

Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Development of system automating of sorting letters at the post office
    (2017) Orynbekova K.
    Development of postal service starts from 6 thousand years BC. Actually, first messages were send and service starts later, but these tam-tam drums laid the foundation of post service. During evolution of humanity people met problems, and then they tried to find solutions, such a smoke camp fire or pigeon. Time decreasing consumption system proposes the most optimal rack to Store the package, optimal by size and distance between rack and delivery stake. Algorithm is intended to decrease time for searching the empty racks and the racks, which have been already, stored the packages. It will make delivery and sorting process at receiving much faster and also will optimize consuming free space in racks, Automating sorting algorithm is a system, which proposes the most optimal rack to store the package, optimal by size and distance between rack and delivery stake. Algorithm is intended to decrease time for searching the empty racks and the racks, which have been already, stored the packages. It will make delivery and sorting process at receiving much faster and also will optimize consuming free space in racks. During delivery, post official will exactly know, in which rack does the package stored and during sorting, it wouldn't be necessary to look for optimized rack to place package; in case if post official will not look for optimized rack, optimized consumption of space will not be actual. In developing of algorithm Mathematics and Statistics Science were used. And there are intentions for developing algorithm, working with Internet of Things methodology in future.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Detection of diseases using machine learning algorithms
    (2017) Meraliyev M.
    The recent advancements in computer technologies and storage capabilities have produced an incredible amount of data and information from many sources such as social networks, online databases, and health information systems. Nowadays, many countries around the world are changing the way of implementing health care to the patients and the people by utilising the benefits of advancements in computer technologies and communications through electronic health. This huge amount of data can be tuned into knowledge and more useful form of data by using computing and machine learning tools. It is believed that engineering this amount of data can aid in developing expert systems for decision support that can assist physicians in diagnosing and predicting some debilitating life threatening diseases such as breast cancer. Expert systems for decision support can reduce cost, the waiting time and free human experts (physicians) for more research, as well as reduce the errors and mistakes that can be made by humans due to fatigue and tiredness. However, the process of utilising health data effectively, involves many challenges such as the problem of missing features values, the curse of dimensionality due to a large number of features (attributes), and the course of actions to determine the features, that can lead to more accurate results (more accurate diagnosis). Effective machine learning tools can assist in early detection of diseases such as breast cancer, and the current work in this thesis focuses on investigating novel approaches to diagnose breast cancer based on machine learning tools, and involves development of new techniques to construct and process missing features values, investigate different feature selection methods, and how to employ them into diagnosis process.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Automation of education process
    (2017) Mambetbayeva Zh.
    The educational system solves important problems of cultural and socioeconomic development of society, therefore, any educational institution prepares a person for active life in the social, political and economic spheres of society. One of the main conditions for the successful functioning of the institution is the competent and optimal organization of the work process of the university. Modern information technologies provide ample opportunities in the organization and management of the learning process. Nowadays, the automation of the educational process is an integral part of the activity of any educational institution that wants to have the right to be called progressive. Nowadays, the automation of the educational process is an integral part of the activity of any educational institution that wants to have the right to be called progressive. In our university for total grades, which include midterm and final subject we have portal, electronic type of student’s record-book. Lack of this portal is that we don’t have opportunity to see our intermediate points before midterms or finals. Such results we can know individually from teacher. Some of the teacher lead some paper-based journal for grades, other teacher prefer to store quiz, exam results in excel book on his computer etc. One of the solution to automate educational process is to have one centralized system, which will be used not only for grade, this will be portal, where student can find all information he needs: schedule, home works with deadlines, which will be posted by teacher, his transcript, some news and announcements from his supervisor.
  • ItemOpen Access
    3D modeling of the offshore wind turbines integrated structure for Kazakhstan Region
    (2017) Khassanov D.
