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Item Open Access POLICIES AND MEASURES ARE ELABORATED IN ORDER ТО FACILITATE TRANSITION FROM INFORМAL ТО FORМAL EMPLOYMENT (КАZАКНSТANI MODEL)(Suleyman Demirel University, 2010) Tatibekov B.L.Development of policy and measures aimed at facilitating transition from informal to official (formal) employment in Kazakhstan is an extremely crucial issue for Kazakhstan. Informal employment in the country linked with unemployment and low living standards cause anxiety among the population about the future prospects, as well as distrust in the policies carried out by the government. Informal employment frequently links with lack of social protection, poor health and safety conditions on the work place, working poverty and tax evasion. Absence of registration of labor relationships is also connected with criminalization of Kazakhstani society. Insufficient attention of the government to the problems of informal employment does not allow getting a clear and complete picture of the issue.Item Open Access Review of decent work country program in Kazakhstan(2010-2012)(2012) Tatibekov B.L.The report is result of the technical task of International Labor Organization. It has been prepared under frame of implementation of Concept of Decent Work in Kazakhstan and in particular through the prism of evaluation and review of achieved results of Decent work in 2010-2012 years. The Concept of providing decent work, initiated by the International Labor Organization (ILO), has an important social-economic, and moral significance for all countries-members of the ILO. Within the framework of this Concept’s implementation, the countries have an opportunity to adopt unified global standards in the sphere of labor provide an individual’s right to work, which will satisfy his/her needs both morally and physically.Item Open Access The Bologna process and problems in higher education system of Kazakhstan(Elsevier Ltd., 2012) Moldiyar Yergebekov; Zhanar TemirbekovaNation states, nowadays, have to integrate with the world due to impositions and propositions of globalization to every aspects of life. Education systems, one of the domains of globalization, have experienced this obligation deeply. Therefore, states and governments have prepared their education systems with a national point of view in order to meet this demand of the era. On the other hand, at both national and international level, it is expected that standards in higher education should be determined, system should be complied with these standards and integrate themselves. However, this integration process becomes rather slow and painful for countries whose education system, e.g. Kazakhstan, stuck in first Soviet then post-Soviet and now international standards. Kazakhstan’s effort to become a part of globalizing education area like Bologna is an obvious example. In 2010, Kazakhstan joined the European Higher Education Area which was formed as part of the integration process on education first including EU Member States then other countries with some territory in Continental Europe. With 47 member countries, Bologna Process has become the largest cooperative education area of the world. Kazakhstan’s inclusion to this Process creates hope about fundamental changes in education system of Kazakhstan. However, integration studies go ahead very slowly due to many incomplete obstacles. With this study, it is expected, in general, to emphasize the effect to globalization on higher education systems of countries newly establishing their nation states as Kazakhstan and in particular, to research why Kazakhstan could not become a part of the process despite included Bologna Process of higher education. In other words, the aim is to review critically whether globalization is effective in Kazakhstan – one of the neighboring countries that globalization creates specific activity – and as an example of this whether Bologna Process is effective in higher education area, and to examine the reasons of Kazakhstan’s inclusion to Bologna Process in spite of not implementing crucial principles of the Process. The research method is based on comparative analysis examining 10 action lines of the Bologna Process and how effective the basic principles are in higher education system of Kazakhstan.Item Open Access ШАҒЫН ЖӘНЕ ОРТА БИЗНЕС – ЭКОНОМИКА ТҰРАҚТЫЛЫҒЫНЫҢ КЕПІЛІ(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Г.