Оrganizational culture: developing policies to foster changes

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“The power of cultural change is strong - strong enough to turn an aging dinosaur into a state-of-the-art profit-maker”, - Bijur(2001) [1]. In today’s business world companies can achieve success only if their initiatives are aligned with the goals and values of employees. As the demands of the workforce for workplace conditions are rapidly changing around the world, companies need to find ways to increase job satisfaction. To stay as a better workplace for potential employees, the key factor that differentiates a company from other companies is a positive organizational culture. Firms is not only an organization that is intended to make a profit, but as most people in the world work in private owned companies and as firms have a significant impact on the wider society and economy, influencing factors such as employment, economic growth, and resource allocation, firms have the as ethical and socially responsibility to be considered as social institutions to fulfill specific societal needs. In this research we try to identify organizational culture tools and develop policies to foster long-term and consistent change in the workplace. To achieve this goal we try to consider organizational culture along the axis of soft skills and hard skill in the direction of hard skill as far as possible and cover policies which contain models and tools that foster improvements in the company and learn from best practices of organization culture management from companies all over the world.



organizational culture, individual, interdisciplinary approach, masters dissertation


Atakhanov B./ Оrganizational culture: developing policies to foster changes/ Management/ Kaskelen-2024
