we define related factors, parameters and identifies.Item Open Access ARTIFICIALLY INTELLIGENT CONVERSATIONAL CHATBOTS: MAIN TYPES, PROGRAMMING ISSUES, AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Momonov G.Abstract In recent years, artificially intelligent (AI) conversational chatbots have become widely used and proved to be a practical and effective support tool in many areas. Advances in machine learning and neural networks have made such proliferation of AI chatbots possible, yet there are still many programming issues and challenges in developing chatbots for various specific domains of human activity. This paper reviews types of artificially intelligent conversational chatbots and programming issues associated with each type. The following main types of chatbots are discussed: 1) script-based chatbots, 2) database-based chatbots, and 3) natural language processing-based chatbots. Key programming challenges in creating chatbots and existing solutions are reviewed.Item Open Access COMPARATIVE STUDY OF COMMON PROVERBS IN THE KAZAKH, TURKISH LANGUAGES AND ENGLISH AS A MEDIATOR: FEATURES OF TRANSLATION(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Ayazbay T.; Gabidinova T.; Zhaksylyk M.; Abrash A.Abstract The article highlights the issues of translation of proverbs from Kazakh to Turkish languages. Some Kazakh proverbs do not have equivalents in Turkish. The reason for these peculiarities of these proverbs is that the Kazakh nation was influenced by neighboring states - Russia in the first place - and remained geographically far from Turkey. Despite all these influences, the number of Kazakh proverbs that are equivalent to Turkish cannot be underestimated. Based on this, it can be highlighted that Kazakh people bear traces of the same culture as the people of Turkey, due to their lifestyle, traditions, and world views. The main aim of the research was to demonstrate the differences and similarities of Kazakh proverbs with Turkish and English proverbs, and the importance of proverbs in foreign language teaching in line with the antiquity of the roots of national culture. Finally, the research resulted in four different approaches to translating.Item Open Access COMPARISON OF TEACHING ENGLISH IN KAZAKHSTAN AND THE NETHERLANDS ON THE BASIS OF COMPARING DIFFERENCES BETWEEN WORD ORDER IN STUDENTS’ MOTHER TONGUE(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Baizhanova A.Abstract.The given article is devoted to considering difficulties in teaching the English word order in higher educational institutions caused by interference of students’ mother tongue on the basis of comparing the influence of different grammatical systems of source languages on acquisition of a target language. The research begins with analysis of peculiarities of word order in three languages belonging to different language groups and language families (Kazakh, Dutch and English) aiming to compare their impact on mistakes students in Kazakhstan and the Netherlands may make while learning English as a foreign language. In addition, the author comes up with several tips to teach word order in a sentence for English language teachers in Kazakhstani higher institutions.Item Open Access COUNTERINTUITIVE QUESTIONS IN SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Ateybekova M.Abstract Nowadays intuition continues to be of great interest to mathematics and science educators. The use of counterintuitive questions in math lessons is one way to captivate, interest, motivate, and stimulate intellectual development of teenage students. Additional benefits to students include opportunities for: metacognition, critical thinking, discovery learning, connections to real-life applications and history. These questions make students aware of the inadequacies of their own thinking by exposing them to situations whose outcomes are inconsistent with what they would expect. We hope that by using such problems in the classroom, teachers will increase students' interest in mathematics. The purpose of this article was to develop a theoretical model for the use of counterintuitive examples in mathematics at the school students.Item Open Access COVID-19 AND THE WHITE-COLLAR CRIMES: ANALYZING THE ECONOMIC NOSEDIVE AND THE RISE OF FINANCIAL CRIMES(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Aneja A.Abstract. The term White Collar crimes has been defined by Edwin Hardin Sutherland as “crimes committed by people who enjoy the high social status, great repute, and respectability in their occupation.” Such crimes are primarily influenced by the economic framework prevailing in the nation. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought to world economy at a standstill and two consecutive Covid-19 waves the Indian economy has crumbled into pieces. There has been a constant pressure on achieving business targets wherein even small-scale sales companies have started falsifying accounts, resorted to fraudulent malpractices in order to meet the financial targets. Furthermore, with huge amount to economic packages being rolled out by the government in order to stimulate the economy provides a greater opportunity for the whitecollar criminals to commit any form of financial crime. Furthermore, with increasing travel restrictions and constant closure of the offices, a necessary oversight over the business activities has been become difficult. Pursuant to the same this paper deals with a co-relational study between the Covid-19 Pandemic and increased threat of white-collar crimes in India. The paper concisely relates how factors like economic pressure and requisite opportunity created by the pandemic have become a major path for financial crimes. Furthermore, this paper in order to create a theoretical perspective features different enactments of Indian laws which discuss the discipline of these kinds of crimes. The author will at last close the article with his own ideas and suggestions to curb the growing white-collar crimes.Item Open Access CURRENT AND FUTURE STATE OF LOAN WORDS IN THE KAZAKH LANGUAGE(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Zhambylkyzy M.; Yessaly D. S.