Н. БелібаеваМақалада шағын және орта бизнес саласының нарықтық экономика жағдайында экономикалық және әлеуметтік қызметі мәселелері қарастырылған. Шағын және орта бизнестің экономикалық қызметі жалпы ішкі өнім өндірісіне, оның салымдары мен экономика құрылымына әсері бәсекелік ортаны қалыптастырумен анықталады, халықтың экономикалық тәуелсіздігін нығайтып, олардың сұранысының төлем қабілеттілігін арттыруға ықпал етеді.Item Open Access EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ON AN ENTERPRISE: CASE OF “SKYMAX TECHNOLOGIES”(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Karymbayeva R., Bekbergenova A., Rakhmatullina A.Development of employees has become an important aspect of every organization. However, employees have different attitudes towards training: some of them are quite resistant; others are very excited about learning new things. This paper looks at the attitudes of employees towards training and development given their gender. The data for study was collected via questionnaires from 19 employees of a LLP “Skymax Technologies”. The results suggest that women have more positive perceptions of the quality of training conducted in their company rather than men.Item Open Access Innovation in the higher economy and finance education: developing а new course of 'Social security and pension provision'(Elsevier Ltd., 2013) Assel Izekenova; Zhanaг TemiгbekovaThe issue of the essence of the efficient investment of pension saving – young but already fledgling institutional investors – pension funds (APF) of the Republic Kazakhstan and its reflection in the higher education in economy and finance is addressed in this paper. Because, this issue is not only of the Government of Kazakhstan and the financial market players (including the employees and the top management of pension funds), but is also a concern of the academicians, who are responsible for the educating the specialists for the mentioned sector Main objective of this study is to discuss the outline of developing educational and methodological complex for a new course of ‘Social security and pension provision’ that mainly covers the examination and the teaching of the problems of the pension provision with the global perspective and under existing economic and social situation of country. The authors believe that, introducing such a new course as an elective discipline will improve the quality of higher financial education of Kazakhstan, since, the issue of social security and pensions was not handled as an independent course before. The new course ‘Social security and pension provision in the case of Kazakhstan’ will help – students to develop skills and knowledge which have critical importance for the future specialist of pension funds as this course will provide students with theoretical tools and cases from the global practical experiences. Thus, this new course will enable them to interpret domestic social security and pension’s reforms as well as to evaluate new technology and latest achievement for modernization of pension model of Republic Kazakhstan.Item Open Access KAZAKHSTAN’S PATH TOWARD CIVIC NATION BUILDING AND THE NEED IN POSITIVE NATIONALISM(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) A.S. KaliyevaThis article contains analysis of nation-building policy of Kazakhstan’s government since gaining independence. Article argues that government’s ‘Kazakhification’ policy, ‘Oralman’ program (repatriation of ethnic Kazakhs) and promotion of Kazakh language and culture were not aimed at giving titular nation a dominant position, pressuring ethnic minorities and building ethnic state model. Instead Kazakhstan’s government granted the right to use and develop their own mother tongue and culture to all ethnicities manoeuvring between the revival and consolidation of Kazakh identity and recognition that Kazakhstan is a multiethnic state which resulted in creating two nations: Kazakh and Kazakhstani. Government’s attempt in building civic state model at this moment is failing because dilemma between Kazakh nation and Kazakhstani nation is leading to increase of negative nationalism. The main conclusion that is outlined in this article is to supplement nation-building policy with positive nationalism for consolidation of nation under common will.Item Open Access FINANCIAL FORECASTING METHODS IN OIL-SECTOR OF KAZAKHSTAN(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) A. OnlasovThe paper emphasizes the importance of financial forecasting for Kazakhstan’s oil-sector. Methods used in financial forecasting are described in the paper, namely in oil-sector. General definition of financial forecasting is given, and article mentions 3 most relevant forecasting methods: Exponential smooth, Trend analysis, Regression analysis.Item Open Access SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF OIL AND GAS IN REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Bairova A.The theme of my article is “The