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    Методы машинного обучения в задачах геофизических исследований
    (Алматы, Сулейман Демирел университеті - 2016, 2016) Мухамедиев Р.
    Аннотация. Курс "Методы машинного обучения в задачах геофизических исследований" представляет собой глубокое погружение в инновационное применение машинного обучения в сфере геофизики. В данной аннотации представлен обзор ключевых компонентов и целей курса. Геофизические исследования играют важную роль в понимании нашей планеты и решении ряда глобальных задач, таких как климатические изменения, землетрясения и изучение земной коры. Машинное обучение стало мощным инструментом для анализа и интерпретации огромных объемов данных, собираемых с помощью различных геофизических инструментов. В рамках этого курса студенты углубят свое понимание методов машинного обучения, таких как нейронные сети, решающие деревья, и ансамбли моделей, и научатся применять их к геофизическим данным. Кроме того, будут рассмотрены специализированные техники, такие как обработка геофизических изображений, пространственный анализ данных, и алгоритмы для обнаружения и прогнозирования природных бедствий.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Mathematics for Computer Science
    (Kaskelen, Suleyman demirel university - 2015, 2015) Bagisbayev K.
    Abstract."Mathematics for Computer Science" is a comprehensive course that explores the essential mathematical concepts and principles underpinning the field of computer science. This abstract provides an overview of the key components and objectives of the course. In the ever-evolving world of technology, computer science is at the forefront of innovation. This course seeks to bridge the gap between computer science theory and its mathematical foundations. It begins with a review of fundamental mathematical concepts, including algebra, calculus, discrete mathematics, and logic. The course then delves into more specialized topics such as linear algebra, graph theory, probability and statistics, and number theory. These mathematical tools are crucial for solving complex computational problems, analyzing algorithms, and understanding data structures. Throughout the course, students will not only gain a deep understanding of the mathematical principles but also learn to apply them to practical computer science problems. The emphasis is on hands-on problem-solving, coding, and algorithm development.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Basic Java: Selected topics
    (Almaty, Suleyman demirel university - 2000, 2000) Hajilarov E.K.
    Abstract. "Basic Java Programming" is an introductory course that provides beginners with a foundational understanding of Java, a versatile and widely-used programming language. This course covers the fundamental elements of Java, including variables, data types, control structures, and basic functions. Through a combination of theoretical lessons and hands-on coding exercises, students will become proficient in Java syntax and basic programming concepts.The course also introduces the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP) and guides students in creating Java classes and objects. Students will learn to design simple Java applications, fostering problem-solving skills and modularity. "Basic Java Programming" is an excellent starting point for those looking to learn the fundamentals of programming and pave the way for further Java exploration.
  • ItemOpen Access
    A course in information theory
    (Almaty, Suleyman demirel university-2009, 2009) Arslanov M.Z.
    Abstract. Information Theory is a fundamental field of study that plays a pivotal role in various aspects of modern technology, communication, and data science. This abstract provides an overview of a course in Information Theory, which covers the core principles and applications of this field.This course aims to introduce students to the foundational concepts of Information Theory, including entropy, information content, and coding theory. It explores the mathematical foundations of information and communication, enabling students to quantify and manipulate information in a systematic manner. Topics covered include Shannon's entropy, data compression, channel capacity, and error-correcting codes. Through a combination of theoretical lectures, practical exercises, and real-world applications, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles that underlie the transmission and storage of information in various communication systems. They will also learn how these principles are applied in fields such as data compression, cryptography, and error detection and correction.The course is designed to cater to a diverse range of students, from those with a strong mathematical background to those with a more practical interest in communication and information technology. By the end of the course, students will not only be equipped with a solid theoretical foundation but will also have the skills to apply Information Theory to solve real-world problems, making it an essential part of the curriculum for anyone interested in the intersection of mathematics, computer science, and communication technology.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Специальные методы решения уравнения теплопроводности
    (Suleyman Demirel University, 2015) Сарсенгельдин М.М.; Касабек С.
    Учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплинам "Дифференциальные уравнения" и "Уравнения математической физики" для индивидуальной и самостоятельной работы студентов физико-математических и инженерных специальностей, в частности специальностей 5В060100 - математика, 5В010900 - математика.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Fundamentals of Computer Networks in microleaming style: textbook
    (Suleyman Demirel University, 2012) Zhamanov A.M.
    The textbook describes the fundamentals of Computer Networks in microleaming style. Textbook represents theoretical and practicable interest contains usefiıl materials, illustrations and tables. Textbook is intended for students of IT engineers who study “Computer Networks” course in universities. In modem world, people are always busy with their concems. In addition to ali fhis not an excessive amount of relevant information is processed by our brain every day. In this regard, it is difficult to find time for leaming the requıred knowledge. For that reason I decided to write book in microleaming style, which will provide readers to gel required information in short time, because of microleaming style gives ability to ехріаіп a lot of thıngs without using much words which is separated into small parts.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Элементы дискретной математики
    (Suleyman Demirel University, 2004) Джумадильдаев А.С.
    Книга содержит конспект лекций, прочитанных на первом курсе в Университете им. Сулеймана Демиреля и в Казахстанско-Британском Техническом Университете по курсу «Дискретная математика» за первые 7 недель. В лекциях затрагиваются элементы теории множеств, комбинаторики и теории чисел. В части 2 будут приведены лекции за 8-15 недели. В ней будут обсуждены следующие темы: • Алгебраические структуры • Логика высказываний и булевые функции • Элементы теории графов.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Learning QML
    (Suleyman Demirel University, 2015) Zhaparov M.K.
