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Item Open Access CORPORATE AND BUSINESS ENTERPRISE STRATEGY(Қазақстан ғылымының дамуы мен келешегі жастар көзімен - 2018, 2018) Moshkevich V.L.The importance of the strategy of activity and development for increasing the competitiveness of domestic enterprises can not be overemphasized, since the main task of their reform is related to the need to activate and build capacity while simultaneously overcoming the chaos of the internal state and external activity of enterprises and improving the predictability of functioning. To accomplish this task, attention should be paid to the strategic aspects of the management of domestic enterprises, the overwhelming majority of which do not have a documented, discussed in the team and its comprehensive strategy of activity and development. Taking into account the fact that qualitative changes in the world economy occur under the influence of a complex mechanism of interaction between the growing tendencies of globalization and the regionalization of the economy, the importance of adapting corporate strategies to the institutional and cultural features of national economies and national business systems also becomes important. Therefore, the development of strategies that optimally take into account the characteristics of such components of regional markets as the legislative regime, corporate management systems, cultural and ethical traditions becomes an indispensable condition for corporations to achieve a competitive advantage in world markets.Item Open Access ТҰРАҚТЫ БИЗНЕС ОРТАДАҒЫ ТИІМДІ БРЕНД БАСҚАРУ(Қазақстан ғылымының дамуы мен келешегі жастар көзімен - 2018, 2018) Берденова А.Бұл зерттеу экологиялық көзқарас жəне бренд хабардарлық экологиялық таза немесе жасыл өнімдерін пайдалануға сатып алушылардың адалдық əсерін талқылайды. Зерттеу 1.Қалай Экологиялық ортада бренд басқаруды дамытуды түсіну? 2. Экологиялық маркетинг менеджменттің маңыздылығы? деген сұрақтарға жауап табу мақсатында жүргізілді. Бұл зерттеуде, экологиялық тұрғы жəне бренд тану тəуелсіз айнымалылар болып табылады, жəне клиенттердің адалдығы - тəуелді айнымалы болып табылады. Сонымен қатар, клиенттердің адалдығы жəне жасыл көзқарастың арасындағы медиатор айнымалы - бренд хабардарлық болып саналады. Осы жұмысты талдау үшін сандық əдіс зерттеуі пайдаланылды, жəне де 70 адамнан сұхбат алынды.Қажетті деректерді жинау үшін, 4 бөлімнен тұратын сауалнама, пайдаланылды. Бірінші бөлім, жалпы сұрақтар жəне демографиялық мəселелер мен жасыл көзқарасқа байланысты сұрақтардан тұрса, екінші бөлімін, бренд хабардарлыққа байланысты сұрақтар қамтиды, төртінші бөлігіне клиенттедің адалдығына байланысты сұрақтар кіреді. Зерттеу барысында өзі сенімділігін, регрессиялық талдау жəне медиацияны талдау жұмыстары жүргізілді. Жұмысты зерттеу кезінде сауалнама сенімділігі Кронбах Альфаны есептеу арқылы бағаланды, жəне олардың барлығынын нəтижесі қолайлы нəтиже көрсетті. Зерттеу гипотезаны тексеру үшін регрессия есептеу тəсілі пайдаланылды, жəне нəтижелері клиенттердің адалдығына экологиялық көзқарас жəне бренд хабардарлық əсерін тигізетінін көрсетті. Осы екі тəуелсіз айнымалы арқасында компания клиенттердің адалдығына қол жеткізе алатындығын. Зерттеу нəтижесі экологиялық жолмен даму жайлы ойланып жүрген компаниялардың, осы екі тəуелсіз айнымалы арқасында клиенттердің адалдығына қол жеткізуге болатындығын көрсетті.Item Open Access DEVELOPMENT OF OUTSOURCING AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION INTO ENTERPRISES OF KAZAKHSTAN(СДУ хабаршысы - 2018, 2018) A. TiyesAbstract. In this article we will consider what is outsourcing, and types of outsourcing, also we show BCG matrix. We analyzed how outsourcing is being developed. Increasingly, in today's business world, single-profile companies concentrate their activities on specific activities, and other functions are outsourced. The nature of the organization's activities depends entirely on the choice between production and acquisition, vital for productivity and competitiveness. Recently, the views of managers on the problem of choice have undergone significant changes. The course is taken for outsourcing, or the search for external suppliers of those goods or services that were previously produced by the firm. Now, outsourcing is one of the most modern and successful business models that make it possible to achieve real competitive advantages, since outsourcing is a practical realization of the principle of division of labor and cooperation.Item Open Access РЕКЛАМНОЕ ДЕЛО ВО ВНУТРЕННЕМ ТУРИЗМЕ(СДУ хабаршысы - 2017, 2017) З.