    In this thesis project examined meteorological characteristics of the field “Kashagan” located in the north Caspian Sea, the types of offshore oil and gas constructers, offshore wind turbine structure integrated for the middle depths of the Caspian shelf, and the load acting on them during operation on a shelf. Dimensional solid 3D model and 3D animation presentation of offshore wind turbine is built in the program Autodesk Maya 2012. Created the design scheme of supporting jacket for offshore wind turbine.Jacket designed for the field in the middle depths of the Caspian Sea. Carried out joint account of supporting columns and turbine structure on the static load - own weight of construction and the wind turbine weight of the structure, and the wind load by finite-elements. Also the calculations studied the stress-strain state of the structure. The finite element method are mastered and calculated by using a software package Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014. The calculation results can be used in the design of offshore wind turbine structures for oil and gas platforms.Also, the thesis presents the basic calculation of the estimated cost of construction and installation works supporting truss design and offshore wind turbine, its payback period. Sections health and the environment are considered potential risks to personnel and possible threats to the environment, and provide measures for their prevention and reduction.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Development system capacity enhancement and the intersection of software based on the analysis of traffic flow
    (2017) Dairabayev G.
    World car park never stops growing. This process entails transport problems. Mostly, this problem occurs in cities with already established buildings. There has been a rapid increase in transport delays, and a delay leads to congestion, as a consequence. This process "slows down" the movement of vehicles, as a result there is a decrease in the speed of transports, a considerable over-consumption of fuel, wear of vehicle parts, and an important factor is the deterioration of the ecological situation in the street-road network. Air pollution of our mega-cities is one of the major ills of the big cities in Kazakhstan. Due to the fact that they are too narrow, and even with a lot of crossroads and traffic lights, cars often have to stop, spend hours in traffic. At each intersection and in the places of congestion, the amount of automobile emissions goes off scale, this occurs under idling and speed dialing modes at this time the maximum volumes of exhaust gases and harmful substances are released into the atmosphere. From these infromation it is clear that cars especially pollute the air environment by frequent stops and by driving at low speed, mostly at intersections. Almost all the developed models related to the topic of congestion have a number of limitations, it is difficult to apply for the management of traffic flows in cities. All this led to the need in research, and also confirms the relevance of the chosen topic.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Development of information system of automatic control of operation of the traffic light on the basis of the analysis of a transport stream
    (2017) Akhmatshayev Sh.
    Cars on the roads become larger every year, cities literally choke on the influx of cars. At the same time, there are many claims to the roads themselves: poor quality, inconvenient road interchanges, lack of overground / underpasses and bypass roads for freight trucks. The problem of traffic congestion on the roads requires a solution - the sooner, the better as for an individual whose time is wasted, and for the economy of the country as a whole. And this problem is not only for Kazakhstan - it is estimated that about 11 billion of fuel is spent in the US for a year, about 4.2 billion hours are lost, and losses are measured in tens of billions of dollars! To date, one of the main problems of large cities of Kazakhstan, in particular Almaty, are automobile congestion (traffic jams). Automobile jams cause huge damage to the environment. Exhaust gases contain about 200 chemical compounds. During the idle time of a large number of cars in a jam, there is a large release into the atmosphere, which causes invaluable damage to the environment and the health of citizens living in the contaminated city. Also, congestion is the cause of nervous disruption of citizens. Most motorists are idle in traffic jams for more than two, or even three hours a day. The constant tension behind the wheel, the inhalation of exhaust gases, the loss of time in congestion - all this adversely affects the physical and moral condition of people using cars. On the other hand, traffic management is a very non-trivial task, because although the object is the traffic flow consisting of technical means, in fact one has to manage living people, each of which pursues its goals. In some cases, management is limited to recommendations that an object may not follow. For example, speed is often limited only from above, and in Almaty many drivers perceive the red light only as a recommendation to stop! In addition, it is often difficult to choose quality management criteria. And transport work, and the delay at intersections, and the speed of communication, and the number of traffic accidents, and the amount of harmful emissions, it can be said, are equally important.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Comparison of Big Data analytic tools
    (2019) Nurkey U.
