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Item Open Access Outsourcing of high skilled activities in corporations of Kazakhstan(2018) Tiyes A.Outsourcing of high skilled activities is a comparatively recent phenomenon that has become increasingly significant in the last two decades. This research is an empirical study of outsourcing of high skilled activity practices in the corporations of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the research is to explore the influence the influence the decision making of outsourcing of high skilled activities. According to, Tayauova, outsourcing is transferring work, responsibilities and decision rights to third-part company. Corporations have to outsource because there are others how can do it better, cheaper and faster (Tayauova, 2012). The term outsourcing could be described, in the simplest form, as the process of constructing a business function to someone else. The problem statement of the research is that in Kazakhstani market outsourcing of high skilled activities has competitiveness between students and integrator firms and small companies marked. But there are not so many big players. For outsourcing of high skilled activities by Kazakhstan corporations there are a lot of competition is made up by the staff specialist of potential customers. The research methodology is collecting information from many of corporations, with different sizes, operating in different industries and outsourcing high skilled activities. In this thesis is used quantitative data analysis. The research has been analyzed using Multiple Regression analysis. Sampling for this study was top 58 corporations (respondents, top-managers) from Kazakhstan has been taken. Corporations were chosen from list of NB500 ranking of the large companies of Kazakhstan. Results of this research is the Pearson’s correlation coefficients reveal that perceived benefits have a strong positive influence, while, but perceived risks have a weak negative influence on the decision making of managers towards outsourcing.Item Open Access Effective brand management in sustainable business environment(2018) Berdenova A.This study reviewed the analyze of effect of green approach and brand awareness to customer loyalty in using green products or going green. The research was conduct in order to understand 1.How to develop a brand management in green environment? 2. Importance of green marketing management? In this research green approach and brand awareness are independent variables, and customer loyalty is the dependent variable, also there is mediation between customer loyalty and green approach, and mediator variable is brand awareness. To analyze my diploma work I use Quantitative research, and I surveyed 150 people. Likewise, my analyze includes reliability, multicollinearity, regression and mediation analysis. To gather the needed data we used a questionnaire which has 4 sections; the first section included general questions and demographic questions, the second section question related to green approach, the third part includes questions related to brand awareness, and finally, the fourth part includes questions related to customer loyalty. Questionnaires reliability was estimated by calculating Cronbach’s Alpha, and all of them showed acceptable results. In order test the hypothesis of the research I used regression. The results show that green approach and brand awareness has an impact on customers’ loyalty. It means, through this two independent variables companies can reach a strong customer loyalty if they started to think about sustainable development.Item Open Access Capital structure and corporate strategy: An analysis of linkage between them(2018) Akhat I.Capital structure decision is considered one of most debated topics in corporate finance, being several theories and empirical studies developed since the irrelevance of financing decisions in value creation of the firm with Modigliani and Miller. Notwithstanding, the puzzle of firm’s financial resources is still unsolved, and there is. not a single theory capable of incorporating all the determinants in this dynamic process . For this reason, the present master thesis aims to introduce a corporate strategy approach in the capital structure decision, focusing on Diversification Strategies. Using a sample of 28 Kazakhstani publicly available companies, from 2012 until 2016, static panel data model was developed for the Leverage measure — Debt/equity ratio — as dependent variables, being Product Diversification introduced as explanatory variables. The results evidence that Product Diversification is not significant in explaining Leverage ratios.Item Open Access FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE LEAN MANUFACTURING SYSTEM AT THE ENTERPRISES OF THE RK(2018) Jakupova N.RThe observed tendency of increasing complexity and uncertainty of the external and internal environment of the functioning of economic entities becomes one of the key problems of effective and sustainable business development. Heads of industrial enterprises are forced to make managerial decisions in the context of reducing the life cycle of goods, reducing profitability of production, increasing speed of technology progress. In economic science and practice it is recognized that effective strategic management is an important factor determining the competitiveness of an enterprise and its ability to sustain development in unstable market conditions. Effective development and implementation of the strategy requires managers to respond flexibly and adequately to changes in external and internal business conditions. In a large number of cases, the management