Anefiyayev N.Anefiyayeva D.Talasbek A.2023-12-252023-12-252021N. Anefiyayev , D. Anefiyayeva , A. Talasbek / DESIGNING A RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM FOR SPECIALIZED COURSES FOR THE UNIVERSITY / СДУ хабаршысы - 20212709-2631 Each university has compulsory subjects and there are subjects that the student must choose for themselves. This choice affects the further path of the student because he chooses not only the subject that he will study but also what he will work within the near future. I know from myself how difficult it is to choose a subject yourself. The recommendation engine is one of the most popular artificial intelligence applications, attracting many researchers from all over the world. From the moment we switched to the Internet, the recommendation system has become widely used in our daily life, even when we do not notice it. Many machine learning techniques can be used to implement a recommendation system, but in this work, we consider the KNN method for classification.enRecommender systemmachine learningsubject selectionuniversityKNNСДУ хабаршысы - 2021№1DESIGNING A RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM FOR SPECIALIZED COURSES FOR THE UNIVERSITYArticle