    Methodical-educational manual « Learning QML» is designed for bachelors of specialties 5В030000 — “Information Systems” and 5В040000 — “Computing Systems and Software”. QML (Qt Meta Language или Qt Modeling Language) — декларативный язык программирования, в основании которого лежит среда JavaScript. QML используется для разработки приложений, делающих основной упор на пользовательский интерфейс и, в целом, на дизайн графической части. Является частью Qt Quick, среды разработки пользовательского интерфейса, распространяемой вместе с Qt. Часто используется для создания приложений, ориентированных на мобильные устройства с сенсорным управлением. QML-документ представляет собой дерево элементов. QML элемент, так же, как и элемент Qt, представляет собой совокупность блоков: графических (таких, как rectangle, image) и поведенческих (таких, как state, transition, animation). Эти элементы могут быть объединены, чтобы построить комплексные компоненты, начиная от простых кнопок и ползунков и заканчивая полноценными приложениями, работающими с интернетом.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Основы языка программирования C++
    (Suleyman Demirel University, 2015) Жапаров М. К.
    Учебно-методическая разработка «Microlearning in Programming Language C++:» предназначена для бакалавров по специальностям 5В03000 — «Информационные Системы» и 5В040000 — «Вычислительная Техника и Программное Обеспечение». Учебный материал основная задача которого — объяснить новичку язык программирования С++, с основ и до новейших особенностей, в том числе такие понятия, как: массивы, структуры, списки, файлы, строки, функции, шаблоны.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Microlearning in Programming Language C++
    (Suleyman Demirel University, 2015) Zhaparov M.K.
    Methodical-educational manual « Microlearning in Programming Language C++» is designed for bachelors of specialties 5В030000 — “Information Systems” and 5В040000 — “Computing Systems and Software”. When we use the principles of Microlearning approach in our everyday life, we actually do not think about it. This book was prepared for students, who wants to learn C++ programming language by using these Microlearning principles that can be easily observed in daily life.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Suleyman Demirel University, 2015) Жапаров М. К.
    C++ - бұл тәуелді программалау тілі, оны сипаттауға арналған C тілінің функционалды жаңағыртуымен қарым-қатынас жасайды. C++ бағдарламалау тілін пайдалана отырып, әртүрлі қолдаулы жасақтамалар, компьютерге байланысқан жүйелер, операциялық жүйелер және басқа әртүрлі құрылғыларды программалауға болады. C++ тілін пайдалану арқылы әртүрлі құрылғыларға сәйкес жүзеге асырылатын бағдарламаларды жасауға болады.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Suleyman Demirel University, 2015) Sarsengeldin M.M.
    Development of new analytical methods of solution of the heat transfer problems is very important for various applications because it enables one to analyze an interrelationship of various input parameters on the dynamics of investigating phenomena, while the use of numerical methods is a problem when the number of parameters is great. Therefore the research investigation in this direction is very topical. The method of Integral Error Functions elaborated in this study can be applied in many fields of science and industry for mathematical modeling of heat conduction with phase transformation. In particular, the phenomena occurring at interaction of electrical arc with electrode can be described in dynamic using the presented method for very short arc duration, even in nanosecond diapason, when experimental investigation is very difficult.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Statistic. Solved problems and exercises. Part 1.
    (Suleyman Demirel University, 2006) Aliyev H.N.
    Inferential statistics consists of methods that use sampie results to help make decisions or predictions about a population. The point and interval estimatıon procedures are forms of statistical inference. Another type of statistical inference is hypothesis testing. In hypothesis testing we begin by stating a hypothesis about a population characteristic. This hypothesis, called the null hypothesis, is assumed to be true unless suffıcient evidence can be found in a sampie to reject it. The situation is quite similar to that in a criminal trial. The defendant is assumed to be innocent; if suffıcient evidence to the contrary is presented, however, the jury will reject this hypothesis and conclude that the defendant is guilty.In statistical hypothesis testing, often the null hypothesis is an assumption about the value of a population parameter. A sampie is selected from the population, and a point estimate is computed. By comparing the value of the point estimate to the hypothesized value of the parameter we draw a conclusion with respect to whether or not there is a suffıcient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. A decision is made and often a specific action is taken depending upon wlıether or not the null hypothesis about the population parameter is accepted or rejected.
  • ItemOpen Access
    STATISTICS. Solved problems and exercises Part 2
    (Suleyman Demirel University, 2009) Aliyev H.N.
    Inferential statistics consists of methods that use sampie results to help make decisions or predictions about a population. The point and interval estimatıon procedures are forms of statistical inference. Another type of statistical inference is hypothesis testing. In hypothesis testing we begin by stating a hypothesis about a population characteristic. This hypothesis, called the null hypothesis, is assumed to be true unless suffıcient evidence can be found in a sampie to reject it. The situation is quite similar to that in a criminal trial. The defendant is assumed to be innocent; if suffıcient evidence to the contrary is presented, however, the jury will reject this hypothesis and conclude that the defendant is guilty. In statistical hypothesis testing, often the null hypothesis is an assumption about the value of a population parameter. A sampie is selected from the population, and a point estimate is computed. By comparing the value of the point estimate to the hypothesized value of the parameter we draw a conclusion with respect to whether or not there is a suffıcient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. A decision is made and often a specific action is taken depending upon wlıether or not the null hypothesis about the population parameter is accepted or rejected.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Calculus and analytic geometry
    (Suleyman Demirel University, 2005) Aliyev H.N.
    Mathematics is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. If you follow all the sections of this book, you will gain firm confidence in your mathematical abilities. This book was written to help students understand how to solve mathematical problems. Each section contains examples and solved problems. Immediately after the section, the corresponding number of exercises with correct answers is given. The exercises will help students deepen their understanding of the sections. We wish you good luck and have fun with math!