    A huge repository of petabytes of data is generated each day from modern information systems and digital technologies such as scientific data analysis, social media data mining, recommendation systems, analysis on web service logs and Internet of Things along with cloud computing. The data has a huge power to directly guide us to knowledge detection. Examination of these enormous information requires a great deal of undertakings at different dimensions to extricate knowledge for making decisions by Big Data analyzing tools, and picking the correct tool requires an inside and out learning about the abilities of each. Along with these, big data examination and exploring various tools for it is a current area of research and development. This thesis is an effort to present the basic understanding of BIG DATA is and its usefulness to an organization from the performance perspective alongside with integrating it to the curriculum of higher education. The basic objective is to explore platforms for analyzing big data and compare them in different perspectives. Additionally, it will open a new horizon for researchers to develop the solution, based on potential impact of big data challenges. This creates the need to incorporate the investigation of Big Data an- alyzing systems as a major aspect of the computing curriculum. First experiment consists from examples of analytic problems that can be solved as introduction into big data projects on Apache’s tools by demonstrating how each type of system can be integrated into education via sample datasets and data analysis tasks, also analyzing their results from educational perspectives. Second experiment is conducted to compare Hadoop, Spark and Pig , as a major and modern tools in big data analytic - on iteration of supporting task, computing time for each task on each tool and Input/Output data access with real life data. Mentioned tools were chosen due to their popularity for analyzing big data. Results of this research show that various tasks require different tools and there is no all-in-one solution. Any big data problems stand in need developers to use proper tool to make job done in a way better and quicker.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Development of the model and methods of quantum cncryption on MatLab
    (2019) Turanov D.
    Quantum cryptography is one of the areas that has been studied very deeply lately. Vhe whole new world is very closely connected with network resources. Due to the imminent era of quantum computers or very powerful computing, the entire existing cryptosystem was under threat. And many see a way out of this situation in the use of quantum systems. At the moment, it is very difficult to implement all aspects of quantum systems, due to the limitations of existing technologies. Despite this, some aspects can all be put into practice. but most aspects are only mathematically realized. In this master’s thesis. an attempt is made to implement these aspects on the MatLab platform.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Development and analysis of the optical communication system with quantum cryptography
    (2019) Selbavev A.
    Cryptography has always been a key distribution problem. which is currently successfully solved using asymmetric encryption algorithms with a private key that does not leave its owner. One of the most common of these today is the RSA algorithm. However, encryption ensured by the lack of computing power in the world at present for the Opportunity of the entire cryptanalysis. In connection with the development of science? Therefore. the emergence of such computing power is to look for new methods and technologies for key distribution. One of such technologies. especially for users whose information requires increased protection. in the future may be the technology of quantum key distribution of quantum policies. This work contains the emerging problems of asymmetric algorithms in view of the fundamentals of quantum cryptography. the BBS+ protocol. and the possibility of applying technologies for the quantum distribution of kevs in passive optical networks and implemented on Matlab.
  • ItemOpen Access
    AR and VR technologies in Education
    (2019) Arystanbekov S.
    This thesis work focuses on research on the impact of technologies, like virtual and augmented reality in the educational and professional training system. The major aims are to study and review of the quality of perception, understanding of educational information and define the role of technologies in the education process as well. We also consider the theoretical foundations of visual thinking, early researches, reaction, and problems. The history, current situation, prospects for the growth and development of virtual and augmented reality technologies in the nearest future are considered as well. For the practical part of the research were developed several mobile applications with educational materials from the general education school program and experiment was held. Experiment results were studied and examined to define if new technologies like Virtual and Augmented Reality effect on the quality of education.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Comparison of Tools for Analyzing Big Data Based on Analysis of Judicial Practice in Kazakhstan
    (2019) Bektemirov R.
    This work introduces a problem of analyzing court practice in Kazakhstan. Focus of this work is to find best solution to introduced problem of analysis. The objective is to review existing solutions in big data analytics, examine them and compare their performance on the tasks of analyzing court practice. To complete this objective many of modern solutions were reviewed and separated by groups, such as frameworks, programming languages and software tools. For comparison Tableau, Orange and RapidMiner software tools were chosen. Furthermore, a program developed to generate sample data for analysis. Results of conducted comparison shows that Tableau is the best software to solve problem of analyzing court practice in Kazakhstan. Measured results fully reflect real solution of analyzing court practice in Kazakhstan and can help Supreme Court to improve their analytical systems.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Application of loT Technologies for Managing the Educational Process in University
    (2019) Mamatnabiyev Zh.
