Adikhanov I.I2023-04-062023-04-062014USING TECHNOLOGY TO ENHANCE READING SKILLS IN THE DIGITAL AGE, Idayatulla Adikhanov Ibrakhimuly, 2014 the late 20th century, an explosion of excellent children’s literature worked its way into the classroom. Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, electronic books are beginning to compete with or potentially replace paperbased forms of text. Throughout history each of these reading materials has somehow led to readers comprehending text. Thus when considering any new materials that should be adopted in reading instruction, such as electronic reading devices, comprehension should be considered a primary factor. If electronic reading devices are to be adopted, they should lead to better comprehension than the previous paperbased text materials used.reading skills in the digital agedigital technologyUSING TECHNOLOGY TO ENHANCE READING SKILLS IN THE DIGITAL AGEArticle