of enterprises is looking for sources of strategic flexibility in the area of financial activity, which, however, has an effect in the short term. At the same time, effective strategic development requires the adoption of agreed decisions in the area of basic, investment and financial activities, not only at the stage of strategy development, but also at the level of current management. These recommendations determine the main steps to introduce lean manufacturing technology in the management and organizational processes of industrial enterprises. Recommendations are developed on the basis of experience of practical application of lean manufacturing technology in pilot projects of the enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The aim of the pilot projects was to improve processes aimed at increasing worker satisfaction, increasing efficiency and eliminating existing temporary, financial and other losses, and arranging workplaces that ensure the safety and comfort of employees. The document describes in detail the recommended sequence of actions for the implementation of projects of improvements based on lean technology and provides examples.Item Open Access Franchising business in Kazakhstan: development prospect(2018) Kuanyshbek A.In this work, the unique information collected during the interview with people, which have a certain experience in the sphere of franchising is used. The interview has conducted about business by persons from the numerous organizations for understanding the effectiveness of the formation of this branch of business and a possibility of its improvement. According to a research, it is possible to tell that a lot of information about the company and its product and the analysis of a segment for a franchise influences efficiency very strongly. Moreover, a possibility of receiving the help from the state which includes parliament, akimats and also specialized funds such as "Damu", will considerably increase the interest for this type of formation of business model.Item Open Access The Influence of Performance Management on Profitability(2018) Cherlenok Y.Companies require proper management of both human and financial resources as the global economy develops and new resources emerge. In addition, in a competitive market, it was critical to have a consistent income thatwould allow you to stay in the market. Such theories and practices as performance management, which includes the management of all company activities are an integral part of the system. This research raises questions about to what extent performance management and project management can influence the success and profitability of IT projects in the company. Using the theory of project management as a guide, it can be seen that thesuccess and profitability of IT projects require clear management by managers and managers. Where project management and performance management allow you to achieve the desired resultsItem Open Access The application and efficiency of lean manufacturing in the companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan(2018) Gaissina E.G.The thesis describes what the term "lean manufacturing, lean management and maintenance" means, as well as its application in the banking system. For the banking sector are more suitable specially adapted for service companies lean management techniques, known as the principles of lean service (Lean Service). It should be understood that the original methods of lean production have a very limited scope in banking. Lean production methods, the topic of lean service is more complex, the effect of lean management in service companies is achieved faster, but the scale of possible savings is smaller than in production. The topics of lean service and production do not have a clear border between them, so some parts of the lean service methodology can be mastered by the Bank independently. For this reason, ATFBank's branch in Atyrau city was selected as a pilot project by monitoring customers, employees and operations, as well as identifying and improving the quality of services through data collection. After analyzing the collected data, some improvements were proposed to eliminate unnecessary operations. The results show that it is quite easy to achieve significant improvements in the banking sector by simply focusing on value-added transactions and service. The results are also valid for other branches of the Bank.Item Open Access Organizational-economic aspects of outsourcing companies(2018) Zhukiyeva G.For the third year in a row, the transfer of some processes and functions to outsourcing is the third most popular place in the plans for business restructuring and is included in the intentions of every fourth CEO in Kazakhstan. However, in the scientific literature there are no studies indicating the most important influential factor in making a decision to transition to outsourcing. In this study, a quantitative survey method was used to interview 50 companies, first, the most important factor influencing the decision to outsource was determined, and secondly, the relationship between these factors was studied. The research showed the most influential of the five proposed factors (toll savings, time to engage in main business, quality and promptness, technology and resources of vendor, decline the liability) was the decline in responsibility for the supplier. Practitioners in the field of company outsourcing can use these results by answering the question: "What is the most important factor to consider when providing a service?" The results of the research expand the knowledge i in the sphere of outsourcing companies.Item Open Access Improving the