Browsing «Қазақстан ғылымының дамуы мен келешегі жастар көзімен» атты студенттердің VI ЖОО аралық дəстүрлі ғылыми конференциясының ЕҢБЕКТЕРІ by Author "Kaparova M.Zh."
(Қазақстан ғылымының дамуы мен келешегі жастар көзімен - 2018, 2018) Kaparova M.Zh.; Tleubaeva S.A.
The article considers the teachers stress resistance problem in educational institutions. The authors attempted to define stress management as an integrated approach to determining the causes of stress and methods for effectively overcoming the consequences of their impact. Based on the carried out analysis and own practical experience, the authors developed and implemented the psychological and pedagogical complex "Foundations of stress management", which includes several stages. The proposed complex is aimed at studying and mastering the methods of physical state controling, relieving tension and restoring self-regulation mechanisms that will help teachers get rid of current problems and prevent their consequences.