С. ОразбековаАннотация. Данная статья посвящена особенностям рекламы в современной туристической сфере, где отображены ее основные функции и цели, а также отличительные черты. Реклама в современном мире представляет собой сложное социальное явление, далеко шагнувшее за рамки вида трудовой деятельности человека, также представляет собой не просто бизнес, а более широкое явление, охватывающее фактически все сферы жизни общества, в том числе и туризм. Нынешняя индустрия туризма имеет свою специфику, так как оперирует фактически не материальными товарами, а услугами. Особенностями туристических услуг являются неосязаемость, неспособность к хранению, подверженность сезонным колебаниям, что в свою очередь актуализирует место рекламы. Соответственно, реклама в современном глобальном мире является неотъемлемой частью функционирования сферы услуг туризма.Item Open Access INFLUENCE OF NON-TARIFF BARRIERS ON TRADE AMONG MEMBERS OF THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC UNION: LITERATURE REVIEW(Suleyman Demirel University, 2017) P.V. BezelToday, in the multilateral trading system, non-tariff barriers have significant share of all trade restrictions. One of the reasons for this is the results of the negotiations on trade liberalization between neighbor countries. Also decrease in customs tariffs is one of policy supported by WTO. At present non-tariff barriers remain one of the few ways to protect the domestic market, but not all of them de jure and de facto comply with the rules established by all unions such as WTO and Eurasian Economic Union. The use of non-tariff barriers is becoming an increasingly urgent issue on the agenda of many meetings within integrated associations. To ensure more productive work to eliminate such barriers within the Eurasian Economic Union members should expand the relevant powers of the Union authorities.Item Open Access ФИНАНСОВЫЙ МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ НА ПРЕДПРИЯТИИ(Suleyman Demirel University, 2017) А.А.КаскыроваЦелью работы является изучение сущности и методологии финансового менеджмента. В настоящее время все более обширное использование в практике хозяйствования организаций получает методология финансового менеджмента, так как трудно назвать более важную и многогранную сферу деятельности, чем управление, или менеджмент, в частности финансовый менеджмент, от которого в значительной мере зависят и эффективность производства, и качество обслуживания населения. Актуальность изучения темы связана с тем, что нынешние организации действуют в сложной рыночной среде, соответственно требуется адекватный механизм управления различными хозяйственными процессами. Поиск эффективных путей для финансирования, выгодных инвестиционных решений, своевременное выявление размеров дебитор- ской и кредиторской задолженности, а также определение тенденций раз- вития финансовой политики являются важными направлениями для ра- циональной экономической деятельности организаций.Item Open Access ҚР ТУРИСТІК ҚЫЗМЕТ ЖӘНЕ ОНЫҢ БУХГАЛТЕРЛІК ЕСЕПТІ ҰЙЫМДАСТЫРУДАҒЫ ЕРЕКШЕЛІКТЕРІ(Suleyman Demirel University, 2016) Р. Төлегенова; С. ТөлегеновҚазақстан Республикасында туристік индустрияның дамуы халықтың əл-ауқат деңгейінің өсуінің нəтижесі болып табылады. Туристік қызметтерге қол жетерлік, олардың сапасы жəне əртүрлілігі демалыс нысанын таңдауда да маңызды фактор болып табылады. Туристік компанияларда бухгалтерлік есептің ерекшеліктері туризмнің ұйымдастыру нысандарынан – халықаралық, ішкі жəне туристік қызметтерінің құрылымынан жəне оларды сапалы орындаудан туындайды. Қазақстан Республикасы аумағына келу туризмін ұйымдастырумен байланысты туристік қызметтерді көрсету туристік қызметтердің экспорты болып табылады. Ал басқа елге кетумен байланысты туристік қызметтерді көрсету импорт болып саналады. Есеп саясаты бұл əрбір туристік фирма жетекшілігінің бухгалтерлік есепті жүргізу, қаржылық есеп беру мен оларға қойылатын талаптарды, принциптерді негізге ала отырып қолданылатын тəсілдер жиынтығы.Item Open Access PENSION FUND SYSTEM AND ITS HISTORICAL IMPROVEMENT IN REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN(Suleyman Demirel University, 2016) А. YerbolatkyzyKazakhstan was the first country that made pension reform ant started new funded model of pension provision. Our country used Chilean pension model as an experience. In this work we analyzed the pension fund system management of young country, its step by step historical improvement and its continuing development. So this system is on the right way but there are some macroeconomic problems like inflation, crisis and unemployment. Contributor’s pension funds would like to have some assurance that their money will be saved from inflation and they will receive, though not great, but a steady income. Main objective of the work is to examine the achievements of the pension fund management under existing economic and social situation in Kazakhstan under global economic crisis.Item Open Access КАЗАХСТАНСКИЙ ПУТЬ УХОДА ОТ ГОЛЛАНДСКОЙ БОЛЕЗНИ И ПРЕОДОЛЕНИЯ ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО КРИЗИСА 2015-2017 ГОДОВ(Suleyman Demirel University, 2016) У.