competitiveness of the higher education in modern economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan(2018) Azemkhan B.The purpose of the following research is to identify the factors that affect competitiveness of higher education institution and find the ways to improve them. The relevance of the topic of this study is determined by the fact that the modern education is impossible without studying factors. With the development of technology, with increasing competition, the higher education institutions need to identify its weaknesses and problems and find original solutions and actions in order to succeed in their activities. Recently, the situation in the world has changed significantly: in higher education there is integration and globalization. In this regard each university must make changes in all areas of its activities and apply new methods and principles. Education is the main priority and the main indicator of development in all civilized countries of the world. Getting higher education has always been, remains and will be one of the important aspects in a person's life, especially in the conditions of the modern world with its fierce competition in the labor market. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors of competitiveness of universities in Kazakhstan as a whole, as well as the analysis of factors of the Suleyman Demirel university separately. To achieve the goal author chooses quantitative analysis by conducting a survey and expert evaluation. Also, the author, according to the factors of competitiveness studied, drew up a SWOT-analysis and made descriptive analysis on the survey. The author also conducted a comparative analysis of statistical data of higher education in Kazakhstan, collected from reliable source. All data were studied during literature review.Item Open Access Human Resource Management using the example of Kaspi Bank(2018) Altynbekova N.This paper utilizes a unique information collected through sites visits to extend the analysis of the human resource management environment and taking questionnaires from different employees of Kaspi bank. Empirical research on the relationship between human resource management practices and establishment performance has focussed on blue collar workers in manufacturing despite the fact that most employees work in white collar occupations and service sector industries. The human resource management environment at the bank, as measured by the performance evaluation and feedback system and the quality of communications between the manager and the staff, had a significant effect on its performance. An important finding is that, even though all managers in this bank are given a formal set of human resource policies, they appear to have considerable discretion in their application.Item Open Access Organizational and economic aspects of introduction of new technology in the financial sector of Kazakhstan Republic(2018) Aytbenbetova T.Today the banking sector is competitive, stable with a convenient and attractive product line that meets the needs of customers, both individuals and corporate clients. Particular attention is paid to the innovative trends by modern leading banks from around the world to optimize existing processes, improve existing products and services, risk management systems, maintain a strong position in post-crisis situation, transforming traditional Bank into a digital one. Because of these factors, competition is conducted between commercial banks to preserve each client and, of course, attract a new one. Financial markets witness a rapid change in 2017. As technology advances, it affects business models in financial sector and how people attain financial services. One term is on everybody’s lips: Blockchain, which stands for the dynamic industry in the intersection of finance and technology [1, P.3]. It is also described as a new type of financial service industry (Albert Isola, 2016), which has the main functional principles as transparency of transactions with the inability to change them by persons who do not have authorized access to it, cost reduction and high security against hacker attacks and especially it optimizes the process of cross border payments. It is possible that the blockchain technology will become the top economic layer of the organically connected world of various computing devices, including portable computing devices, "Internet of things", smart phones, tablets, laptops, smart houses, smart cars and a smart city [2, p.14]. The purpose of this thesis is to consider the use of block technology on the example of developed countries to enhance and ensure the competitiveness and economic potential of the financial sector of Kazakhstan in the world community, as well as the quality of life of the population through progressive development by digitizing the financial ecosystem, having obtained valuable data from the results of the study.Item Open Access « Ways of competiveness rise at the “Air Astana” company »(2018) Adilkhan A.In this Thesis work the main factors that affect the strategies to increase competitiveness of national airline сагrier Air Astana. Despite the high prices for aviation fuel in Kazakhstan, the rate of unit costs remains competitive, which allow to increase the share in the segment of long-haul international air transportation. This is facilitated by its reputation of the airline with high quality of service in foreign markets. Aikline continue to work оп improving the services, including the introduction of Internet access on board and updating the fleet. The new type of airliners along with the Airbus Neo family already delivered, modern and low-fuel aircraft. All