Аңдатпа Мақалада тіліміздегі кірме сөздердің игерілуі бойынша тарихи-мәдени факторлар қарастырылды. Тілімізге енген кірме сөздердің төл тілдегі мағынасымен қаншалықты үндесіп жатқандығы сараланды. Бүгінгі таңда кірме сөздер төл мағынасынан да басқа екінші бір мағынаға ие болып жатқандығы зерделенді. Өзге халықтардың тіліндегі кірме сөздер игерілген уақытта міндетті түрде сол халықтың өзіндік тіліне тән тілдік ерекшеліктері мен өрнектерімен қоса меңгерілететіндігін байқадық. Тіпті, түркі тілдері жататын түрік тілінен алынған кірме сөздер, алдымен орыс тіліне, одан кейін орыс тілінің фонетикалық ерекшелігі бойынша қазақ тіліне енген. Бірақ бұл сөздердің фонетикалық құрамы алдымен түрік тілінің төл дыбыстарынан жасалған, одан әрі түрік тілінен орыс тіліне ауысқан шақта орыс тілінің төл дыбыстары арқылы игеріліп орфографияланған. Ал, қазақ тіліне ену барысында біздің тілдің төл дыбыстарының мүлдем басшылыққа алынбағандығын байқаймыз. Кейбір араб және парсы сөздерінің лексикалық мағынасы көмескіленіп түсініксіз болып қалған. Оларды көбінесе тарихи жырларда немесе діни қисса-дастандарды кездестіріп жатамыз. Қазақ тілінің кірме сөздер сөздігі құрылымы жағынан бұрын-соңды құрастырылмаған ауқымды еңбек болып табылады. Себебі, қазіргі таңда кірме сөздердің түпкі мағынасын айқындап беріп қана қоймай, ол тілдік бірліктердің қай тілден және қалай енгендігін түсіндіріп, көрсетіп беретін дереккөздердің болуы аса маңызды болып табылады. Зерттеу барысында эксперименттік сауалнама жүргізілді. Соның негізінде кірме сөздердің тілімізге енудегі басты жолдары анықталды. Сауалнамада респонденттің жас ерекшелігі, жынысы және кірме сөздерге байланысты нақты сұрақтар мен өз ойын білдіруге болатын ашық сұрақтар берілді. Кірме сөздер туралы көзқарас Тәуелсіздік алғаннан соң дүниеге келген ұрпақ пен совет үкіметі кезінде туылған адамдармен бірдей дәрежеде бола алмайды. Осы себепті респонденттердің жас ерекшелігі сұралды. 659 Жынысын сұраудағы діттеген межеміз әйел адаммен ер адамның кірме сөздерді қолдану аясы және контекстері әр түрлі болып келеді. Респонденттердің көпшілігі кірме сөздердің тілімізге енуінің негізгі себептері ретінде жаһандану және саясиэкономикалық оқиғалардың үдерісінен деген тұжырымдарын көрсетті. Осы жүргізілген тәжірибенің қорытындысы бойынша жалпылама түрде кірме сөздердің бүгінгі таңдағы қолданылуын және оның өзектілігінің қаншалықты екендігін анықтадық.Item Open Access DEVELOPMENT OF MOBILE APPLICATION FOR HEALTHY MATERNAL BEHAVIOR IN ORDER TO REDUCE FETAL MORTALITY(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Baimuratov O.; Salykbayeva T.Abstract Pregnant women are not sufficiently analyzed in scientific studies, which leads to deficiencies in evidence-based treatment guidelines. There are more than two billion smartphone users in the world, which allows researchers to easily and inexpensively conduct large-scale studies using mobile applications, especially among pregnant women, whose use is extremely high, especially as an information channel. This is the first application for pregnancy research, that is, a popular application for them, for self-monitoring and training of expectant mothers. Due to the large-scale and simplified collection of data obtained through surveys, using the application, we strive to improve our understanding of the factors contributing to a healthy pregnancy, both for the mother and the developing fetus. In Kazakhstan, there are many mobile applications that provide only basic data, such as a reminder of a meeting with a doctor, a list of medical institutions, nearest pharmacies, surveys of consumers of medical services, etc. And our application is different in that pregnant women will receive useful information in addition to monitoring, as well as answers to their questions, that is, recommendations on their questions. And also this application will be sent for our country, namely for our mentality, but in the future we are considering, by improving this application, to try to launch them abroad.Item Open Access E-MONEY AND ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEMS. PROBLEMS AND TRENDS(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Meraliyeva F.Abstract. This research paper focuses on e-money and electronic payment systems that is extremely relevant topic within the current pandemic situation. Recently, we became witnesses with the globalization of markets and growth of e-commerce. It is obvious that money transactions became digital, electronic payments systems became our daily payment tool. All these globalization and digitalization are changing the culture of shopping, conducting business, accepting e-money as means of payment. At the same time, there are number of people that cannot accept any type of money except cash money. However, a number of issues, especially the digital money