А. Аманбаев; А. АлимбекерПрогресс развития экономики Казахстана заключается в том, что благодаря проведению государственной политики по привлечению иностранных инвестиций в сырьевые отрасли промышленности и осуществлению структурно-институциональных преобразований в финансовой сфере, в стране происходит рост уровня жизни и накопление финансовых ресурсов, позволяющих в долгосрочной перспективе обеспечить переход на постиндустриальное сервисно-инновационное развитие. В статье представлен анализ развития экономики в Казахстане, значения иностранной валюты, в частности американского доллара и евро, на казахстанском рынке, колебания в стоимости основных экспортируемых РК продуктов и сырья, например, нефти и металлов и причины их возникновения. Описаны существующие проблемы в экономике страны и предложены пути выхода из них. Автор приводит мнения различных отечественных экспертов в области экономики, сравнивая их прогнозы с прогнозами состояния и развития экономики в Казахстане с мнениями экспертов Всемирного Банка, Международного валютного фонда и Мировых рейтинговых Агентств.Item Open Access Review of decent work country program in Kazakhstan(2010-2012)(2012) Tatibekov B.L.The report is result of the technical task of International Labor Organization. It has been prepared under frame of implementation of Concept of Decent Work in Kazakhstan and in particular through the prism of evaluation and review of achieved results of Decent work in 2010-2012 years. The Concept of providing decent work, initiated by the International Labor Organization (ILO), has an important social-economic, and moral significance for all countries-members of the ILO. Within the framework of this Concept’s implementation, the countries have an opportunity to adopt unified global standards in the sphere of labor provide an individual’s right to work, which will satisfy his/her needs both morally and physically.Item Open Access The Bologna process and problems in higher education system of Kazakhstan(Elsevier Ltd., 2012) Moldiyar Yergebekov; Zhanar TemirbekovaNation states, nowadays, have to integrate with the world due to impositions and propositions of globalization to every aspects of life. Education systems, one of the domains of globalization, have experienced this obligation deeply. Therefore, states and governments have prepared their education systems with a national point of view in order to meet this demand of the era. On the other hand, at both national and international level, it is expected that standards in higher education should be determined, system should be complied with these standards and integrate themselves. However, this integration process becomes rather slow and painful for countries whose education system, e.g. Kazakhstan, stuck in first Soviet then post-Soviet and now international standards. Kazakhstan’s effort to become a part of globalizing education area like Bologna is an obvious example. In 2010, Kazakhstan joined the European Higher Education Area which was formed as part of the integration process on education first including EU Member States then other countries with some territory in Continental Europe. With 47 member countries, Bologna Process has become the largest cooperative education area of the world. Kazakhstan’s inclusion to this Process creates hope about fundamental changes in education system of Kazakhstan. However, integration studies go ahead very slowly due to many incomplete obstacles. With this study, it is expected, in general, to emphasize the effect to globalization on higher education systems of countries newly establishing their nation states as Kazakhstan and in particular, to research why Kazakhstan could not become a part of the process despite included Bologna Process of higher education. In other words, the aim is to review critically whether globalization is effective in Kazakhstan – one of the neighboring countries that globalization creates specific activity – and as an example of this whether Bologna Process is effective in higher education area, and to examine the reasons of Kazakhstan’s inclusion to Bologna Process in spite of not implementing crucial principles of the Process. The research method is based on comparative analysis examining 10 action lines of the Bologna Process and how effective the basic principles are in higher education system of Kazakhstan.Item Open Access POLICIES AND MEASURES ARE ELABORATED IN ORDER ТО FACILITATE TRANSITION FROM INFORМAL ТО FORМAL EMPLOYMENT (КАZАКНSТANI MODEL)(Suleyman Demirel University, 2010) Tatibekov B.L.Development of policy and measures aimed at