the steps we take will contribute to further improving the efficiency of business and improving the quality of the product. The main important factors for а cost-related airlines strategy аге, іn importance: route structure and mesh; type and characteristics of the aircraft; cost of labor and management quality. This comparison of airlines can help the decision maker when facing the need of defining priorities in reduction costs. Past decades despite the increase in air transportation and significant decrease in average operation costs, it is observed that airlines have low profitability. The liberalization of the markets and increase opportunities for competition diminishes prices, even when airlines face increasing costs. Considering that advantage in costs is an important strategy for carriers to remain in the market, this paper analyzes the main factors that affect the strategies to reduce airline costs.Item Open Access Social Capital and Entrepreneur Orientation for SME’s performance(2018) Mulkubayeva A.Social capital and Entrepreneur Orientation have recently been the subject of many studies. The current study looks at the relationship between social capital and firm performance, as also at the relationship between entrepreneur orientation and firm performance. Using a sample of 30 small business ownerg,'we test the relationship between social capital and firm performance, as well as the rélationship between entrepreneur orientation and firm performance. We offer discussion of why these findings are relevant, as well as research implications.Item Open Access Transition economies: trajectory and structural transformations. Kazakhstan perspective(2018) Ichshanova Zh.Dissertation work addresses the issue of income inequality based on average salaries of labor forced by regions as part of the transition process in Kazakhstan. Since gaining independence in 1991 an issue of income inequality arised in the country. Sharp increase in income of people considered regional character of oil production boom. Author analyzed transition progress of Kazakhstani economy by drawing Lorenz curve and calculating Gini coefficient, as common methods of evaluating income inequality in economics. Also, author tested hypothesis of correlation between economic growth, increase in salaries and income inequality levels. After all calculations author concluded that country should closely monitor the expansion of oil field and oil-exploration. This has both direct and indirect effects on employment, inequality and overall growth of the economy in future.Item Open Access Impacts of youth unemployment on the economic growth. Kazakhstan as case study(2018) Kadyrova A.Youth unemployment isone of the central issues not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the whole world. It might negatively affect every aspects, dimensions and directions of our life. The present work is aimed at investigating the relationship between youth unemployment and economic growth of Kazakhstan. Real GDP rate was taken as the measure of economic growth and Okun’s law was taken as the basis of the study. Literature review on relevant topic was conducted in order to propose hypothesis. By conducting literature review, possible explanations and roots of youth unemployment were learnt. Statistical data on both youth unemployment rate and real GDP rate from 1991 till 2017 was carefully examined and tested via using Excel program. Regression analysis (Ordinary Least Squares) and correlation test were chosen as the research instruments to interpret the data. Similarly, a field survey was conducted on correlation between youth unemployment and economic development. Chi-square test was applied to draw appropriate conclusions from field survey. The results of the study, however, show that there is no significant relationship between those economic variables and our proposed hypothesis was rejected. This can be explained in terms of highly dependence of Kazakhstani economy on natural resources such as oil and gas. Despite the fact that correlation is not so high, some possible recommendations to reduce youth unemployment rate were suggested at the end of the work, since there are still thousands of young educated people who fail to get job after their graduation.Item Open Access Organizational — economic aspects of development of pharmaceutical firms(2018) Aldamzhar A.At the present stage of human development, the pharmaceutical industry is becoming increasingly important in the global market. The ever-increasing population of the planet, the fight against diseases, including those caused by violations of the environmental situation, the desire to increase life expectancy, determine the increasing demand for the products of this industry. It is characterized by a steadily high rate of development, production growth; production crises in some countries do not reduce the global production of such products. