Gamification as an Educational Technology Tool in Motivating and Engaging Students in Process of E-learning

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COVID-19 proved that our training programs were not ready to switch to a full-Hedged online format. At the same time, as is known, students had a reduced sense of motivation and involvement in the process of distance learning. World scientists propose the integration of gamification mechanics as one of the solutions to this urgent problem. However, not all of the proposed solutions are successfully implemented. User-oriented mechanics is considered the most. appropriate way to develop gamification techniques, although it requires a lot of information about the user. The researchers’ recommendations for describing a person’s pro- file are criticized due to extreme instability. Moreover, since gamification as a whole is still an insufficiently studied industry, there is practically no amount of local information. Therefore, in our research work, we considered the issue of developing gamification methods that could be effective for students in Kazakhstan. It was decided to propose developing gamification methods based on game preferences, and to do this, a list of the most popular games played by local players was determined. The information was obtained by studying scientific projects, analyzing the website “” and conducting a questionnaire. The students of the courses held on the Moodle e-learning platform were divided into groups according to their gaming preferences and analyzed using the software “Power BI”. The study identified “CS:GO", “Dota2", “PUBG’ and “FIFA” as the most popular online video games among Kazakh youngsters, and gamification methods based on these results were discussed. Despite the obvious limitations of this work due to the lack of a practical experiment, the necessary information was deleted and recommendations for future researchers were prepared.



training programs, motivation, online video games, Kazakh youngsters, gamification, researchers