sustainable economic development in oil and gas sector in Republic of Kazakhstan”. The purpose of research is the theoretical substantiation of analysis of the oil and gas sector in Kazakhstan, as it leads to sustainable development of economy. At the heart of many social, economic and ecological problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan is historically imbalance, when a country uses resources disproportionately compared to their production. At the beginning, I have explained the history of oil and gas, as it uses from old to modern history. It also presents the theory of sustainable development, which explains what are Sustainable economic growth and Oil and Gas Contracts for Sustainable Development in Kazakhstan, how it works. Goals and objectives of this work are: to understand the importance of the oil sector, to analyze the development of oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan. At the final stage of the proposed issues for further development and effective functioning of the oil and gas industry.Item Open Access CAREER BARRIERS OF WOMEN MANAGERS: GLASS CEILING(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Nazik GulerIn this article is considered glass ceiling is on obsatacle that women who aim to rise senior position is goverment,educational institution, non profit organizations face in.The definiation of glass ceiling is used to specify the uncertainty of the problem.Item Open Access ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫНДАҒЫ БАСҚАРУ КАДРЛАРЫН ДАЙЫНДАУДЫҢ КӨКЕЙТЕСТІ МӘСЕЛЕЛЕРІ(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Ә.Б. БәкіроваМақалада жоғары оқу орнындағы басқару кадрларын дайындауға арналған.Басқару кадрларын дайындаудағы көкейтесті мәселелер қарастырылған. Сонымен қатар, мақалада білім беруді жүзеге асыру жүйесіндегі кадр құрамын басқарудың негізгі мақсаттары көрсетілген. Басқару кадрларын дайындаудың дүниежүзілік тенденцияларын қарастыра отырып, Қазақстан Республикасындағы кадрларды басқару жүйесіне талдау жасалған.Item Open Access ACCUMULATIVE PENSION SYSTEM OF KAZAKHSTAN(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Zhunussova A.Z. Izekenova A.K.The aim of this work is to study and analyze the development of the accumulative pension system in Kazakhstan based on an analysis of the activity results of pension funds to identify problems of the pension market as a whole and suggest ways to solve these problems, develop plans and recommendations directed on further dynamic development of the system.Item Open Access THE PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES OF IFRS IMPLEMENTATION IN KAZAKHSTAN(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Ualiyeva A.K., Izekenova A.KWith the development of the economy in order to increase the competitiveness Kazakhstan decided to implement International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Recognized worldwide as an effective tool to provide reliable and high quality information, IFRS became the basis for the Kazakhstani accounting. These international standards will allow Kazakhstan's economy to move to a qualitatively new level of development where the core values are a good investment climate, the transparency of financial reporting, credibility of the financial position and results of operations. This report has been written about what international financial reporting standards are, about Committee and Board of IFRS and current situation of the implementation of IFRS in Kazakhstan. In the report the problems encountered during the implementation of international standards are spelled out and solutions to these issues are proposed.Item Open Access PROBLEMS & PERSPECTIVES OF SMB IN KAZAKHSTAN(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) R. KarimovThe main purpose of this research is to analyze the actual state of small business in Kazakhstan. In this work were used the following research methods: content analysis, online interviews and analysis of the scientific literature.Item Open Access ҚАЗАҚСТАН ЭКОНОМИКАСЫННЫҢ ШАҒЫН ЖӘНЕ ОРТА БИЗНЕСТЕГІ ЖАСТАР КӘСІПКЕРЛІГІН ДАМЫТУ(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Б.