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the branches of the chemical industry; it includes a large number of sub-sectors. The present work aims to study the relationship of the organizational-economic aspect of pharmaceutical firms and economic performance of Kazakhstan. As an indicator of economic growth, the real GDP , total labor force, as well as the main indicators in the pharmaceutical sector, export and import were adopted. A review of the literature on this topic was carried out and hypotheses of the relationship were proposed. After studying the literature, the pharmaceutical sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan was studied. Statistics on the company's pharmaceutical performance and real GDP from 2012 to 2017 were carefully studied and tested using Excel. Regression analysis (ordinary least squares) and correlation test were chosen as research tools for data interpretation. The results of the study show that there is a significant relationship between these economic variables and the proposed hypotheses are confirmed. Although the correlation is not so high, this is due to the positive dependence of the economy of Kazakhstan on such indicators as the economic aspects of the development of pharmaceutical companies.Item Open Access Development of tax system in modern Kazakhstan(2018) Kereibay N.Tax system is the main tool to generate financial source forcompetitive existence of any state. Development of the economy of any country and business units growth mostly based on tax system of the country and on existence of favorable conditions. On the other hand, Small and Medium sized enterprises is the main indicator of economy development. The current study uses regression analysis for analyzing the relationship between tax system and SME, measured in amount of taxes by SMEs and number of SMEs registered in country. Additionally, using a sample of 52 small and medium business owners, we indicate the needs of business owners and the main reasons of possible tax non — compliance in country. Based on this study, we offer discussion of why these findings are relevant and make some recommendations.Item Open Access Internet marketing and its role in modern business(2018) Kulbossynova A.The use of Internet in enterprises has recently become a popular topic for researchers in the fields of information systems and entrepreneurship. In the current trend, we see how Internet marketing has created a great impact on attracting consumers in many aspects. Marketing through e-commerce has overcome the difficulties faced by traditional marketing tools. The focus of this study is on assessing the effectiveness of Internet marketing and its impact on business. We study the impact of digital marketing on the sales of companies. In addition, this paper presents the differences between traditional marketing and digital. This study describes the various forms of online marketing, its effectiveness and impact on the firm's sales. The sample in question consists of 9 firms that have been selected to prove the effectiveness of Online Marketing. The collected data were analyzed using various indicators of Internet Marketing efficacy. Furthermore, an online survey was conducted among entrepreneurs and marketers to determine the relationship between Internet marketing and business. The results confirmed that more than 70% of companies use Internet marketing as a strategy tool for connecting to the target audience, it was stressed that Internet marketing is the best advertising channel in terms of the share of the marketing budget spent on them. Similarly, in terms of return on investment, IM is more effective than Traditional advertising channel; we have come to this through the calculations of indicators of IM effectiveness.Item Open Access The influence of social media in the economic development of SME.(2019) Nurzhanova A.At the present stage, the social reality in which a person resides is increasingly called the information or network society. The basis of the concept of the informationnetwork society is the idea of information as knowledge, which changes the social system in a constructive way. In the case of social networks, information has the ability to ubiquitous, and even in some sense, uncontrolled broadcast, that is, constant communication. In turn, this communication is not only the process of transmitting information from the transmitter to the receiver, but also a. non-stop change in the state of the participants of communication in social networks as interacting systems. Communication and interaction of people came to the transition from the civilization era of face-to-face communication within the local space to the civilization era of distant and mediated contacts in the information environment and social networks. Social networks do not surprise anyone now, although they are a global phenomenon in communication (Brekenridzh, 2010). Social networks not only have a multimillion audience, these platforms for many replace the very concept of socially significant information and the Internet. Fora PR specialist working in sociai networks, this is a new opportunity to work directly with the interested audience, without investing huge amounts of money to create their own infrastructure. Working in social networks allows you to create an information exchange line with public and wil] help in solving a number of complex PR tasks. For | example, using social networks you can increase brand awareness, increase audience loyalty, conduct research and even organize direct sales. This kind of activity is aimed both at attracting visitors from social networks to the company's website, and at online PR of the company and its products. In this case, social networks such as FaceBook, VKontakte, etc., are used as channels for delivering information from the company to the “minds of users”.Item Open Access Employee satisfaction and motivation in Almaty(2019) Kulzhan S.This thesis is about motivation and satisfaction of employee in workplace. Nowadays it’s a lot of factors can affect to the motivation of employee and their satisfaction with work. Sothe aim for this thesis is to determine the factors that affect to motivation and satisfaction of employee at work place, in case of Almaty. The aim is going to be achieved by exploring literature about motivation and satisfaction, how they affect to organizations, what factors can affect to them and so on.