Improving the competitiveness of the higher education in modern economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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The purpose of the following research is to identify the factors that affect competitiveness of higher education institution and find the ways to improve them. The relevance of the topic of this study is determined by the fact that the modern education is impossible without studying factors. With the development of technology, with increasing competition, the higher education institutions need to identify its weaknesses and problems and find original solutions and actions in order to succeed in their activities. Recently, the situation in the world has changed significantly: in higher education there is integration and globalization. In this regard each university must make changes in all areas of its activities and apply new methods and principles. Education is the main priority and the main indicator of development in all civilized countries of the world. Getting higher education has always been, remains and will be one of the important aspects in a person's life, especially in the conditions of the modern world with its fierce competition in the labor market. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors of competitiveness of universities in Kazakhstan as a whole, as well as the analysis of factors of the Suleyman Demirel university separately. To achieve the goal author chooses quantitative analysis by conducting a survey and expert evaluation. Also, the author, according to the factors of competitiveness studied, drew up a SWOT-analysis and made descriptive analysis on the survey. The author also conducted a comparative analysis of statistical data of higher education in Kazakhstan, collected from reliable source. All data were studied during literature review.
masters dissertation