Exploring problems and opportunities for entrepreneurship development in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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This study analyzes the current state of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan, identifies its main problems and presents ways of further development of Kazakhstani business. Private entrepreneurship is one of the main conditions for a stable and secure economic situation of the state. Researchers point to the freedom of entrepreneurship as one of the factors of sustainable development. The wealth and high technological development of Western countries are provided largely at the expense of private business. The contribution of small and medium-sized businesses to the gross national product in developed countries is up to 90%. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the share of small and medium-sized businesses in the economy is much smaller. However, the number of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as their contribution to the national wealth, has been steadily growing in recent decades. We conducted a sociological survey of the problems of private entrepreneurs – representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. A number of problems were identified, which, according to the respondents, hinder the development of entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan. This is a lack of financial resources for entrepreneurs, difficulties in obtaining loans and loans; lack of qualified personnel; insufficiently developed infrastructure and other reasons. To solve the problems, a number of measures are required to support entrepreneurs from the state. This is a complex of legislative, economic, scientific, technological, and social measures. The study contains 40 pages, 2 tables, 12 figures, a list of sources consisting of 19 titles, an appendix.



entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan, small and medium–sized businesses, "green" technologies, masters dissertation


Ospanov A./Exploring problems and opportunities for entrepreneurship development in the Republic of Kazakhstan/Management, Kaskelen-2023