Р. ҚожамбекШағын және орта бизнес ел экономикасының күре тамыры және осы шағын және орта бизнестің дамуы елімізге үлкен үлес қосатыны анық. Себебі дамыған мемлекеттерде тәжірибесіне сүйенсек осы бизнестің түрі 70 пайыз үлес алатынын көруге болады. Сондықтан шағын және орта бизнесті дамытуда, инновациялық және әлеуметтік-экономикалық жобалар мен бағдарламаларды жүзеге асыруда жас кәсіпкерлердің мүмкіндігі мол десек, қателеспейміз.Item Open Access РЕЙТИНГОВЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ ОЦЕНКИ РИСКОВ(Suleyman Demirel University, 2014) Кабиназаров Асет МухтаровичЗадача прикладных исследований риска состоит в том, чтобы снизить остроту неопределенности, предусмотреть возможные негативные и позитивные последствия ее развития. Современные методы позволяют количественно и качественно оценить вероятность достижения цели, отклонения от цели или неудачи.Item Open Access ОСНОВНЫЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ УЛУЧШЕНИЯ СИСТЕМЫ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ ПОДДЕРЖКИ И РАЗВИТИЯ МАЛОГО И СРЕДНЕГО ПРЕДПРИНИМАТЕЛЬСТВА(Suleyman Demirel University, 2014) Н.У. Сейтхалиев; А.А. АдильбековТема данной работы - основные направления улучшения системы государственной поддержки и развития малого и среднего предпринимательства. В работе рассматриваются различные подходы и меры, которые могут быть применены государством для поддержки малых и средних предприятий. Первым направлением является создание более благоприятного правового и институционального окружения для малого и среднего бизнеса, которое включает в себя упрощение процедур регистрации и ликвидации предприятий, уменьшение административной нагрузки на бизнес, улучшение качества государственных услуг и увеличение доступности финансовых ресурсов. Второе направление - это поддержка развития инфраструктуры для малых и средних предприятий, включая создание и развитие бизнес-инкубаторов, технопарков, кластеров и других организаций, которые могут предоставлять бизнесу необходимые услуги и ресурсы. Третье направление - это развитие квалифицированной рабочей силы для малого и среднего бизнеса, через поддержку образования и профессионального обучения, а также повышение уровня компетенции и квалификации предпринимателей. Наконец, последнее направление - это поддержка экспортной деятельности малых и средних предприятий, включая создание условий для развития экспортных потенциалов, поддержку международного сотрудничества и укрепление имиджа страны на международной арене. Таким образом, в работе рассмотрены основные направления улучшения системы государственной поддержки и развития малого и среднего предпринимательства, которые могут повысить конкурентоспособность бизнеса, способствовать устойчивому развитию экономики и улучшению благосостояния населения.Item Open Access ЕҢБЕК НАРЫҒЫН РЕТТЕУДІ ЖЕТІЛДІРУ ЖОЛДАРЫ(Suleyman Demirel University, 2014) Есдаулетов А.А. ; Адилбеков А.А.Еңбек нәрығын реттеуді жетілдіру жолдары міндетті жұмыстарға қатысуға, жұмыс орындарында тез табысқа жетуге, жұмыс жоспарларындағы маңызды міндеттерді орындауға және жұмысқа тұру мерзімін кемітуге мүмкіндік береді. Еңбек нәрығын реттеуді жетілдіру жолдарының бірі - жұмыс орындарындағы алдымен жоспарлау. Жұмыс орындарында қажетті жұмыс түрлерін, мүліктерді, құжаттарды, мүшелерді және тәртіптерді белгілеу маңызды. Бұл өзінде жұмыс орындарындағы жұмыс тәртібін, мерзімін және жұмыс бойынша басқа маңызды міндеттердің белгіленуін де қамтиды.Item Open Access KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND HIGHER EDUCATION(Suleyman Demirel University, 2014) Satayeva A. A.The Case Study utilizes Stankosky’s Knowledge Management (KM) pillars to enterprise learning – leadership, organization, technology and learning as a lens to investigate and understand Knowledge Management practices and perceptions within Higher Education Institutions, looking at challenges of implementation within this sector. Higher Education Institutions within the Kazakhstan are very complex institutions, with diverse backgrounds, history, culture, resources and missions. The University presents itself in today’s knowledge economy with a dichotomy of priorities, one which aims to provide quality teaching and research activity, and the other, to ensure effective and efficient management and administration within an increasingly competitive market. Being a service, nonprofit organization ensures that the values of scholarship remain a very important aspect of its mission; yet, the external environment within which HEIs conduct their business today is rapidly changing, forcing HEIs to reflect on how they do ‘business’ given the external pressures they face.Item Open Access TRANSFORMATION OF THE EVALUATION SYSTEMS IN KAZAKHSTAN(Suleyman Demirel University, 2014) B.M. YessembekovDuring the Soviet Block Kazakhstan had different evaluation or grading systems of the students in schools and universities from the system we have now. But was it luck to transform from one evaluation system to the other? It is hard to give any predestination. But looking at the piece of paper, which is given by the end of the courses, every student succeeds when we look at their register or certificate. With this work we are looking for the ideal grading system students had ever.