market, coverage and security, legal issues and some other aspects remain poorly understood. Thus this paper is made to make majority of population to be acquainted with the e-money, electronic payment systems, their problems, trends, their advantages and disadvantages as a whole from the legal perspectives.Item Open Access INTEGRATED EDUCATION IN MATH AND COMPUTER SCIENCE(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Duisenova G.; Ibrakhimova T.Abstract The given article deals with the essence of the integrated lessons and their value in the modern educational process. The necessity to conduct the integrated lessons is shown on the basis of concrete examples. Characteristics of the structure of the integrated lessons are revealed in the article. In today's information society, the ability to use modern information technology is equivalent to the necessary reading and writing skills for every member of society. Accordingly, the key task is the formation of the information culture of students, that is, to teach them to effectively use information in everyday life, developing the skills of searching, analyzing, processing, storing and disseminating information. This article shows the benefits of using integrated lessons. In addition to engaging students in an appropriate curriculum, encouraging students to discover the connections between mathematics and science helps show students why learning mathematics is valuable. Opportunities for the comprehensive teaching of mathematics and computer science were identified.Item Open Access INVOLVING YOUNG PEOPLE IN SECONDARY SCHOOL: INCREASING INTEREST IN LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Saidualieva A.Abstract The article considers the reasons for the decline in the level of students' interest in learning a foreign language. The relevance of this article lies in the problem of modern youth - low interest and lack of demand for educational activities during the educational process. The aim of the work is to increase the interest of students in learning a foreign language. Training works best when young people can focus deeply on several things at the same time; when they see a clear goal in the learning activities; and when they play an active role, they jointly design, interpret, apply, understand and connect. To successfully engage young people in education, students must be able to do more than just be participants. Young people need to be active and develop critical thinking. Research methods: comparison and search of materials, analysis, and study of thematic literature.Item Open Access POST-SOVIET ERA NEOLIBERALISM AND PRIVATIZATION IN KAZAKHSTAN’S HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Bayetova N.Abstract. By applying grounded theory as a methodological tool and using higher education policy documents and the speeches of the former president of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev (1991-2019), I examined the changes that occurred in higher education system in Kazakhstan based on neoliberalism. Kazakhstan has transition to higher education policies based upon core neoliberal ideas, such as privatization, meritocracy, individualism, self-reliance, and competition. However, neoliberal policies in Kazakhstan has been influenced by the local political and governance system. Specifically, as it was found, the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan has maintained a crucial position in shaping the contemporary higher education policies. With Nazarbayev’s initiative, significant educational projects that meet core neoliberal ideas have been introduced and financially and politically prioritized despite the lack of evidence of their effectiveness. The analysis of the policy documents has revealed that higher education policy changes were informed by autocratic and leader-centric neoliberal system.Item Open Access PRECONDITIONS FOR COMPILING PRACTICE-ORIENTED ASSIGNMENTS IN MATHEMATICS(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Nakypbek Zh.Abstract It is no secret that today most educational institutions are gradually reorienting to the educational standards of the third generation. In this regard, there is a problem of training qualified specialists for the society, focusing on mathematics as a fundamental and popular science. The professional orientation of training allows us to consider mathematics, firstly, as a means by which you can design the process of profile-oriented training, and secondly, as a form of specific interdisciplinary relationship of general and professional knowledge. Based on this, the development of students’ intellectual skills in designing and modeling mathematical models is considered particularly relevant at the present time. Therefore, a systematic approach to teaching mathematics on the basis of practice-oriented teaching, which has already proved itself in the framework of experimental application and in elective classes in mathematics, is becoming particularly relevant today.Item Open Access REGULATION OF THE SMART-CONTRACTS IN THE CIVIL LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Kuzdeubayev N.Abstract. The rapid growth of digitalization transformed most business activities, where the role of technology is prevailing. One example would be the emergence of smart contracts. The smart contract is the contract between two or more parties, contractual terms of which can be automatically enforced without the intervention of a trusted third party with the