Aitkulov A.Mamatnabiyev Zh.2024-01-232024-01-232022A. Aitkulov , Zh. Mamatnabiyev / DEVELOPMENT OF LONG RANGE ANIMAL TRACKING SYSTEM USING IOT TECHNOLOGIES / 2022 International Young Scholars' Conference The population of our planet is growing at a rapid pace, with an annual growth of 1.1 percent. The population is expected to continue to grow and reach 8.4 billion by 2030. Although this is a fairly positive fact, this phenomenon carries with it enough negative aspects. And one of which is the lack of food, which requires the rapid development of agriculture. Agriculture will have to increase its production massively by 70 percent. The solution to this problem is the technology of the Internet of things. With the help of technology we can avoid morbidity in livestock, excess in power consumption and generally make life easier for the farmers. In this work, a strong focus will be placed on tracking the location of animals, which will be quite cheap and of high quality. This research aims to find the most optimal technologies to track animals on long ranges, while being low-priced and effective enough.enagriculturetechnology of internet of thingslivestockfarmers2022 International Young Scholars' Conference№11DEVELOPMENT OF LONG RANGE ANIMAL TRACKING SYSTEM USING IOT TECHNOLOGIESOther