Emrah Ata2023-03-092023-03-092015ANALYSIS OF THE MARKET OF ROASTED AND GROUND COFFEE FOR COFFEE MACHINES IN KAZAKHSTAN, Emrah Ata, Mschttps://repository.sdu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/152This paper analyzes the market of roasted and ground coffee for coffee machines in Kazakhstan and the process of distribution of coffee in Kazakhstan market. In recent years, market research shows a steady growth in consumption in the coffee market in Kazakhstan. Growth in retail sales of coffee due to the increase in consumer demand for convenience and comfort, which are main requirement of the population. The study paper is developed for Company Culinary Exchange (CX) that wants to enter Kazakhstan coffee market. Before preparation of marketing plan there was done market analysis of coffee in Kazakhstan. The cultury of country where the product will be sold plays an important role, since the strategies on product selling and adoption must address cultural differences and localized strategies. The selling and distributing the products in developing countries face specific difficulties over and above those found in industrialized countries because of difference in cultural and social context. For the coffee to meet the need of costumers, it requieres not only effective marketing tools and operating process, but it mainly requieres to be evaluated in terms of its actuality and usefulness, relating to the potencial consumers mentality and needness. Careful selection of the most suitable marketing tools is very important, since the introduction of such tools has a very beneficial effect on the overall level of efficiency. This paper's results include the Marketing Plan with recommendations and the reasons, why it was recommended; financial statements, budgets; advantages and disadvantages of mode selection; role of retailers, marketing tools and other important elements.ANALYSIS OF THE MARKET OF ROASTED AND GROUND COFFEE FOR COFFEE MACHINES IN KAZAKHSTAN