    Recently, applications of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have been established in many organizations offering low-costed, low-powered, automatic systems. In addition, loT systems are secure, less time-consuming, and controlled remotely. Implementing loT technologies in managing the educational process makes huge changes by creating digital classrooms and automation systems. However, taking students’ absence report is still critical element or issues in the education sector that is more paperwork, which is time-consuming, requires much workforce aud efforts, and imposes inefficiency. Various automatic identification technologies have been developed using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Many research works and projects are produced to take maximum benefits of using this technology. RFID is an automatic technology and identifies tagged objects from an environment through radio waves. RFID reads data from RFID tag and sends it to server or cloud using IoT hardware platforms like microcontrollers and microprocessors. The current work proposes an automatic attendance monitoring system (AMS) using IoT technologies including RFID and hardware platforms. The objectives of the proposed system are to check attendance of students automatically with human interface, inform students about gaps in attendance, and monitoring instructors whether they come to lessons on time. Based on the results, the proposed AMS time-effective, economically available, and has not any power consumption. The system is analyzed and criticized respect to other authors' works. Future works are also discussed and identified.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Creating three dimensional internal organs for scanning using simulator
    (2019) Tursynbekova A.
    This thesis is a simulation of scanning the human heart in real time. which will be useful in medical and educational practice in the diagnosis of various diseases of the cardiovascular system. Currently there is an extreme importance of the problem of cardiovascular diseases. According to statistics. they confidently occupy the first place among the causes of death and disability of the population. Diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases is a serious problem. In medicine. modeling of individual organs and the body as a whole is an important task. the successful solution of which will allow you to quickly, accurately and timely identify pathologies, as well as determine the optimal therapeutic effect and predict its consequences. In this thesis, the structure of the human heart was studied and a model of the human heart was created on the basis of Blender software as a basis for simulating the scanning process. From the existing various methods of segmentation of a three-dimensional object, the mesh slicing method was taken as the basis. For the implementation of this project. the Unitv3D game development platform was chosen. The end of this work is an original simulator application for scanning a person’s heart.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Development of Computer Research Methods for Diagnosis Based on Blood Vessels of a Human Face
    (2020) Bertailak Sh.
    In recent years, computer image analysis has developed rapidly. In the field of medicine, it has been brought to a new level, providing great help to the diagnostic system. Today, there are many information systems in the field of ophthalmology and cardiology. Advanced technologies not only speed up the work of doctors, but also help to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and prescribe treatment. In this research paper, an analysis of the machine learning algorithm was performed using a database of tomographic images of blood vessels in the ocular system. The methods used to calculate several reasons for choosing a specific model were studied, as well as methods for calculating its properties and methods for calculating some advantages and significance. The main goal of this study is that doctors can not only check the current condition of the patient's eye, but also diagnose certain diseases such as diabetes and anemia.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Development of Artificial Intelligence by using Unity Machine Learning Agents
    (2020) Urmanov M.
    This study aims to provide a research of Unity plugin that helps to develop Machine Learning Agents within Unity engine environment. This work introduces training a single Machine Learning Agent using both Reinforcement Learning and Imitation Learning methods, comparing the results and effectiveness..
  • ItemOpen Access
    Improving indicators of digital marketing using Artificial Intelligence
    (2020) Kaiyp K.
    In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a growing trend in various fields: medicine, education and the automotive industry. AI also reached a business, namely the marketing department of various businesses. The goal of the article is to research how deeply Al is used in digital marketing. The authors asked two research questions - which areas of AI are used in digital marketing and what are the positive effects of AI on a digital marketing. To answer these questions, the authors conducted a study of secondary data with examples of AI used for marketing purposes. An analysis of the collected examples shows that AI is widely implemented in the field of marketing, although applications are at the operational level. This may be the result of the careful implementation of the new technology, still at the level of experimentation with it. The uncertainty of the results of the implementation of AI can also affect caution when applying these innovations in practice. The collected examples proved that AI affects all aspects of the marketing structure, affecting both consumer value and the organization of marketing and business management. This document is important for the business, especially the idea of introducing artificial intelligence into marketing, developing innovation, and ideas on how to incorporate new skills into the marketing team needed for new technology.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Planning and data analysis system using machine learning algorithms
    (2020) Nurmambetov D.