help of blockchain technology. Although it has several benefits, the term “smart-contract” is not reflected in the legislation nor the practice of dispute resolution is evolved. This article analyses Kazakhstani legislation for the placement of the smart contract in the law system compared to the other type of traditional contracts.Item Open Access SCHOOLCHILDREN’S INTELLECTUAL CAPABILITIES BEHIND THE ORGANIZATION OF EXTRACURRICULAR WORK IN MATHEMATICS(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Dametken M.Abstract .The article describes the importance of considering the intellectual abilities of students in the organization of extracurricular activities in mathematics. In the process of making changes or updates to the curriculum in schools, there are often obstacles to the child's adaptation. At the root of these obstacles is the failure to consider the intellectual abilities of children of all ages when developing the program. It is also based on valuable scientific studies on the subject published in the Soviet Union from 1954 to 1974 and addressing many issues in the field of education.Item Open Access SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND EFFICIENCY OF ISLAMIC FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Kuanova L.Abstract. Islamic finance is obtaining attention from the financial industry and academia. The growing of the Islamic financial assets and number of institutions despite the crises and global decline in economics sets the interest to the Shariah-compliant institutions activity and social component impacted on welfare needs of the society. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the social responsibility of Islamic financial institutions, and their advantages by using data from in-depth interviews with managers of the institutions, financial statements, and reports of the institutions. The study’s estimations show the high social responsibility of the Islamic financial institutions of Kazakhstan and the growth of the social projects covered by the special accounts for charity and amount of the zakat collection, as a result of increasing the financial assets of that institutions. Furthermore, the social impact of these institutions creates the opportunity for assistance to the needy and socially vulnerable population of the country.Item Open Access SPEAKING ACQUISITION STRATEGIES EMPLOYED BY SENIOR EFL STUDENTS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Azbayeva A.Abstract.This study was conducted by the researcher to identify speaking acquisition strategies employed by senior EFL students of secondary schools in overcoming speaking difficulties and their effect on students’ speaking performance. It is supposed, that appropriate speaking acquisition strategies employed by EFL students appear to be one of the essential aspects in developing speaking proficiency. The study used qualitative approach in exploring the speaking strategies used by EFL students; furthermore, the research findings revealed the major speaking strategies utilized by EFL students and the effect of these strategies on students’ speaking performance. To qualitatively reveal the most successful speaking acquisition strategies to overcome speaking difficulties and to explore the effect of these strategies on EFL students’ speaking performance, a representative sample of 30 EFL senior students of secondary school were interviewed. Based on the conducted interview results, it was discovered that EFL students mostly apply cognitive and communication strategies and the findings demonstrated that these strategies effectively influence on students speaking skills. According to the results of interview, it can be summarized that EFL students have their strategies in overcoming the difficulties in speaking skills. Most of the students attend English language courses to improve speaking abilities, try to memorize new English words. The vocabulary accuracy is essential to understand speaking context, sufficiency of vocabulary repertoire encourages EFL students to speak in the target language and to understand other people. Moreover, the students also believe that sufficient speaking practice strengthens their speaking proficiency, the other respondents highlighted that watching, reading and listening authentic materials helped them to overcome speaking difficulties and progressed their speaking skillsItem Open Access STUDENTS’ PROBLEMS IN SOLVING TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS(2021 International Young Scholars' Conference, 2021) Saydenov F.The aim of the study is to determine the abilities of 11th grade students of trigonometric equations. The study used thematic analysis, one of the descriptive methods. Questions were prepared consisting of examples of trigonometry, including solutions to trigonometric equations. Data collection tools were applied to a randomly selected 20 students, an education center. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the data. According to the results, it was determined that some of the students participating in the study had problems using basic trigonometric formulas, trigonometric identities and trigonometric equations. In addition, it is clear that the ability of students to decipher problem forms and application of factorization in the form of trigonometric quadratic equations is at a low level. It was found that students fail to correctly and adequately use their skills in solving trigonometric equations.