Abilakimova A.2024-02-142024-02-142020A. Abilakimova / DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF HIGH EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEIs) / СДУ хабаршысы - 20202709-2410https://repository.sdu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/1209Abstract. Digital transformation (DT) has become one of the main trends for higher education institutions (HEIs) in the second decade of the 21st century. It is a necessary process for universities that want to achieve higher organizational performance and make a comparative advantage in their area. According to the state program “Digital Kazakhstan” improvements in the quality of education achieved by implementation and development of digital technologies in key sectors of the county's economy. However, the program does not specify an exact framework and roadmap for DT of universities. Management research on application of Lean and digitalization in education is still in its beginning stage, as it remains unclear what organization models and principles provide the best implication of the new digital technologies. The article focuses on defining the relationship of Lean and digital transformation of universities. New practical tools and techniques for digitalization will be developed on the basis of Lean.endigital transformationhigher educationorganization models and principlesСДУ хабаршысы - 2020№2DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF HIGH EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEIs)Article