facilitating transition from informal to official (formal) employment in Kazakhstan is an extremely crucial issue for Kazakhstan. Informal employment in the country linked with unemployment and low living standards cause anxiety among the population about the future prospects, as well as distrust in the policies carried out by the government. Informal employment frequently links with lack of social protection, poor health and safety conditions on the work place, working poverty and tax evasion. Absence of registration of labor relationships is also connected with criminalization of Kazakhstani society. Insufficient attention of the government to the problems of informal employment does not allow getting a clear and complete picture of the issue.Item Open Access Innovation in the higher economy and finance education: developing а new course of 'Social security and pension provision'(Elsevier Ltd., 2013) Assel Izekenova; Zhanaг TemiгbekovaThe issue of the essence of the efficient investment of pension saving – young but already fledgling institutional investors – pension funds (APF) of the Republic Kazakhstan and its reflection in the higher education in economy and finance is addressed in this paper. Because, this issue is not only of the Government of Kazakhstan and the financial market players (including the employees and the top management of pension funds), but is also a concern of the academicians, who are responsible for the educating the specialists for the mentioned sector Main objective of this study is to discuss the outline of developing educational and methodological complex for a new course of ‘Social security and pension provision’ that mainly covers the examination and the teaching of the problems of the pension provision with the global perspective and under existing economic and social situation of country. The authors believe that, introducing such a new course as an elective discipline will improve the quality of higher financial education of Kazakhstan, since, the issue of social security and pensions was not handled as an independent course before. The new course ‘Social security and pension provision in the case of Kazakhstan’ will help – students to develop skills and knowledge which have critical importance for the future specialist of pension funds as this course will provide students with theoretical tools and cases from the global practical experiences. Thus, this new course will enable them to interpret domestic social security and pension’s reforms as well as to evaluate new technology and latest achievement for modernization of pension model of Republic Kazakhstan.Item Open Access CHALLENGES IN COVERING FINANCE RELATED TOPICS: DEVALUATION IN KAZAKHSTAN(Suleyman Demirel University, 2014) Tavyldiyeva A.; Tortbayeva A.This study focuses on the issues related to covering finance related topics in Kazakhstan on the example the devaluation of the national currencytenge, that took place in February, 2014. It analyzes the articles written by three leading Kazakhstani information agencies (Zakon.kz, TengriNews.kz, BNews.kz) by applying qualitative method of Critical discourse analysis (CDA), the interdisciplinary method developed by Teun A. van Dijk that allows undertake analysis of the textual components, linguistic units, while taking into account the context of the discourse event in which text is created. In combination with framing theory the study attempts to present the overall tone of the coverage of this social and economic important event by leading news media in Kazakhstan.Item Open Access KAZAKHSTANI- RUSSIAN RELATIONS(Suleyman Demirel University, 2014) Khalilova Emina KamandarovnaSince independence, relations between Kazakhstan and Russia went through several stages of development, starting with the identification of the new legal ties to the realization of strategic partnership programme. For today the development of KazakhstaniRussian contacts is provided by a thirteen year legal base consisting of almost 400 bilateral documents. On the other hand, the citizens of our countries are associated by numerous relative connections. Around one million of Kazakhs live in Russia today, and there are more than 4 million Russians in Kazakhstan. This close relationship has a special role in the formation of positive moral and psychological atmosphere of public support for policies of both countries to strengthen bilateral relations.Item Open Access РЕЙТИНГОВЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ ОЦЕНКИ РИСКОВ(Suleyman Demirel University, 2014) Кабиназаров Асет МухтаровичЗадача прикладных исследований риска состоит в том, чтобы снизить остроту неопределенности, предусмотреть возможные негативные и позитивные последствия ее развития. Современные методы позволяют количественно