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Item THE PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES OF IFRS IMPLEMENTATION IN KAZAKHSTAN(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Ualiyeva A.K., Izekenova A.KWith the development of the economy in order to increase the competitiveness Kazakhstan decided to implement International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Recognized worldwide as an effective tool to provide reliable and high quality information, IFRS became the basis for the Kazakhstani accounting. These international standards will allow Kazakhstan's economy to move to a qualitatively new level of development where the core values are a good investment climate, the transparency of financial reporting, credibility of the financial position and results of operations. This report has been written about what international financial reporting standards are, about Committee and Board of IFRS and current situation of the implementation of IFRS in Kazakhstan. In the report the problems encountered during the implementation of international standards are spelled out and solutions to these issues are proposed.Item ACCUMULATIVE PENSION SYSTEM OF KAZAKHSTAN(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) Zhunussova A.Z. Izekenova A.K.The aim of this work is to study and analyze the development of the accumulative pension system in Kazakhstan based on an analysis of the activity results of pension funds to identify problems of the pension market as a whole and suggest ways to solve these problems, develop plans and recommendations directed on further dynamic development of the system.Item Технико-экономическое обоснование выбора макромодели индустриально-инновационного развития экономики Казахстана на 2015 по 2020 годы(Suleyman Demirel University, 2015) У.А.Аманбаев, Н.С.СейткуловПрогресс развития экономики Казахстана заключается в том, что благодаря проведению государственной политики по привлечению иностранных инвестиции в сырьевые отрасли промышленностии осуществлению структурно-институциональных преобразований в финансовой сфере в стране происходит рост уровня жизни и накопление финансовых ресурсов, позволяющих в долгосрочной перспективе обеспечить переход на постиндустриальное сервисно-инновационное развитие.Item KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND HIGHER EDUCATION(Suleyman Demirel University, 2014) Satayeva A. A.The Case Study utilizes Stankosky’s Knowledge Management (KM) pillars to enterprise learning – leadership, organization, technology and learning as a lens to investigate and understand Knowledge Management practices and perceptions within Higher Education Institutions, looking at challenges of implementation within this sector. Higher Education Institutions within the Kazakhstan are very complex institutions, with diverse backgrounds, history, culture, resources and missions. The University presents itself in today’s knowledge economy with a dichotomy of priorities, one which aims to provide quality teaching and research activity, and the other, to ensure effective and efficient management and administration within an increasingly competitive market. Being a service, nonprofit organization ensures that the values of scholarship remain a very important aspect of its mission; yet, the external environment within which HEIs conduct their business today is rapidly changing, forcing HEIs to reflect on how they do ‘business’ given the external pressures they face.Item FINANCIAL FORECASTING METHODS IN OIL-SECTOR OF KAZAKHSTAN(Suleyman Demirel University, 2013) A. OnlasovThe paper emphasizes the importance of financial forecasting for Kazakhstan’s oil-sector. Methods used in financial forecasting are described in the paper, namely in oil-sector. General definition of financial forecasting is given, and article mentions 3 most relevant forecasting methods: Exponential smooth, Trend analysis, Regression analysis.Item ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ БИЗНЕС-МОДЕЛИ – НОВЫЙ ПУТЬ РОСТА КОМПАНИИ(Suleyman Demirel University, 2016) Азимбекова А.К.С каждым годом увеличивается интерес к бизнес-модели, как новой концепции управления. Автор в этой статье описывает сущность бизнес-модели и эволюцию его развития, опыт создания инновационных бизнес-моделей иностранными компаниями. А также совершенствование бизнес-моделей отечественных компаний и стратегических направлений развития. Бизнес-модель — это описание уникального способа, который компания использует для создания ценности и получения прибыли с помощью составляющих ее внутренних компонентов во взаимодействии с элементами внешней среды. Все современные бизнес-модели можно разделить на 2 типа – традиционные бизнес-модели и инновационные бизнес-модели. Инновационная бизнес-модель – это тип бизнес-модели который в своем составе имеет компонент(ы) с инновационным содержанием или же использует новые виды взаимосвязи между ними (компонентами). Учитывая низкий уровень инновационной активности Казахстанских предприятий необходимо создавать инновационные бизнес-модели предприятий постепенно внедряя инновации в их отдельные компоненты при этом учитывая специфику отраслей.Item THE ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCE IN ORGANIZATIONS IN A MODERN WORLD(Suleyman Demirel University, 2014) Sheyma ZholayIn article disclosure character and space human resources in the contemporaneous system of economy attitude disposition market of labor they influence on the contemporaneous production and significance in the creation a new economy of information. Human resources (HR) plays a vital role in modern organizations. In today's fast-paced and dynamic business environment, HR has become increasingly important in helping companies attract, develop, and retain top talent. Here are some key roles that HR plays in organizations: Recruitment and Talent Acquisition: HR is responsible for identifying and hiring top talent for the organization. This