Revenue management and scheduling

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Purpose: The primary objective of this study is to investigate the correlation between specific factors like and asset returns within the banking industry of Kazakhstan. The Capital adequacy ratio is a metric that assesses the proportion of a financial institution's capital to its assets, with the aim of evaluating its capacity to meet its obligations. Because our country's banking sector is one of economy’s strongest features, it is widely known that banks use the capital adequacy ratio to maintain the abundant capital holdings on hand when taking risky exposures into ongoing operations. Study covers the period 2013-2020 containing information about 38 banks of Kazakhstan, author hopes that the studies will give clear evidence of the correlation between capital adequacy, operational expense ratio, interest rates spread and cashasset ratio to return on assets of commercial bank in Kazakhstan. It will rely on secondary data derived from National Bank of Kazakhstan reports. Relevance: The capacity of a corporation to enhance its is indicative of its efficacy and productivity in administering its balance sheet to generate earnings. Conversely, a reduced ROA implies that there exists potential for the enterprise to effectuate enhancements. The study's findings will enable the management team to optimize revenue and improve its allocation. Key methodological aspects: The study was conducted using a descriptive and quantitative approach. The data were analyzed by using econometric techniques in this study: the fixed effects model and the random models. Summary of Key Findings: The findings suggest that capital adequacy and operating costs exhibit a positive correlation with asset returns and possess a statistically significant association. Conversely, interest rates and cash-asset ratio demonstrate a negative correlation with return on assets. Key conclusion: Managers can assess internal performance and detect and correct potential flaws in the company's investments. Having a better understanding of relations between the characteristics makes it easier to achieve success with financial procedures and make the business more profitable and sustainable.



return on assets, capital adequacy ratio, operating expenses ratio, masters dissertation


Abilkassymov, N. Revenue management and scheduling/Economics, Kaskelen-2023