и качественно оценить вероятность достижения цели, отклонения от цели или неудачи.Item Open Access TRANSFORMATION OF THE EVALUATION SYSTEMS IN KAZAKHSTAN(Suleyman Demirel University, 2014) B.M. YessembekovDuring the Soviet Block Kazakhstan had different evaluation or grading systems of the students in schools and universities from the system we have now. But was it luck to transform from one evaluation system to the other? It is hard to give any predestination. But looking at the piece of paper, which is given by the end of the courses, every student succeeds when we look at their register or certificate. With this work we are looking for the ideal grading system students had ever.Item Open Access ANALYSIS OF MOTIVATION TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO EMPLOYEES(Suleyman Demirel University, 2014) Оisylova Аidana TleukabylkyzyMotivation has become increasingly important for organizations and companies off all sizes if they want to achieve organizational objectives in a competitive marketplace. Any company or organization that notices a significant decline in productivity, high employee turnover or that cannot reach its goals successfully may need to consider the role of motivation among its employees. This paper will review the literature concerned with motivation techniques applied amongst young employees. The research aims to appraise existing motivation theories and analyze techniques used to increase employee motivation.Item Open Access THE ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCE IN ORGANIZATIONS IN A MODERN WORLD(Suleyman Demirel University, 2014) Sheyma ZholayIn article disclosure character and space human resources in the contemporaneous system of economy attitude disposition market of labor they influence on the contemporaneous production and significance in the creation a new economy of information. Human resources (HR) plays a vital role in modern organizations. In today's fast-paced and dynamic business environment, HR has become increasingly important in helping companies attract, develop, and retain top talent. Here are some key roles that HR plays in organizations: Recruitment and Talent Acquisition: HR is responsible for identifying and hiring top talent for the organization. This involves creating job descriptions, sourcing candidates, conducting interviews, and making job offers. Employee Development: HR is responsible for creating and implementing training programs that help employees develop new skills and advance in their careers. This not only helps the organization attract and retain top talent but also ensures that employees have the skills they need to perform their jobs effectively. Performance Management: HR is responsible for creating and implementing performance management programs that help employees understand their goals and objectives and how they will be evaluated. This helps employees stay motivated and engaged in their work and helps managers identify areas where employees may need additional support. Compensation and Benefits: HR is responsible for developing and implementing compensation and benefits programs that attract and retain top talent. This involves creating competitive compensation packages and benefits programs that meet the needs of employees. Employee Relations: HR is responsible for managing employee relations and ensuring that employees feel supported and valued. This involves addressing employee concerns and resolving conflicts in a timely and professional manner. In summary, HR plays a crucial role in modern organizations, helping to attract, develop, and retain top talent, and supporting employees in their professional growth and development. By doing so, HR helps organizations achieve their goals and remain competitive in today's dynamic business environment.Item Open Access ЛИДЕРСТВО, А ПРАВИЛЬНО ЛИ МЫ ЕГО ПОНИМАЕМ?(Suleyman Demirel University, 2014) Сакеева А.Б.Целью данной статьи является рассмотрение существующих теорий о лидерстве и стилей лидерства. Подробный обзор поможет нам понять разницу между управлением и лидерством. Мы должны знать эти различия, так как управление и лидерство два термина, которые люди так часто путают. Они схожи, но выполняют различные функции в организации. Важно понимать, что для успешного функционирования и развития организации, для успеха компании важны оба подхода. Лидерство обеспечивает импульс движения, управление же, позволяет координировать действия людей и движение ресурсов для того, чтобы отвечать соответствующим принципам и ценностям. Другая цель этого документа заключается в рассмотрении стилей женского лидерства, которые занимают все более весомое положение в сфере бизнеса, с целью определения, в какой сфере женщины должны совершенствовать свои способности и навыки.