involves creating job descriptions, sourcing candidates, conducting interviews, and making job offers. Employee Development: HR is responsible for creating and implementing training programs that help employees develop new skills and advance in their careers. This not only helps the organization attract and retain top talent but also ensures that employees have the skills they need to perform their jobs effectively. Performance Management: HR is responsible for creating and implementing performance management programs that help employees understand their goals and objectives and how they will be evaluated. This helps employees stay motivated and engaged in their work and helps managers identify areas where employees may need additional support. Compensation and Benefits: HR is responsible for developing and implementing compensation and benefits programs that attract and retain top talent. This involves creating competitive compensation packages and benefits programs that meet the needs of employees. Employee Relations: HR is responsible for managing employee relations and ensuring that employees feel supported and valued. This involves addressing employee concerns and resolving conflicts in a timely and professional manner. In summary, HR plays a crucial role in modern organizations, helping to attract, develop, and retain top talent, and supporting employees in their professional growth and development. By doing so, HR helps organizations achieve their goals and remain competitive in today's dynamic business environment.Item СРАВНИТЕЛЬНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ КОРПОРОТИВНОЙ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ ОТВЕТСВЕННОСТИ В БАНКОВСКОЙ ИНДУСТРИИ РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН(Suleyman Demirel University, 2016) Шәрден Жібек БейбітқызыБанковская деятельность оказывает существенное влияние на развитие страны, так как банки обслуживают большую часть физических лиц и все юридические лица, и их социально ответственное поведение содействует формарованию социального равновесия в обществе. Целью данной работы является изучение и проведение сравнительного анализа Корпоративной Социальной Ответственности (КСО) казахстанских банков. Выборка исследования включила пять банков, являющихся лидерами по активам согласно данным Национального Банка Республики Казахстан. Сравнительный анализ основывался на 12- ти индикаторах, используемых для оценки Корпоративной Социальной Ответственности. Результаты исследования выявили слабые и сильные стороны социальной ответственности банков, в связи, с чем были даны рекомендации по совершенствованию КСО в банковской индустрии.Item CORPORATE AND BUSINESS ENTERPRISE STRATEGY(Қазақстан ғылымының дамуы мен келешегі жастар көзімен - 2018, 2018) Moshkevich V.L.The importance of the strategy of activity and development for increasing the competitiveness of domestic enterprises can not be overemphasized, since the main task of their reform is related to the need to activate and build capacity while simultaneously overcoming the chaos of the internal state and external activity of enterprises and improving the predictability of functioning. To accomplish this task, attention should be paid to the strategic aspects of the management of domestic enterprises, the overwhelming majority of which do not have a documented, discussed in the team and its comprehensive strategy of activity and development. Taking into account the fact that qualitative changes in the world economy occur under the influence of a complex mechanism of interaction between the growing tendencies of globalization and the regionalization of the economy, the importance of adapting corporate strategies to the institutional and cultural features of national economies and national business systems also becomes important. Therefore, the development of strategies that optimally take into account the characteristics of such components of regional markets as the legislative regime, corporate management systems, cultural and ethical traditions becomes an indispensable condition for corporations to achieve a competitive advantage in world markets.Item ANALYSIS OF THE MARKET OF ROASTED AND GROUND COFFEE FOR COFFEE MACHINES IN KAZAKHSTAN(Suleyman Demirel University, 2015) Emrah AtaThis paper analyzes the market of roasted and ground coffee for coffee machines in Kazakhstan and the process of distribution of coffee in Kazakhstan market. In recent years, market research shows a steady growth in consumption in the coffee market in Kazakhstan. Growth in retail sales of coffee due to the increase in consumer demand for convenience and comfort, which are main requirement of the population. The study paper is developed for Company Culinary Exchange (CX) that wants to enter Kazakhstan coffee market. Before preparation of marketing plan there was done market analysis of coffee in Kazakhstan. The cultury of country where the product will be sold plays an important role, since the strategies on product selling and adoption must address cultural differences and localized strategies. The selling and distributing the products in developing countries face specific difficulties over and above those found in industrialized countries because of difference in cultural and social context. For the coffee to meet the need of costumers, it requieres not only effective marketing tools and operating process, but it mainly requieres to be evaluated in terms of its actuality and usefulness, relating to the potencial consumers mentality and needness. Careful selection of the most suitable marketing tools is very important, since the introduction of such tools has a very beneficial effect on the overall level of efficiency. This paper's results include the Marketing Plan with recommendations and the reasons, why it was recommended; financial statements, budgets; advantages and disadvantages of mode selection; role of retailers, marketing tools and other important elements.