    The information system, which includes data analysis, data clustering, as well as sales amount prediction using machine learning algorithms will be described in this study. The system is intended for work in a manufacturing company that sells certain products to retail outlets. According to the Forbes article, “Ten Ways Big Data Is Revolutionizing Supply Chain Management” [1], companies tend to integrate big data and advanced analytics into optimization tools. Thus, the idea of the system was proposed to increase efficiency of business processes. The system includes a method which can be used for outlets clustering using unsupervised and supervised machine learning algorithms comprising 2 steps — data partition using unsupervised Gaussian Mixture (GM) Model clustering algorithm based on outlets sales amount and further partition for one of them using Logistic Regression (LR) and Neural Networks (NN) classification algorithms, which predict whether outlets will achieve monthly sales plan. The proposed algorithm was tested on real sales data and formed 3 clusters according to business needs. Sales plan on gave up to 74% accuracy. Also, system should include achievement prediction plans settling algorithm based on sales forecasting per each outlet. This part was implemented using regression ensembling algorithm XGBoost, time series model SARIMA and recurrent neural network LSTM model. Sales forecasting was based on weekly sales data for 5 years in the outlet and predicts future sales amount values. Models were compared in terms of Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and running time. From the results, it was decided to choose LSTM model which gave 17% MAPE and good running time to embed to the system with possible improvements.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Introduce predictive analytics using the Next Best Action (NBA) models into the banking system
    (2020) Dauylov S.
    NBA - is an approach in which each client is initially considered purely ‘individual. It has a close correlation with Predictive analysis. Predictive or prognostic analytics is a set of techniques and methods for analyzing data to build a forecast of future events. The banking system is currently using the method to obtained certain business results from its customers and has increased loyalty, increased income, found new growth points, etc. The classical model of marketing was rather different, it repelled from its existing product line and its parameters. But new models repels from customer’s inclination to purchase a particular product. The aim of this project is to investigate the field of deposit accounts of the banking system by using NBA approach and to show the benefits and possible outcomes. This approach was tested on various aspects of the banking system and showed a number of solutions which can predict the probability of a customer to create a term deposit account.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Analyze and Development System with Multiple Biometric Identification
    (2020) Dadakhanov Sh.
    In the case of quick progress in technological improvement, growing shopper cheating, fraud, the threat to private knowledge is additionally increasing daily. Ways developed earlier to confirm personal info from the crimes weren't effective and safe. Statistics were introduced once it had been needed technology for more practical security of personal info. Recent ancient procedures like Personal identification number, keys, passwords, login ID may be forgotten, stolen, or lost. During a biometric identification system, the user might not get any keys or transfer any keys. In biometric authentication system, user may not remember any passwords or carry any keys. As people they recognize each other by the physical appearance and behavioral characteristics that biometric systems use physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, voice recognition, in order to distinguish between the actual user and scammer. In order to increase safety in 2005, biometric identification methods were developed government and business sectors, but today it has reached almost all private sectors as Banking, Finance, home security and protection, healthcare, business security and security etc. Since biometric samples and templates of a biometric system having one biometric character to detect and the user can be replaced and duplicated, the new idea of merging multiple biometric identification technologies has so-called multimodal biometric recognition systems have been introduced that use two or more biometric data characteristics of the individual that can be identified as a real user or not.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Development of IoT solution for collecting disposable plastic bottles in private Kazakhstani university
    (2020) Berlikozha B.
    Today, conversion of plastic bottles is one of the most profitable segments of the conversion market. I, you and many of us know that plastic is a global environmental problem in modern civilization, especially in private University like SDU. No way is the production of plastic bottles not so expensive, plastic is a cheap raw material, so far no one is going to stop this production. The aim of my project is to create a prototype plastic bottle collecting system on the Arduino platform. It works on 2 levels. When objects detected with specific sensors, three sensors implemented, if all sensor’s outputs are equal to zero, that shows the bottles are passed correctly. Arduino’s sensor counts only the the passes bottles, according to how much were putted, the machine will give one refreshing candy with a fruit flavor for each bottle. At the end of the working day it will be something like this: a report for 1 working day will be displayed on the screen of the device. A report in the form of how many bottles this highly intelligent device has collected, it will also publish on social networks (instagram). The goal of the thesis is not just the collecting bottles; I have worked on improving it as smart and clever system. Because, such kind of terminals can be located on crowded places, also in some European countries like Germany, Spain and Asian Japan, people can use this system for ticket payment in public transports or can buy food for homeless animals. It shows that they have qualified organizing service system. The important part of my job is starting from private university’s place to collect some dates to analyze them.