Musabekova K.S.2024-05-162024-05-162018Musabekova K.S / STATE-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP IN KAZAKHSTAN: THEORY AND PRACTICE / Қазақстан ғылымының дамуы мен келешегі жастар көзімен - 2018978-601-7537-74-6 purpose of the study is to analyze the theory and practice of publicprivate partnership in Kazakhstan. Methodology - during the research a wide range of methods was used, including: systematic, theoretical generalization, groupings, statistical data processing method, comparative analysis, method of scientific abstraction. Originality, value - determined by the study of the theory and practice of PPP in Kazakhstan. Conclusions - based on the results of the study, a literature review of the interpretation of the essence of public-private partnership was given. Analysis of PPP practices in Kazakhstan made it possible to conclude that the expansion of public-private partnerships is a great potential for the development of entrepreneurship. To attract private capital, it is necessary to use all possible types and forms of PPP: trust management of state property, service contracts, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to maximally dispose and speed up all the approval procedures, especially for small projects.otherbusinessstatepublic-private partnershipcooperationstate propertyprivate propertyinvestmentsNational economyconcessionentrepreneurshipҚазақстан ғылымының дамуы мен келешегі жастар көзімен - 2018№7STATE-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP IN KAZAKHSTAN: THEORY AND PRACTICEArticle