Anefiyayev N.Anefiyayeva D.2024-01-042024-01-042023Nurdaulet Anefiyayev , Dayana Anefiyayeva / PREDICTION OF THE BUSINESS ORIENTATION BASED ON ANALYSIS OF USER DESIRES / СДУ хабаршысы - 20232709-2631 Business is a well-established system aimed at making money and an activity that not everyone can succeed in. Business should work like clockwork that always works well with the most important - data. Only on the basis of data analysis can we make informed and rational decisions about where the business should develop, its methods became common in business when technologies for collecting and processing data developed. One of the main decisions that can be taken on the basis of data processing is to predict in which area it is better to develop a business. This paper aims to build a correct understanding of what customers are interested in based on feedback from customers. Improved machine learning solves this problem and algorithms like decision trees, neural networks, and regression are used to analyze issues and choose the best option - a foundation for the future strategy of the company.enCustomer opinionfeedbackcustomer behaviour predictionincome predictionmachine learning approachesСДУ хабаршысы - 2023№1PREDICTION OF THE BUSINESS ORIENTATION BASED ON ANALYSIS OF USER DESIRESArticle