Statistic. Solved problems and exercises. Part 1.

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Suleyman Demirel University


Inferential statistics consists of methods that use sampie results to help make decisions or predictions about a population. The point and interval estimatıon procedures are forms of statistical inference. Another type of statistical inference is hypothesis testing. In hypothesis testing we begin by stating a hypothesis about a population characteristic. This hypothesis, called the null hypothesis, is assumed to be true unless suffıcient evidence can be found in a sampie to reject it. The situation is quite similar to that in a criminal trial. The defendant is assumed to be innocent; if suffıcient evidence to the contrary is presented, however, the jury will reject this hypothesis and conclude that the defendant is guilty.In statistical hypothesis testing, often the null hypothesis is an assumption about the value of a population parameter. A sampie is selected from the population, and a point estimate is computed. By comparing the value of the point estimate to the hypothesized value of the parameter we draw a conclusion with respect to whether or not there is a suffıcient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. A decision is made and often a specific action is taken depending upon wlıether or not the null hypothesis about the population parameter is accepted or rejected.



Statistic, organization and description of data, probability, discrete randoın variables and probability distributions, sampling destribution, interval estimation


Statistic. Solved problems and exercises. Part 1. - Алматы, 2006, Aliyev H.N.